Lighting a fire in a Tree

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A/N Would just like to give a shout out to CReaTiViTY, whose helped me out when I got stuck, and is a fellow writer on wattpad. Please check her out, she is amazing.

I froze, my body tensed up.

The silhouette flickered then disappeared.


I heard a whoosh to my right, and I turned sharply, aiming my arrow in that direction.

Then, I heard another whoosh behind me, and I turned around again.

Where the hell is it? This is so fustrating, I need to find Re first, I can't die on him.

Re woldn't die on me.

So why should I? Think. What would he do in this situation? Not run. Only a fool would. Running makes you vunerable to attack. Always stay on your guard unless it's absolutely necessary. Unless you're in deep shit, stay your ground.

That's when I heard a growl from the bushes.

Deep and throaty.

I'm in deep shit.

I raised my bow, pointing it in the general direction of the sound.

The bush rustled.

This is it.


Out. Hopped. A. Fucking. Rabbit.

I relaxed, laughing at myself. How cliche. I've been in the woods too long, I should probably head back.

That's when I took a closer look at the rabbit.

And I saw its bloodied mangled leg as it desperatly tried to limp away.

And saw odd holes in its skin that looked like teeth marks.

Come to think of it, rabbits don't growl.

I knelt down and picked up the shivering creature, who was obviously in a lot of pain. I felt sorry for the poor thing, it had obviously been attacked by something. Something that could most likely still be around.

I positioned my knife's blade under its throat, and in one smooth motion, put the poor thing out of it's misery.

Well. That's dinner sorted I guess.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a flash of brown.

I hooked the rabbit to my belt, and cautiously made my way over, bow at the ready.

I cautiously approached the start of a thick cluster of trees, and sniffed the air.

A strong, musky scent filled my nostrils.

As I approached the thicket, I could hear breathing, low and husky.

I stared intensely into the thicket, trying to make sense of the shadows, when I saw two menacing red eyes, laced with killer intent.

And shat myself.

I've seen those eyes before, in sketches from battle class.

"Were-wolves. One of the most feared creatures that came up from the deep. Rarely do you escape unscathed, either you die in their grasp, or you escape wounded by them, and turn into one."

The eyes started to move forward, I was frozen, I couldn't move. The eyes seemed to hypnotize me, it intrigued me. Slowly, the creatures head emerged from the thicket, and I stepped back. With every step it took forward, I took back.

Seeing it in real life was very much different from seeing sketches. Battle class had never really gone into much detail about their build...

It looked like a wolf, only, it didn't. It was the size of a bear for starters, with shaggy matted fur, encrusted with blood and bits of flesh. It's eyes were blood red, and fixated on me, as it licked it's massive fangs, its mouth frothing.

"What type of creature is this?" he pointed to a sketched picture of a half man, half wolf like creature, eyeing me.

"It's a were-wolf sir." I said with a smile.

"And how do you kill it?"

"It can only be killed on a full moon. But even then, you need to pierce it through the heart with a silver stake." Were-wolves were dangerous. They can change whenever they want, but they could only be killed when the moon was full.

"Yes. But what if it wasn't a full moon? What would you do?"

"You would die sir." Re remarked next to me.

"I appreciate your sense of reality on things, Parker, but I want a useful answer."

"You'd have to stab it through the sensitive part under it's throat. But it would only wound it. After that, you'd have to get the hell out of there."

It's not a full moon. It's not even night.

You would die sir. 

Shut up Re. I can't die, not yet. There's something else, something else I can do..

The sensitive part under its throat.

I grabbed a silver tipped arrow from behind me, aimed, and shot it straight into the wolf's throat. It howled in pain, pawing at its neck, desperatly trying to dislodge the blessed silver lodged in its throat.

After that, you'd have to get the hell out of there.

I ran back the way I came, crashing through the thicket, not even caring about not making a noise. Branches snagged on my clothes, twigs tearing at my face, but I just ran, and ran.

I could hear paws hitting the ground behind me, and the sound was getting closer and closer, quickly closing the distance. It's going to catch up to me at this rate, it has four legs, I only have two.

Can were-wolves climb? Only one way to find out.

I scrambled up a tree, praying that were-wolves can't climb.

I looked down.

The wolf was trying to follow me up, but it's paws just slid down the trunk, unequiped for climbing.

I fistpumped at my victory.

The wolf stopped and looked up at me.

I winked back.

It growled, circled the tree, and then plonked down at the base.

Great. It was going to wait me out.

At least I have this nice big rabbit to chew on while I wait. The only problem was, how was I going to light a fire in a tree?

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