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Kevin's pov:

It feels amazing to be back on track. In two days we already have our first race. Although I'm excited, I'm nervous. I don't want to be a disappointment to the team and let them down.

It was great to reunite with my friends. It's been some time since we've been all together. Me, Mick, Lando, Daniel, and Kim. Seeing how happy Kim was when I surprised her made my heart melt a little. I had no idea until then how much I missed having her around.

It's like I never left. We just get along easily with no awkwardness or anything. Although something changes for me. Last time we saw each other we were friends. And although we still are. She doesn't feel like just a friend to me.

I decided to ask Daniel to come over. Maybe he can give me some good advice. I texted him and he's on his way.

Not long after I heard a knock on my door. I happened to see a happy Ricciardo. "Hey mate, come in!" We took seats on the sofa. "So what you wanted to talk about?" I take a deep breath. "I need some advice." He nods. "You know I'm great ad advice." I laughed, he is.

"So what's it about? Need some advice with the ladies?" I nodded. "You could say it that way." He smiled. "Tell me about her." "She's beautiful. A great friend someone you can always count on. She's always there for me in hard times and when we're together I always have a smile on my face. Even when we're just enjoying each other's presence."

We both go quiet for a while. "Kevin.." I look up to Daniel. "Yes?" "Are you talking about who I think you're talking about?" I shrug. "Depends, who do you think I'm talking about?" A little smile forms on his face. "Does this girl happen to be one of our best friends?" I nod shyly. "Kevin, this is amazing! I always knew you liked her."

I start laughing. "Thnx mate." "So what are you going to do about it?" I don't know yet. "Nothing I guess.." He looks surprised. "Why not?" I let out a deep sigh. "Who says she even likes me?" Probably not, we've been best friends for ages. Nothing more. "Why would she? You two always had a special bond."

"You think?" He nods. "Of course! You saw how happy she was when you stepped inside that room?" I nod. "How do we find out?" We both think for a minute. "I'll try to ask if she fancies someone?" Daniel suggests. "Sound good to me!" We agree on the plan and hang out for a while.

After a couple of hours, Daniel heads to his hotel. Tomorrow we have a pre-race track walk with the drivers and engineers. So Kim and I will be spending some time together.

Kim's pov:

I'm getting ready for the pre-race track walk. I don't know what to where tho. Do I need a jacket? Do I need to go all out? Probably not cause it's not a fancy dinner or something. I laugh thinking how crazy I must sound right now. I decide on wearing some flair pants with a crop top with the team's logo on it.

Once I arrive at the parking garage. I see Daniel and Lando walking toward their team building. "Morning guys!" The stop so I can catch up with them. "Kim, how is your love life going?" Daniel asks. "Nothing to talk about." I wish. "Someone it interested in?" I laugh. "Lando you know I only fancy you!" We all start laughing. "Now series, no one caught our eye?" I can't tell them about Kevin, that would be weird. "Nope, not really." "I think you and Kevin would be great together." I choke. "What?" Daniel repeats his sayings. "Kevin and I are just friends," I say feeling a little hurt.

Once we arrive at their team building we say goodbye. "Hanging out in my room tonight?" I ask. The boys nod. "Well ask Mick when we see him." Give me a thumbs up.

On my way toward the track, I came across Kevin. "Morning sunshine!" I smile. "Morning! Why ur so happy?" He laughs. "Can't I just be happy?"

We continue chatting. Once we arrive at the track we see that mick and his engineer are already waiting for us. "Good morning." We all greet each other and then begin the walk. Mick and his Engineer are walking in from of us. Chatting with some other drivers.

"How do you think it will be, you know you being my engineer?" Kevin asks. I look at him. "Don't worry, I think well be just fine. I know we can work together well. And I know you don't mean it when you'll be screaming over the radio." He laughs. "Only when it's about ur bad taste in music." I poke him in the side.

We continue our walk when we spot Daniel and Lando. "Hello." We greet them. Together we walk over the track. "You're ready for Friday Kev?" Lando asks. "I don't know, it's been a long time." "Don't worry, you'll do fine!" Daniel says. "Daniel's right. Nothing to worry about. You were amazing in practice yesterday!"

He smiles nervously. Suddenly a cold breeze starts to show up. Remember me why I didn't bring a jacket? Kevin sees I'm freezing. "Here take my jacket." He hands me his jacket. It's a little big but fits comfy. "Thnx" I smile.

Daniel starts to whistle. "Oi! Keep it in ur pants Kev!" I and Lando can't keep it together and start laughing. Kevin blushes. "You're going to regret saying that!" I say to Daniel. "What were you going to do about it?" "Just be prepared!" I wink at Lando.

"You guys coming over tonight?" I ask the boys. They all nod in agreement. "Sure! I'll bring us some snacks and drinks." Kevin says. "Can we crash at yours? We won't be able to drive later tonight." "Sure no problem!" We agree to meet in my room around eight.

I say goodbye to the guys and make my way to my car. On my way home I can't help but think about Kevin. I sigh. I need to get that boy out of my head. Or I'm going to have some big problems.


Autor's note:

Are we all loving it so far?
I do!

Got some good twists planned for this story! All try to post a new part soon!

Don't forget to comment and vote for this part!

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