Meet the driver

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I'm walking towards the McLaren garage. Daniel asked me to meet him there.

"Hey, Danny boy!" I wave when I see him walking towards me. "Hey, Kim!" My friends always call me Kim for short, although Mick likes to call me Kimmy. He knows I hate that. I see Daniel is not alone Lando walks with him. "Hey, Lando!" He smiles at me. "Congrats on your promotion!" He hugs me. "Thnx!" "So, I heard Gunther picked his replacement." I laugh. "And here I was thinking you just missed me and wanted to see me!" I joke. Lando starts laughing.

Daniel shrugs his shoulders and continues. "You know who it is?" I shake my head. "Nope, Gunther won't tell anyone. He says the driver will just surprise us." Daniel looks confused. "Why would he want to surprise you?" I have no idea. "Wouldn't you want to now!" I look around to see Mick walking up to us. We greet him. "You sound like you already know?" Lando asks. He nods his head. "I do." I look surprised. "How?" He explains what Gunther told him. "And now ur telling us, right?" He shakes his head. I punch his arm. "Why not?" "Because the driver doesn't want me to."


It's been a few hours and the new driver still hasn't arrived. Mick is training on the sim. And I'm here to keep him company. "You're not going to tell me?" I try again. He continues his training and ignores me. I scroll to Instagram for a bit. I come across a new post of Kevin Magnussen.

Kevin and I go way back. We both started working here at the same time. Almost five years ago. He as driver me as assistant engineer. We became best friends. After he got replaced and had to leave the team when lost contact.

I missed our friendship but because of our busy jobs, there isn't much hang out so I was okay with it.
I looked at his new post and saw had posted a picture of a plane. "You knew Kevin was traveling?" I asked Mick while showing him the picture. Mick knew of my close friendship with Kevin. He also was the only one who knew of my little crush.
"Maybe he's just having a little vacation?" I shake my head. "He never travels by plane unless he has a race weekend."

Mick got a call. "Yes?" I looked at him wondering who he was talking to. "You here?" He nodded while listening to the person on the other side of the phone. "Great, we'll make our way." He ended the call. And got up. "Let's go!" He took my hand and dragged me out of the building. "Where are we going?" He didn't respond.

We arrived at one of the meeting rooms and got in. "Take a seat." He said. I didn't know what to expect so I took a seat. He looked at his phone a couple of times. "You look nervous," I said. He looked at me, "don't worry he'll be here soon!" Wait for who?

Before I could ask the door opened. A tall handsome man with blond hair walked inside. I looked shocked once I saw his face. Wait! This can't be real.
The man I was looking at was Kevin, Kevin Magnussen. My best friend.

"Kevin!" I jumped in his arms. He gave me a tight hug. "Hey, little one!" "What are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to meet my racing engineer." Wait, did I just hear him say. His racing engineer. "You're the new driver?" He nodded his head. I let out a scream of excitement. "Omg! How?"

He created Mick and we took a seat. "Gunther called me a couple of days ago. Telling me he needed a replacement for Nikita. I was the first he thought of. I doubted at first." I listened intensely. "What made u do it?" He smiled. "I told him I would only do it if I could choose my racing engineer." I looked shocked. "You wanted me to be your engineer?" He nods.

I stood up and gave him a big hug. He pulled me into his lap. "So I guess you don't mind your going to work with me again?" I laughed. "Of course not! As your engineer, I can boss you around!" The boys started laughing.
"Right, I remember you always wanted to." We talked a bit more catching up.


Kevin and I were walking around the team building. He was excited to tell the other drivers he was back and asked me to come with him. We first went to Mclaren, Daniel and Kevin got along well. So he wanted to surprise him first. I told him to wait outside so I could get Daniel and Lando.

"Danny boy!" I jumped him. Lando busted out laughing. "To what do I own the surprise, Kim?" He asked. "It's not about me this time." I joked. Both of them looked confused. "Where Mick?" "Not Mick either, if you follow me. I'd like to introduce you to our new driver!" Both of them got excited and followed me outside.

Kevin was waiting out front. "Hey, buddy!" Daniel greeted Kevin with a bro hug, followed by Lando. "Hey, guys." Daniel looked at me. "So, where's the new driver?" I laughed and looked back at Kevin.

"Babe, why does no one believe I'm the new driver?" Wait? Did he just call me babe? I'd must have been nothing. Although id didn't feel like nothing to me.

Daniel and Lando both looked at me in disbelieve. "What boys? Not what you expected?" Their eyes grow wide. Daniel immediately hugged Kevin tight. "Omg! This is amazing. Can't believe my best friend is back." "Wait, I thought I was your best friend?" Lando asked. "You weren't the only one who thought that," I added. Kevin started laughing. "I knew fans were fighting over me, but you guys too?" Whe all started laughing. "It's great to have the group reunited!" Lando said, to which we all agreed.

I couldn't be happier at this moment. Surrounded by my friends. Knowing I'll be working closely with one of the people I loved most.

Author's note:

What do you guys think about Kevin returning to Formula 1?

I absolutely love the fact he is coming back. I can't wait to see him on track again!

Thnx for reading! And all of the support!

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