I hate you

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"You're saying you didn't want to hurt his feelings?" I nodded. I think so yeah. "Why you think he would say that.." I looked at him not understanding what he meant. "What do you mean?" He sighed. "Kim, I think he likes you. Else he would stop you. He wanted to be the guy ur hooking up with.."

We were both quiet for a while. "You think so?" He nodded. "You should let them know nothing happened.." I nodded. I decided to send him a text.

"Heyy Kev. Although I still don't get why you would stop me from hooking up with someone since we're not dating. I wanted to let you know nothing happened. And that I went home alone. Goodnight."

I showed Mick the text and hit send. I decided to sleep over at Mick's place. I took the spare room. "Night!" "Night Kimmie!" I laughed.


Kevin's pov:

After Kim left with Victoria I was left alone in her hotel room. I just started in front of me not knowing what to do. The idea of her sharing a bed with someone else than me. It just hurt me deeply.

I decided to ask my ex-girlfriend to come over. I needed a way to forget about my feelings towards Kim. Since she didn't care about my feelings.


The next morning I woke up with a heavy feeling on my chest. I opened my eyes to see Ava. My ex. She spends the night with me. We both knew it was a one-time thing.

"Morning!" She said. I looked at her and smiled. "Morning." We talked for a while. But soon after she decided it was time to leave.

After she left I quickly got dressed. It was Saturday which meant a Free practice and qualification where today. I just hoped Kim and I would be able to act normal towards each other.


Kim's pov:

I arrived at the Haas paddock. I saw Jorn and walked towards him. "Morning!" I smiled. "Morning J." We talked a little about how yesterday went and our predictions for qualifying.

I looked up to a familiar sound. I saw Kevin walking up to us. I sighed deeply. "Morning Kevin!" Jorn greeted him. I shoot him a quick smile. After a little chatting, we got to work.

Fp3 went not that we'll. Kevin didn't communicate let's at least say he listened to me. He ended up being p17. Once he got out of the car he walked straight past me. What's wrong with this guy?

I asked Mick but Kevin hadn't talked to him about anything. I dicided to check with Lando and Daniel later today.

It was time, the first qualifying of the season. I give Kevin a thumbs up when he got in the car. He went on track soon after Mick.

"Alright, Kevin. It's only you Mick and Sergio on track at the moment. Let's try to get that flying lap out as soon as we can."

I said over the radio. I got no reaction.

"Kevin, can you hear me?"

No reaction again. I sighed. He drove a lap to get the tires to the right temperature and then started on his flying lap. Although in the fourth corner he crashed into the wall. I sighed deeply. Although I was mad at him I was worried too.

"Kevin are you okay?"

No reaction.

"Kevin ur alright?"
Gunther said over the radio.

"All good!"

I relaxed once I heard he was okay. Although quickly after that anger started boiling in me. If he had just listened to me! Once he made his way back to the pits he immediately went to his changing room.

I stood up from my seat at the pit wall. Making my way over to his changing room. I didn't even care to knock. I just stormed in.

"What the hell where are you thinking?" I shouted at the man standing in front of me. His face got red. "What the hell was I thinking? You were the one to ignore me yesterday. You hooked up with a stranger even tho I told you I didn't want you to. You want to know why?" Because I'm in love with you."

I tried to interrupt him. "Kevin.." He just ignored me and started yelling. "I love you okay! But you just decided to hook up with some stranger like it was nothing. I didn't know what to do, so I called my ex. And now you're the one blaming me!"

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Who was he to be screaming at me like that?

"You know what Kevin? I did listen to you. Although I didn't have to, and I had no idea why you acted that way. I thought about going home with this handsome and funny guy. But I didn't, cause I didn't want to hurt ur feelings. I texted you saying nothing happened. Just to find out you screwed your ex  Kevin! And you're still blaming me?"

I screamed at him losing control. "I thought we were friends. I hate you!" After that, I walked out of the room. Leaving a speechless Kevin behind.


Author's note:

Alright, heavy!

Will they ever become friends again. Or did Kevin take it too far?
Let me know what you think!

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Lots of love!

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