Chapter 8 | Baylor's POV

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You'd think he'd be more aware of a girl from Jersey he barely knows. She could down right beat the hell out of you and you wouldn't do anything. Even if she didn't you'd think she'd have a guy friend by now cause damn she's like the best looking here.
Not to be rude to other girls, but they're basic girls from Alabama. Camouflage this, camouflage that. She's just different.
If you'd hadn't know where she was from you'd think she'd be from California since she's so tan. Her brown hair is perfect and her green eyes. Oh no, fanboying...
My fists tense as I read what she tells me. He really needs to learn that women aren't property. Although he probably gets that from his stupid rich father. Mr. Bronco is a wealthy bow maker, our family would never buy his stupid crap bows, but he's had about 6 wives and 2 of them were his own cousins. Nasty, I know.
Cole and John Stephn come over around 6 and we make a vine, twerking to one of Vanessa's favorite songs, as she's told me.
Anaconda comes on in the back ground and John Stephn and I grab our butts and start to twerk. Cole jumps in and shakes his booty too.
No shame for Dem White Boyz. Afterwards we post it to vine and a like and comment pops up from VHuston5x.
VHuston5x] hey hotties looking good
Major blush appears on my face and I can't help, but pray this is a sign.
* * *
Two more days pass by and it's Friday. Vanessa has lost all normality to me and gone insane. But I like it, it's cute. She walks in with me, like always. I leave her at Spanish, hope David isn't making a move and head to early football practice.
Coach likes us to get an early practice to make us more alert for anything. Most of the guys are droopy, I used to be. Vanessa just gets me to be awake and smile in the morning. Definatly more energetic than before.
Plus the perks of getting up early are either texting her or getting coffee for her.
We change into our practice uniforms and run out onto the field. Usually Alambama is pretty warm this time April, but it's quite chilly now. My legs get goose bumps and the breeze makes my shorts blow around my knees.
Coach makes us run about 4 laps then we do plays and run 2 more laps. I'm always the first done by a couple seconds and now I put more effort to prove to Vanessa I'm not scrawny, I'm a true tough guy who can take down any guy who decides she's worth a night.
I end up getting a drink a couple of minutes before the other guys because I run so fast. My breathing steadys and I gulp down blue Gatorade. Coach tells me to head for the showers. All the guys have to do another lap for being slow and not keeping pace with the captain, me.
I shower quickly and check the time. 6:45. Great, I can run to her locker after getting my clothes and axe on then surprise her with a flower I bought her.
We're kind of dating, kind of not. I think she secretly like David or Henry, but we act like we're dating, so I don't know. Maybe I'll ask her after church. Yeah okay, that's a plan.

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