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This morning I woke up with a heavy feeling. My eyes were still puffy from all the crying.
I checked my phone to see I had a message from Lando and Kevin. I sighed and opens Kevin's message.

"Kim I'm sorry! I shouldn't have treated you like that. I hope you're able to be there today.."

I felt a little sting of pain in my heart. I sighed. Of course, I want to be there. But as he says he hurt me. And I know myself. If I go and act all normal I might make bad decisions.

I went to read Lando's message.

"Morning sunshine! How are you feeling today? Mick asked his former engineer to cover for you. Please let me know how ur doing."

I smiled. I was lucky with my friends were there for me. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my friend. I replied to his message.

"Morning Lando. I still feel horrible, although I don't have the urge to cry anymore. I doubt if there are any tears left after yesterday tho. Thank Mick for me will you? I don't think I'll be there today. But I'll make sure to cheer on you from my room. Good luck!"

After sending my reply I decided to take a hot shower to clear my thoughts.


I was watching a talk show, they were discussing who would take the win today. They predicted it would be Max. Although lewis would be a dangerous competitor. They spoke a bit about Lando and Daniel. Expecting a great season from Mclaren.

Then they started talking about him. They spoke about how they think hell has a chance to get in the points today.  I heard my name being mentioned when they were talking about his strategy. They expected a lot from Kevin.

I just hoped he could handle all the pressure and his new engineer would be able to make him focus on the race. But I doubted that last point.

I looked up from a phone call.


"Heyy Kim, it's Daniel!"

"Hey, Danny boy."

"Still not coming?"


"Alright, I can't change ur mind then. Wish me good luck!"

"Good luck!"

After I ended the call I looked back at the tv. In about an hour the first race of the season would start. I was feeling a little uncomfortable. Although I couldn't figure out why. I decide to call Vic. She doesn't know what happened yet.

"Hey Girl!!"

"Hey, Vic!"

"To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I needed a person to talk to.."

"Aren't you busy, you know preparing for the race?"

"Not really, I won't be there today.."

"Huh? Why not."

"Kevin and I got in a big fight. So I need some time off."

I told her about everything that happened.

"Omg! I can't believe he did that. But he has feelings for you?"

"I don't know anymore. That's what he told me yeah.."

"How about you?"

"I still like him. Even if I don't want to. I can't get the man out of my mind."

"I get that. Even though what he did was a really big mistake. I think there's still hope. You guys get along so well. You've been friends for ages. I don't think you should throw that away so soon."

"You're right.."

I was interrupted by an incoming call from Daniel. I sighed not again.

"I got to go. Daniel is calling! I'll talk to you later."

"Love you girl!"

"Love you to Vic!"

We ended the call and I started calling Daniel back.


"Hey, Daniel.."

"Kim you need to come over right now!"

"What happened?"

"Nothing that's the thing.. Kevin refuses to drive without you as his engineer."

"Wait what?"

"You heard me. You need to talk some sense into the guy!"

"Alright, although I won't come. I'll text him."

"Okay, thnx Kim!"

"No problem Danny boy. Good luck with ur race!"


Wait, does Kevin refuses to drive. What got into this guy? Deep inside me I already knew. Although I can't stand him, I don't want him to mess up his first race of the seasons because of what happened to us.

"Kevin, get the hell in that car! Just listen to your new engineer. He'll do fine. Well, talk after the race."

I wanted to sense him so much more in that message. But I just couldn't. He didn't react, but he did read my message. I took a relieved breath.

I focused back on the tv since the race was starting. Although I didn't want to I still cheered on Kevin. Hoping he did well. His start was really bad. So were the first few laps.

I just could handle it. I took a deep breath and walked to my car. I needed to get there as soon as possible.


They were already halfway through the race when I arrived. Kevin is in 18th place.

I ran to the pit wall. Being greeted by a confused Gunther. "Kim? Thought something came up and you couldn't make it." "That's true. I'll explain everything after the race I promise." I switched places with my replacement. "How is he doing?" I asked. He shook his head. "He won't listen to my advice. He's freaking out hell mess up. It sounds like he's on the edge of crying.." I nodded.

It was all my fault. If I just told him how I felt. This all wouldn't have happened.

I put on the headphones. And took a quick look at the statistics of the car. Deciding what strategies to use. I heard Kevin talking over the radio. "I can't do this.." I heard soft sobs. Tears started forming in my eyes. I hate to see him like this.

I took a deep breath. I placed my hand on the microphone.


Almost there...

Just wanted to thank you all for reading and for the love I get for this story.

Couldn't wish for better readers than all of you!

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