Helping Off Worlders

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Hope is eleven turning twelve and she is different to her young brother, she actually had a father. But he was killed for falling for her mother, who is a slave. Her mother was then sold to Pi-Lippa when she nearly due to give birth. Pi-Lippa was different from her previous masters. She taught Shmi valuable technical skills. Though Pi-Lippa had planned to free Shmi, she'd died before she could. But she lived long enough for Hope to be born free.

But as Hope was a newborn, she could not leave Shmi. Who remained a slave. A couple years after Pi-Lippa passed Shmi discovered she was pregnant again. Except this time, there was no father. It was a miacle in her eyes. Her master did not want two infants in his house. So sold her to Gardulla the Hutt. Who cared not for either girls safety, or that of Anakin when he was born.

As Hope and Anakin grew older. Gardulla noticed they were different from other humans. Both Hope and Anakin were force sensitive. Anakin stronger then Hope, though she had more control. Gardulla made Anakin pod race. That's how she lost ownership of the Skywalker family. Well Anakin & Shmi and they were sold to Watto.

Hope is now nearly twelve and is still free. Though she does her best to help her family have a better life. Anakin is now nine. Watto told Shmi if Anakin ever won a pod race, he'd send Hope to Coruscant where she could live a better life. Shmi never told her children this. While Anakin was busy building a pod racer and working at Watto's shop with their mother. Hope did chores around the house, shopped for food and practiced the force.  In private. Wishing she could use it to free her family. Anyway lets get to the story.

(Tatooine) Hope's POV

"So, what do you want for your birthday?" mum asks me. As we finished cleaning. She has today off, while Anakin is at the store. I'll be turning twelve in three days.

"I only want you and Ani to be happy" I tell her.

"We are happy" she assures me. "Ani should be finishing his shift soon, why don't you go collect him?" she suggests. I nod my head and kiss her cheek before leaving our house. I head for Watto's shop saying hello to people along the way. When I arrive I see Ani leaving.

"Ani!" I cheer smiling.

"Hope!" he shouts running over giving me a hug.

"How was your day?" I ask him.

"It was great, I saw an angel" he tells me. I chuckle. "I'm serious, her name is Padme" he states.

"I'm sure she was beautiful Ani" I say smiling. "Come on, lets go home" I tell him. He nods his head and we start the journey home.

"How was yours and mum's day?" he asks me curious.

"Busy, we got the whole house cleaned. I also cleaned C3PO" I tell him. "I went to the market, speaking of. Here" I say handing him a pallie.

"Wow, thanks Hope" he says smiling. He goes to ate it and stops looking at something. He pockets the pallie and walks away. I look to see a gungan picking a fight with Sebulba. What's a gungan doing here? "Chess ko, Sebulba...Coo wolpa tooney rana" Ani tells him. (Translation: Careful, Sebulba...This one's very connected). Sebula stops attacking the gungan and looks at Ani.

"Tooney rana nu pratta dunko, shag?" Sebula demands. (Translation: Connected?? Whada you mean, slave?).

"Oh da Hutt...cha porko ootman geesa" I tell him. (Translation: As in Hutt...big time outlander, this one).

"Me teesa rodda co pana pee choppa chawa" Ani tells him. (Translation: I'd hate to see you diced before we race again ).

"Neek me chowa, wermo, mo killee ma klounkee" Sebulba tells him. (Translation: Next time we race, wermo, it will be the end of you).

"Hagwa threaten myo brother, mee tinka it best u leave ateema" I say waving my hand at him descreetly. (Translation: Don't threaten my brother, I think it best you leave now). He turns around and left without another word.

"I wish I could make him leave like that" Ani tells me pouting.

"Maybe one day you will" I say with a smile. As an elder man, young girl, and R2 unti join us.

"Hi" Ani says smiling at them. The girl in particular. She must be Padme. "Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo. He picked a fight with a Dug. An especially dangerous Dug called Sebulba" he tells the man. He must of been a customer of Watto's.

"Nosir, nosir. Mesa hate crunchen. Dat's da last ting mesa wanten" the gungan states.

"Nevertheless, the boy is were heading for trouble. Thank you, my young friends" the man says. Smiling at us warmly.

"Ani, aren't you going to introduce us?" I ask my little brother.

"Sorry Hope" he says. "This is my older sister Hope, Hope this is Qui-gon and Padme" he tells us. "And that's Jar-jar" he adds pointing to the gungan.

"Pleasure" Padme says holding her hand out.

"The pleasure is all mine" I tell her while I shake it.

"You handled that Dug well" Qui-gon tells me knowingly.

"Sebulba is easy to handle, with a little help" I tell him smiling. As we all walk down the street. I notice Ani give Padme his pallie and smile. He is so smitten. I go over to the food stool. "Can I have three more pallies please?" I ask Jira. The elderly woman in charge of the store.

"Of course Hope dear" Jira says smiling handing me three after I give her the money for them.

"Here, you'll like these" I say handing the gungan ome pallie and one to Qui-gon. Handing the third to Ani. As the man takes it I notice he has a light saber. I notice Ani notices it too.

"Thank you" Qui-gon says.

"Gracious, my bones are aching...storm's coming on, Ani, Hope. You both had better get home quick" Jira tells us.

"Do you have shelter?" Ani asks Qui-gon.

"We'll head back to our ship" he states.

"Is it far?" Ani asks him.

"It's on the outskirts" Padme tells him.

"That's pretty far" I state. Looking at the horizon. No way they'd make it there in time.

"You'll never reach the outskirts in time. Sandstorms are very, very dangerous" Ani tells them. "Come on, we'll take you to our house" he states.

"Yes, please follow us" I add and we lead the way to our home. Mum won't object to helping off worlders. At least not these sort. I grab Ani's hand as I feel the wind pick up. I don't want to lose my younger brother.


Picture above of Anakin and Hope Skywalker. Picture on the external link of Padme, Qui-gon, Jar-Jar and R2.

Hope Skywalker: Star Wars Trilogy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now