Chapter 13 - My familiar is a ..?

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Recap :- In the last chapter we have seen how the student council made an appearance in the old school building and challenged the Gremory peerage to school sports . But is happening now , let's see ...

( Match Day A/n POV)

Y/n : {was walking through the school corridor} [ Borrringgg , I'm getting bored and these idiots are playing tennis . They should atleast make it interesting for the non-perverts and non-fanboys/girls  . {realises and widens his eyes and smacks himself lightly on the forehead } F .. I had promised them but didn't even completed it . {starts to run}

Teacher : Mr. L/n , no running in the corridor {orders} .

Y/n : I'm not running , I'm just walking fast .{and runs away from there}

Teacher : Kids these days ....{sighs}

Y/n : {reaches somewhere and opens the door} I'm here .... Katase ! Murayama ! .... Hello anyone in there ? 

Katase : {while packing her bag} Oh ! Y/n , its you , I thought you were never gonna come {pouts a bit}

Murayama : {comes with Katase} Y/n we were worried , you didn't even came to school {sighs}

Y/n : {smiles} Girls ! Don't worry I always keep my promises {smiles} . But don't send such gifts to me {mutters under his breath while remembering what they had given } .

Murayama : Uhh .. what did you say Y/n ?

Y/n : {smiles} No-o nothing , weeeeellll aren't you gonna ... practise or something ?

Katase : {smiles and holds her hands together} Oh ! We were going to watch the match between Rias-senpai and Souna-senpai .{amazed} What a scene it would be !! Right Murayama ?!

Murayama : Yeah ! Top two onee-samas with the student council's president and vice-president .

Y/n : Sooo .. I guess you need to go there ... so see you later {waves at them and starts to walk away}

Murayama : {stops Y/n in his tracks} Y/n !! wait !! {starts to blush} You just came for us to see our matches , right ? For you I wouldn't mind sparring with Katase .

Katase : {blushes too} Y-yeah Y/n we would do anything for you . {blushes harder

Y/n : Okkk !!

Both Katase and Murayama went into the changing room , to change into their Kendo uniform and starts to spar .

Katase : {determined} [ I need to win this , Y/n is here watching me . I won't hold back ]

Murayama : {determined} [ Sorry Katase , I need to win this for Y/n , I won't back down ]

Suddenly we could hear two voices together in their mind saying the same thing ..

Katase , Murayama : [ I need to win this for Y/n !! ]

And Katase and Murayama's swords clashed with each other .

( Timeskip )

Y/n : {smiles} That was a good match you two !

Murayama : {panting and smiles} Haah uh  .. Thanks Y/n ! I put all my effort to win .

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