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A love story about two best friends falling in love with each other.


"Kimberly Jaxon Clark!" I look up to the sound of someone calling my name. I see it's none other than Gunther. I'm at a meeting, we're discussing who will be the follow-up of the race engineer. For the second driver of the Haas f1 team.

"Kimberly Jaxon Clark" They only call me by my full name when I did something wrong. I let out a deep sigh, what's wrong this time.
"I'm happy to announce you're going to be our next racing engineer!" I look surprised. Is this happening? Am I dreaming? I look to Mick who is sitting next to me. "Pich me!" He looks at me with a questioning look on his face "you sure?' I nod. He pinches me. 'Aww!" I yell a little too hard. "Did you have to be this aggressive?" He starts laughing.

"Kimberly, will you please step forward?" I nod and walk up to Gunther. "How are you feeling about this opportunity?" I look over the crowd. "I'm proud that I can say I achieved my dream. I can't wait to start working closely with all of you, and most of all I'm looking forward to working with our new driver!" Gunther nods approving.

I make my way back to my seat. "This is amazing, congrats!" I smile, I don't know what I would do without my friend. "Thnx Mick!"


After a long day in the garage and discussing some new strategies, I'm finally ready to go home.
I say goodbye to the others and make my way toward the exit. On my way out I bump into one of my other good friends. None other than Daniel Ricciardo. "Sorry didn't see you there!" I shrug my shoulders, "no problem mate!"

Together we make our way to the parking lot. "Guess who's our new racing engineer?" He looks confused. "I have no idea, you know I'm bad at guessing!" I laugh, he's right about that. "Well, you're looking right at her!" I say proudly. He still has a confused look on his face. "I don't get it?" I let out a deep sigh. "I'm the new racing engineer!" His eyes go wide. "Really?" I nod my head. He pulls me in a hug. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you!"

"So?" I look at him. "So what?" "You know who's going to be the teams, new driver, then?" I shake my head, I wish I knew. "I don't know if Gunther can find a replacement for Nikita that fast, the season starts in five days." After chatting a bit more when arrive at my car. We say goodbye and both head off towards our hotels.


Later that night I can't help but think about who the new driver will be. I hope we get along well. Although I don't think it's fair what happened to Nikita, I'm happy to say I won't be his engineer. Let's just say whe didn't get along that well.

I take off my clothes and put on some sweats. I climb into my big comfy bed and not soon after my head touches the cushions I fall asleep.


The next morning I wake up from the sound of my alarm going off. Ugh, today we have this big meeting about the strategies for the upcoming race. I quickly check my phone to see if I have any new messages. Mick texted me.

"Hey, Kimmy! Where expected an hour earlier today."

Shit! I only have ten more minutes before I need to head out. I quickly brush my teeth, put my hair in a messy bun, and throw on some jeans and t-shirts.


I quickly ran to the meeting room. Knowing I'm already late. "Morning!" I quickly take a seat. Everyone looks at me. "Sorry, I'm late! Didn't receive the news at the time." We quickly start the meeting. Once we discussed Mick's strategies were on to my driver. " I don't want to push anyone, but it's a little hard deciding which strategy to use when I don't even know who my driver will be."

Everyone goes silent. They all know I'm pretty straightforward, that's also one of the reasons they hired me. "Good question Kimberly!" Gunther says. I let out a deep breath. "I'm happy to announce I decided who will replace Mazepin." Everyone starts talking.

I can see Gunther isn't done talking yet. "Quit!" I say loud. Everyone goes quiet and looks at Gunther. "Thank you, Kimberly! Although I know you would all like to know who I'm talking about, I'll like to keep it a surprise. He'll arrive today, so when he's here he'll go and meet all of you." I look to my side where as always Mick is seated. "He told you who it is?" He shrugs. I'll take that as a no.

After the meeting, I stay behind to talk to some other engineers. And speculate about who our new driver could be.


Mick's pov:

After the meeting, I walk towards Gunther's office. I knock on his door. "Come in!" He answers, and I walk in. "Mick, what takes you here?" He asks. "Well, I would like to know more about our new driver.." I say carefully. He smiles big. "Alright! A little curiosity won't hurt." I smile back at him while I take a seat. "I'll tell you, under one condition." What's he talking about?

"You can't tell Kimberly yet!" He says with a playful look in his eyes. "Why not?" "Well, not because I don't want her to know. But it's more that the driver wants to surprise her himself." I have no clue what he's talking about.  "Does Kim already know him?" He nods his head. "You do too!" I look confused. "Really?" He again nods his head. "It's.."

Authors note:

Thnx for reading the first part!

I can't wait to hear what you think of it. What do you think happens next? And is there something you would like me to write in the next chapters, just let me know!

This is my first English and my first f1 book. So I hope it isn't that bad!

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