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Liberty-Lou and Emma rushed with the doctors and they wheeled Henry into a hospital room "Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Henry. Wake up, please, come on, Henry. Come on, you can do it" Emma said "There's no pupil response, what happened? Did he fall? Hit his head?" Dr. Whale asked the twins. Emma held up the turnover that was now in the plastic bag "He ate this, I think it's poisoned" Emma told him. Dr. Whale checked inside Henry's mouth but saw nothing to say it was poison "Did he voice any convulsion or disorientation?" He asked "He took a bite of this and then he just collapsed, so run the test for arsenic or bleach or drano or whatever could've done this to him!" Emma said loudly out of nerves "The boy isn't showing any symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins, so whatever's going on, this is not the culprit" Dr. Whale said "Well, what else could it be?" Liberty asked panting "I don't know, that's what I'm trying to find out" Dr. Whale said "He's ok to be ok right?" Emma asked "Right now we just need to stabilize him, because he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you remember, any little detail?" Dr. Whale asked "We've already told you everything!" Emma said frustrated "Do something!" Liberty snapped "Look, I understand you both are frustrated. I do, but I need something to treat and right now there is no explanation, it's like..." Dr. Whale started but sighed. Liberty looked at Emma "Like magic" She whispered. Emma emptied Henry's bag on a bed and picked up the storybook. Liberty watched as she froze and Regina walked in "Where is he? Where's my son?" Regina asked the doctors "You did this" The twins said and Emma, grabbed Regina's arm, dragging her to the janitor's closet with Liberty behind. Emma pushed Regina into shelves then she grabbed her again and pushed her against a locker "You did this!" They repeat "What the hell are you doing?! Stop this! My son!" Regina struggled against Emma "Is sick because of you!" Emma said "That apple turnover you gave here he ate it...Sleeping curse, am I right?" Liberty questioned. Regina looked horrified "What?" Liberty backed up "It was meant for the two of you!" "It's true..." Emma said "What are you talking about? Sleeping curse?" Regina acted innocent. Liberty slapped Regina across the face "You tried to poison us, like our mother?!" She asked. Regina held her face and nodded "Yes..." Her voice started to break "I was leaving town, why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Emma asked as tears fell "Because as long as the two of you are alive, Henry will never be mine!" Regina said "He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this. You wake him up!" Emma said angrily "I can't!" Regina yelled "Don't you have magic?!" Emma asked "That was the last of it...It was supposed to put you two to sleep!" Regina said "What's it going to do to him?" Emma asked "I don't know. The magic here in unpredictable" Regina said "So he could..." Liberty stared at Regina in horror "Yes..." Regina said as she wiped away her tear "So what do we do?" Emma asked "We need help" Regina said "Gold?" Liberty asked "How do you know?" Regina looked at her "You know where exactly secretive, Your Majesty" Liberty sneered and walked out of the closet "Let's go" Emma and Regina walked with her "Wait, Mr. Gold knows about magic?" Emma asked "He goes by Rumplestiltskin" Regina told her "Are you serious?" Emma asked "She always is" Liberty said. The three of them made their way into Mr. Gold's shop "Do my eyes deceive me or is that the look of believers?" Mr. Gold asked looking at the twins "We need your help" Emma said "Indeed you do, it seems quite the tragic ailment has befallen our young friend. I told you, Magic always comes with a price" Mr. Gold addressed Regina "Henry shouldn't have to pay it" Liberty said and punched the counter, her hand glowed gold "Oh?" Mr. Gold smirked "Ignore that" Liberty said and glared at Mr. Gold "No, Regina should pay it, but alas here we are" Mr. Gold said "Can you help us?" Emma asked "Of course, true love, Ms. Swan" Mr. Gold said, addressing Emma "The only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse. Luckily for you, I happen to have bottled some" Mr. Gold said "You did?" Regina questioned "Oh yes, from strands of your parents' hair, I made the most powerful potion in all the realm. So powerful that when I created the dark curse; I placed a single drop on the parchment, just a little safety valve" Mr. Gold informed them "That's why we're the saviours, that's why we can break the curse" Liberty said "Correct, dearie" Mr. Gold said "I don't care about breaking the curse, all I care about is saving Henry" Emma told them. Mr. Gold told them that the potion they were looking for was in the basement of the library inside an old friend of theirs and that is has to be Emma and Liberty to do it due to them being full family. Mr. Gold gave them their father's sword and their mother bow and arrow. Emma takes the sword and Liberty the bow and arrow. The three of them go to visit Henry before going to the library, Emma apologized to Henry for not believing him as did Liberty, but mainly apologized for not being quick enough to take the turnover from him. They let Regina see Henry as they walk to August "August? Please open up. I know you're in there. Open the door" Emma said "I can't" August said with a strained voice. Liberty opened the door and walked in "Oh my" She rushed to his bed where August was laid turning into a wooden puppet "No, what's happening to you?" Emma asked walking to the bed "You can see it now, you believe" August said, looking at Emma "Yeah, I do, but how do we stop this?" Emma said "Break the curse" August looked at them "We'll try. I promise we will" Liberty said "But, we have to save Henry first, and we need your help" Emma said "No, you don't...Neither of you need me" August said "Yes, we do" Liberty said "Our guardian angel...Or puppet, whatever you want to be called" She said "This is all too much, we just talked to the Evil Queen and Rumplestiltskin about a quest to find magic. We can't do it, August. We can't; no normal person can" Emma said with tears in her eyes "Well, luckily for us, you're not normal" August said "You can save Henry, you both can save all of us..." He was cut off as he turned fully into a wooden puppet "August?" The twins cried, Emma held his hand as Liberty stroked his cheek. Liberty looked at Emma "Emma...We need to go" Liberty whispered and the two of them went to meet Regina at the library. Emma and Liberty walked inside with Regina, the twins went in the elevator to get the potion that Mr. Gold told them to retrieve. Regina stayed at the top so she can lower them down. Emma threatens Regina, saying that if Henry dies then so does Regina. As they were being lowered down in the elevator, Liberty looked at her mother's bow "Can we do this?" Emma asked "Henry believes we can, so believe it yourself" Liberty said. When the twins were finally at the bottom, they walk into a massive cave "Is that..." Liberty whispered as she saw a glass coffin "Glass coffin...Mother's, glass coffin" She said and she glided her fingers along with it. Emma backed up but stopped when she hit a wall; Liberty turned to see that what Emma backed up into "What's behind me?" Emma whispered. Liberty stared as a large green eye and she pulled out an arrow, aiming it with the bow "Get away from that Emma" She said and Emma moved away as the wall, turned out to be a dragon and it began to breathe fire. Liberty spun behind a wall "To hell with this" Emma said and dropped the sword to the ground, pulled out her gun and began shooting at the dragon, before she got chased by the dragon "Emma!" Liberty called out and shoots a bow through the dragon's wing as it flew towards Emma who continued to shoot at the dragon but it was not affected. The twins watched as the dragon fell in a hole, Liberty rushed to her sister "Since when do guns work in fairytale land?!" "I'm sorry, I panicked!" Emma said "Trust in yourself, trust in the sword like I'm trusting our mother's bow and arrow" Liberty said "Ok...Ok..." Emma said "Do we go down their or..." They backed away as they heard as they heard a roar and the dragon flew up "Grab father's sword!" Liberty said and aimed another arrow "Trust...Instinct...Trust yourself, Liberty-Lou" She whispered to herself and took a deep breath as she released the bow and watched it shoot into the dragon's eye "What's that?!" Emma asked looking at the glowing neck of the dragon "The potion?" Liberty questioned. Emma ran to the sword "Hey!" She shouts and threw it at the dragon's glowing neck, killing the dragon instantly and the dragon explodes into ash "Well done, Sis" Liberty said and walked to the ashes picking up a golden egg. She turned to Emma "What a way for sisters to bonds now...Let's save Henry" She said and walked forward "Agreed" Emma said, more than happy to go. The twins got back into the elevator and give Regina the all-clear to help them back up. Hey John leaned against the way and Liberty looked at Emma "We can do this" She said "I just hope we're not too late" Emma said. When they got halfway, the elevator stopped and they look up to see Mr. Gold looking down at them. He told them that Regina had abandoned them and sabotaged the elevator. Emma gave Liberty a boost up and Liberty helped Emma out of the elevator while Mr. Gold was telling them to throw the egg up as neither of them would be able to climb up with the egg, Emma threw the egg up to Mr. Gold, he caught it but moved away from their sight. They call out for him as they climb back up into the library "Oh my god, Regina!" Liberty rushed to Regina who was tied to a chair "Where's Mr. Gold?" "He took the egg and left" Regina said "We need to go get it back" She added and say they left all got a call from the hospital about Henry. The three of them ran to the hospital and to the ward where Henry was; they saw Dr. Whale walking out of Henry's room with Mother Superior "We did everything we could" Dr. Whale said "I'm sorry, you're too late" Mother Superior told them. Liberty and Emma held hands as they walked into the room, seeing the nurse turning off his beard monitor and removing his oxygen mask. Liberty and Emma hug each other as they cry into each other "Emma, I'm so sorry" Liberty whispered to her sister "I'm sorry too" Emma said "If I believed sooner" "Shh" Liberty played with her sister's hair. The twins pull away from each other and walk to Henry, they stand either side of his bed. Emma stroked his head as she sobbed and Liberty stroked his cheek, sobbing, the twins bend down "We love you, Henry" They said together, Emma kissed his head as Liberty kissed his cheek. A whooshing gust of wind and light surrounds them and they lean up a little, Henry gasped and opened his eyes "I love you guys, too. You both saved me" Henry said and the twins bring Henry into a hug as they tried to calm down "You both did it" Regina said. Emma and Liberty stood up as people near them started to walk into the room "Henry, what's going on?" Emma asked "No..." Regina whispered. Henry sat up "The curse, I think you both broke it" He said to him "That was true love's kiss" Said the Blue Fairy, Mother Superior "The love of an aunt and the love of a mother" "No, no" Regina repeated. The Blue Fairy turned to Regina "If I were you, Your Majesty, I'd find a place to hide" She said. Regina went to Henry "Henry, no matter what you think, no matter what anyone tells you, I do love you" Regina said and ran out of the hospital. Liberty looked at Dr. Whale and the others "Hmm...Henry" She looked at her nephew "What's going on here? If the curse is broken then, why didn't they go back?" "I...I don't know" Henry said. A nurse standing in front of a window and dropped the tray on the ground "Are you ok?" Emma asked and walked over. Liberty followed with Henry, they looked out of the window and their eyes widened as they see a large purple cloud approaching them "What is that?" Emma asked "Another curse?" Liberty asked and she held Henry close to her with Emma. The twins and Henry stay close as they and everyone in town is engulfed by the purple cloud.
Magic Is Back.

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