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How did I end up in this situation?

Cold, missing my best friend, alone in a forest infested with creatures that saw me as nothing more than easy dinner, with a wraith snuggling up to me.

I guess I didn't mind the last part so much. I'd never had a little sister before, and probably never will as my father could never bring himself to love another. The only problem was, how was I going to bring her back to the clan?

I can't just rock up and be like, hey, this is my new friend. She's a wraith and enjoys munching on were-wolves in her spare time, and looks like something fresh out of a horror novel. But you know. Totally harmless.

Oh yeah. They'll believe that alright.

They won't chase her away with swords and spears. Not at alllll.

I sighed, massaging my temples as the sky turned pink, signifying dawn. I gently pushed the napping Beth off my arm, laying her head on my hood. Wraiths felt weird. Like, if people's skin was made of silk, they'd feel like wraiths.

I stretched, before standing up and grabbing my knife, ready to get some breakfast.

Mmm, boy was I hungry.



I rubbed my sore backside, glaring at the tree I'd groggily fallen out of.

"Stupid, hunk of wood, nothing for me to hold or grip onto." I grumbled, again trying to shimmy up the bare trunk. There were no branches whatsoever, and it was a smooth trunk. But, at the very top, there was a nest. I'm betting there's either eggs in there, or baby birds.

I wouldn't mind either.

I tried using my knife this time, stabbing it into the trunk every now and then to assist me with getting up.

"Just a little more, come on, coome on."

I reached as far as I could, my fingers brushing against the base of the nest. I leaned further towards it, feeling my foot slip.


I managed to lunge and grab the nest, before plummeting down to the ground, landing with a loud thud, and feeling something oozing down the side of my head.

"Great. Just, fucking, brilliant." I said, as my hand came away with slimey egg on it. I was going to stink to high hell.

Deciding to put breakfast finding on a break, I looked around for signs of water.

Coming across a fairly clear river, I stripped down, taking care to avoid my clothes coming in contact with the icky mess on my head.

I shivered as I unclipped my bra, and tentavily dipped my toe in the water.

SHIT! Was it cold!

Putting hypothermia fears aside, I jumped in.

I scrubbed at the gunk in my hair that was strating to get crusty. "Note to self, next time you go into the woods Valerie, bring a hat."

That's when I felt it.

Something brushed past my leg. Something.. slimey. I froze, and looked around for the offender.


Probably just a fish, haha.

I started picking out egg from my hair with added haste, my instincts telling me something wasn't right.


I felt it again!

"Damn fish!" I yelled, as I lashed out, hoping to catch the fish, or whatever else it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2013 ⏰

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