Not Mine

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"Alright everyone, good work." Our teacher told us as we were dismissed. Re and I went over to the forest, usually, to practice. But today, he had a troubled look on his face.

"Val," he asked, "Do you mind if we go to the beach or something like that?"

"The beach?" I was bewildered. That was random and totally uncalled for. Where was this coming from?

"It's, It's just that I feel that you're working too much. Maybe a day off would do us both some good." He explained, but I sensed that there was something else.

I was just about to ask when we heard the warcries.

James's gang.

They leapt over the fence, and came over to us, riding on their Vinians. Vinians were one of the creatures that emerged from the earth. They were dinosaur descendants that us humans had managed to tame. They look a bit like horses to be honest.

"James." I heard Re mutter icily.

"Hey, Valerie," James said as he pulled up next to me. "Fancy going hunting with us?"

"Nah, I'm good with Re. Unless you wanna go, Re?" I asked Re. I didn't like James. He was just Meh too me. All the other girls drool over him. But I've never understood why.

"Nah. WE were heading to the beach actually." Re said, looking smug.

"Aw, come on. It'll be fun." James didn't even spare Re a second glance. "You can ride with me." Re tensed.

Most of the girls I know would've jumped at the opportunity to cuddle up with James and would've immediately said yes. Not me.

"I'm really sorry James, but Re and I are already going to the beach. Maybe another time?" I hoped there wouldn't be another time.

I was really thinking something along the lines of, 'Sorry, but perverted Vinian riders aren't really my type.'

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." He muttered as he raked his eyes over me. It creeped me out whenever guys did that. When they gave me that look of suppressed hunger.

"Bye." I hastily said and grabbed Re by the arm and dragged him away.

When we got away, Re started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I was a little irritated.

"You should have seen your face when he said you could ride with him!" He let out another stream of guffaws.

"Haha." I muttered dryly. "So, the beach. Why the beach again?" That stopped him laughing.

"Because, we work too-"

"Cut the crap and tell me the real reason."

Re hesitated, then, slowly said, "Because, I might not have a lot of time with you left."

"But, what do you mean?"

"It's not my place to tell you."

I grabbed him by the shoulders. "What do you mean?" I shouted, pinning him against a tree. "We have forever and ever together, right? Right?"

"Val, I, You, look." He stammered. "Just, please, be happy and make the time that we DO have left worth while."

I stared into his green eyes and their brilliant green reminded me of the brilliant green eyes that leopards had. I looked deeper and saw the pure caring and love in them. Passion for me. And, a tinge of hurt. I wanted that hurt to go away.

I leaned closer to him, and our faces were only inches apart. I let out a shivery breath and inhaled his delicious scent. But, Re then abruptly straightened up and I leaned away too.

What's wrong with you Val? Get a grip.

I awkwardly stepped back. "Do you wanna head back?"

"Yeah." Re wouldn't look at me. He kept his distance as we went back.

What's wrong with him?

Re's pov.

She wasn't mine to have.

It was as simple as that.

I've spent countless hours thinking about millions of ways to seduce her, but when the perfect moment came smack bang right there in my face, I couldn't.

You're a hopeless wreck.

You can't make up your mind and get over things. Just let her go.


Why is it so hard to?

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