Snow White led them all to Rumpelstiltskin's old cell "Huh, Rumpelstiltskin's cell, I haven't been
here since before Regina's curse. This is where he told us you two were going to be the saviours"  Snow White looked at Emma and Liberty "He knew?" Liberty asked "Oh, it was prophesied, come on"Snow White as and they walked into the cell and looked for the squid ink that Rumpelstiltskin told them to use against Cora "The squid ink it's not here," Aurora said "Gold said we would find it" Snow White said "Well, was there anyone else in here with him?
Could they have taken the ink?"
Mulan suggested "No, he was kept alone. Visitors were forbidden, he was
too dangerous to allow any human contact" Snow White explained "How'd he keep from going crazy?" Emma
asked "Are you sure he didn't?" Liberty  questioned "He didn't," Aurora said and opened up the scroll and looked at it "What's that?" Liberty asked her "Is that a message?" Emma asked "Yes, and I think it's for you two" Aurora said and handed over the scroll" Why would you think that?" Emma asked, talking it from Aurora and Liberty stood beside
Emma as she opened it seeing their names written all over it, again and again and again "What the hell?" Liberty looked at it, "I feel like I'm being told off, Liberty-Lou is everywhere..." "Hey, I like Liberty-Lou" Snow White looked at her daughter then the scroll "I know, but when I was at the foster homes Liberty-Lou was used a lot to tell me off" Liberty told her. Liberty and Emma sat down looking at the scroll wondering why he carried on writing their names. Liberty was holding the compass, unaware that Aurora was staring at the compass as Mulan and Snow White looked for the squid ink "What does this even mean?" Emma asked. "He was obsessed with the two of you, you were the key to breaking the curse" Snow White told them "We've looked everywhere, there's no ink in this cell" Aurora said "Well, it has to be, he told David," Snow White said "You were in a Netherworld, maybe something got lost in translation" Emma said. Mulan pulled out a
small bottle that was hidden behind some rocks "No, she heard right" Mulan
said "You found it?" Snow White asked and walked over "In a manner of speaking, there was ink in the cell"
Mulan said and showed them the empty bottle "Son of a bitch" Emma sighed. Aurora picked up a rock and threw it, hitting a lever that brought the gate down, trapping them inside the cell "What the hell?!" Liberty looked at Aurora annoyed "What are you doing?!" Emma asked "No" Snow White looked fed up. Cora and Hook appeared in front of them outside of the cell "Help me" Cora said and used her magic to take the compass from Liberty "No, no!" Emma yelled and tried to open the cell down "Don't waste your energy, dear. Rumpelstiltskin himself couldn't escape from this cell. Thank you, Aurora. We couldn't have done it without you" Cora said with a smirk "Why would you do this?" Emma looked at Aurora "How could you?" Snow White asked Aurora. Cora laughed "Don't blame her, she was only doing what she was told" Cora told them and held up Aurora's heart in her hand "You took her heart?" Emma questioned "Actually, I did...It was a gift" Hook said. Liberty looked at Hook and glared at him as Cora started squeezing Aurora's heart, causing her to groan in pain "Forgive us, we'd love to stay, but Storybrooke awaits" Cora said as she stopped squeezing Aurora's heart and began walking away with Hook "Hook!" Liberty yelled and he stopped "Please Don't do this, my nephew is in Storybrooke, he needs Emma" She said. Hook looked at her "Perhaps you should've considered that before you abandoned me on that beanstalk" Hook said "You probably would've done the same" Liberty said. Hook walked to her and spoke in a low voice "Actually, I wouldn't have, not with you" He said and glanced at the other at the others in the cell before looking at her "What?" Emma asked. Hook showed Liberty a bean on a chain "Do you know what this is?" He asked her "The bean that the giant kept" Liberty said and went to reach it "Uh-uh-uh" He smirked and pulled the bean away from her "Yes, indeed it is. A Pirate always keeps a souvenir of his conquest, but this well, this is much more than a mere trinket. This is a symbol something that was once magical, full of hope, possibility. Now look at it, dried up, dead, useless, much like you" He said and watched ad Liberty looking at him hurt "The time for making deals is done, just as I'm done with you" Hook said and went to turn away "Hook, wait" Liberty said and he turned towards her "You really wanted to hurt me didn't you?" She whispered "Make me certain that when I left you it was the right thing, well you succeeded. If we go up a beanstalk again, I'll do the same thing but with a murderous being" She glared as a tear fell "You're nothing to me anymore, you're dead to me" She whispered to him "Nothing but a pathetic Pirate, I want nothing more to do with you again" "Hook!" Cora yelled "Oh Little Lou" Hook leaned in looking at her "You'll never be done with me and you know that" He said and walked after Cora "Damn it" Liberty whispered "Liberty, what is going on?" Milan asked her in a whisper "Nothing" Liberty said and leaned against the wall, she closed her eyes thinking.
Neverland, 22 Years Ago
A small girl was running through the forest "Catch her!" She heard and gasped as she ran faster. The small girl ran out onto the beach where she saw adults getting onto a rowing boat. A man with a red beanie looked at her then tapped a another's man arm with black hair "Captain. There's a lost girl" The man said "It's lost boys" The Captain said and turned to see the girl, "Oh. You lost girl?" He asked and walked over "Where is she?!" She heard a voice that she's been running from yell. She ran to the man and hid behind him "Oh?" The Captain looked at her but didn't move "What are you lost boys looking for?""A young girl," A boy said "I scared her, that way," The Captain said and the boy went in the direction that the Captain told, "He must be new..." He commented and timed down, kneeling down to the girl "What's your name?" "Liberty-Lou...I want to go home" She said looking at him "How did you get here?" The Captain asked "I was asleep in my bed and woke up here" Liberty-Lou said "Ok...Why are you running from the the boys?" He asked "They're scary..." She said "And you hide behind a Pirate...Your thoughts on scary are very different than a lot of peoples" He said and picked her up "Alright" "What's your name?" She asked looking at him confused as he held her steady on his hip "Killian Jones...But I'm known as Captain Hook" He walked to the rowing boat "Jones..." She repeated "Yeah" He sat down and put her beside him "We'll keep you safe till you get home, I think you're just dreaming" "Oh..." Liberty-Lou looked out yo the water back at the island "Don't sorry, we'll protect you" Hook said and patted her head.
Back In Rumpelstiltskin's Cell
Emma was banging on the cell door, trying to break it open and Liberty opened her eyes "Emma enough, it won't work" Liberty said and slid down to the floor "It was enchanted to hold Rumpelstiltskin, we don't have a chance" Snow White said. Emma sighed and dropped the rock and sat beside Liberty "This is all my fault" Liberty said "If I didn't chain him up, we wouldn't be locked up..." "No it's my fault" Aurora said "No, it's mine. Cora stole your heart because I failed to protect you" Milan said "That's very sweet, but I think Liberty was almost right..." Emma said "We're the saviours and we're not doing much saving" She said and Liberty rested her head on Emma's shoulder "We're going to win this fight, you know" Snow White said and sat beside Emma "Good always defeats evil" "You sound like Henry" Emma said "Guess optimism runs in the family" Snow White said "I think it skipped a generation" Emma said "You should know better than anybody, you both broke the curse" Snow White said "What have I don't since then? I got us stranded over here, burned down the wardrobe, let Cora bet the ashes and now the compass. The only reason we ever broke the curse was because it was exactly what Gold wanted us to do. We had nothing to do with it" Emma said "Emma has a point" Liberty said "What are you talking about?" Snow White asked "He told you were the saviours, it was his plan. Once we fulfilled that role, maybe that's all we were ever men and to do. Everything, we've ever done had been mapped out before we were even born" Liberty said "I'm not powerful, we're not the saviours" Emma said and held up the paper with their names repeated all over the paper, handing it over to Snow White "We're just a name on a piece of paper, we're a pawn, and that's exactly why we are in here and Cora's on her way to Storybrooke" Meanwhile, Hook and Cora were walking down a hill, heading towards a lake "Where are we going?" Hook asked "Lake Nostos, the legend say it's waters hold the power to restore snag was once lost" Cora told him and held up the bottle of ashes from the wardrobe "It'll return magic to what remains of this wardrobe and then we'll be able to cross worlds" They looked towards the lake, seeing it all dried up "I may be a simple Pirate but I know one thing. Lakes have water" Hook commented. Cora moved her hand around in a circle, using magic to dig a hole in the dirt in the lake. Once the digging stopped, water began to shoot out of the ground "After everything we've been through, why do you still doubt me?" Cora looked at him. Back in Rumpelstiltskin's cell, Snow White was still looking at the scroll, u til she realized something "We're getting out of here" Snow White said "How? By staring at the scroll? It's not like it's going to magically open the door for us" Emma questioned "Yes, it is" Snow White smiled as she stood up "What?" The twins looked at her confused "When I was a little girl, I used to sneak into Cora's chambers and watch her practice magic. She had a spell book, and girls, the spells were in the book" Snow White told them "Yeah, isn't that what a spell book is, a book that has spells in it?" Emma questioned "Watch" Snow White said and she blew on the scroll. The twins names came flying out of the scroll and into the air "Whoa, squid ink" Liberty said and stood up "Gold wrote the scroll in squid ink" Snow White blew the squid ink towards the door and it caused the cell door to for them to get it. Snow White looked at the twins "Told ya, good always wins" Liberty, Emma and Snow White walk out of the cell with Mulan "Wait. I can't go" Aurora said and they turn to her "You have to tie me up" "No, I'm not leaving without you" Mulan said "I cannot be trusted, not as long as Cora has my heart" Aurora said "Then I will get it back for you" Mulan said "Mulan" Aurora looked at her "I will" Mulan told her "Mulan, we have to go" Liberty said "Do it" Aurora sat on the ground as Mulan pulled out a top and began tying Aurora to the broken cell door "Good luck" "Thank you and good luck to you" Snow White said and they left Aurora tied up. Hook and Cora were watching the water shooting out of the hole +'de the water stopped shooting there was now a small lake in front of them. Cora handed over to ashes of the wardrobe to Hook "And now the ashes, would you care to do the honors?" She asked. Hook took the bottle of ashes and poured the ashes into the water and a portal began to open up "Here we go, we'll be in Storybrooke soon enough. I really look forward to seeing my daughter" Cora said with a smirk. Cora held the compass and Hook placed his hand over the compass "I told you I'd deliver you to Rumpelstiltskin. Now don't let go, unless you want to end up someplace that isn't Storybrooke" Cora warned. As they were about to jump through the portal an arrow flew passed them, knocking the compass out of their hands "You aren't going anywhere!" Liberty said lowering her bow "This portal is taking us home!" Emma said "The compass, Libs" Snow White said. Liberty place the bow on her shoulder as she ran towards the compass "Find it first, I'll take care of them" Cora said as she started shooting fireballs at them and Mulan deflected it with her sword. Liberty saw Hook near the compass and drew her sword "Hand it over, Killian" She said. Hook looked at her "We really going to do this?" He asked and drew his sword "I really don't want to" "Oh; but I really want to if you're stopping me going home, when you used to fight so much to get me there" She said and the two of them ended him in a sword fight. Emma was helping Mulan with Cora, as best as she could. Snow White tried to get a clear shot of Cora but couldn't, Cora let's go of the satchel with Aurora's heart inside it and it fell towards the portal. Hook leaned back and caught it with his hook, Liberty's eyes widen in shock "I may be a Pirate, but I bristle at the thought of a woman losing her heart, unless it's over me" He looked at Liberty as he threw the satchel to Mulan. Hook stood up "Very gentlemanly, never knew you had a soft side after all these years"  Liberty said "I don't" He smirked "Just like a fair fight" He told her and they went back to their sword fight "You're strange" She said and ducked as he swung his sword at her. She tripped him up, causing him to fall on his back. Liberty went for the compass, Hook grabbed her ankle and pulled at her ankle making her fall "Ah! That's dirty playing!" She said quickly grabbing the compass. Hook turned her around, he leaned over her and lowered his hook down onto her, she blocks his hook with her sword. He looked at her "Normally; I prefer to do other more enjoyable activities with a woman on her back. With my life on the line, you've left me no choice. A bit of advice? When I jab you with my sword, you'll feel it. You might want to quit" Hook said, looking her into the eyes almost pleading her to stop. Liberty pulled the compass from behind her back "Why would I do that, when I'm winning" She smirked and kicked him off her. She got up as did Hook and they started fighting again. Liberty swung her sword at him, he blocked and she pushed his sword down into the ground "Thanks, Jones" She punched him in the face knocking him out "Sleep tight" She said and stood up straight. Liberty saw Emma and Snow White fighting off Cora, Emma pushed Cora down "Why do you want to go to Storybrooke?" Snow White asked and Liberty made her way down to them "Because my daughter needs me and now I'm going to give the one thing she's always wanted, your heart. Goodbye Snow" Cora said as she raised her hand up "No!" The twins yelled and Emma pushed Snow White out of the way. Cora's band went into Emma's chest and she grabbed hold of her heart "Emma!" Liberty and Snow White shouted "Oh, you foolish girl. Don't you know? Love is weakness" Cora said and tried to pull out Emma's heart but it didn't come out no matter how much Cora tried "No, it's strength" Emma said and Cora got blasted back by magic they came out of Emma. Liberty glanced at where Hook was and ran to her sister "Emma, you ok?" She asked "What was that?" Emma asked, terrified and panting "This is a great subject of discussion, when we get home" Snow White said and they ran towards the water "You ready?" Snow White asked as she held up the compass "Yeah, let's go" Emma said grabbing the compass. Liberty held Emma's hand "Home time" She said and they jump into their way home. The three of them arrive out of the portal, inside a well and began climbing up the well. Emma is first out, Snow White then Liberty "Mom?" Henry called out "Henry!" Emma yelled "Mom!" Henry ran over and hugged her. Liberty steadies herself on her feet and smiled at them as Snow White joined the hug "What's going on? What happened?" Snow White asked "She saved you" Henry said as he looked at Regina "Thank you" Liberty said and leaned against a tree "Where's my husband? I need to find him" Snow White said "Mr. Gold's shop" Henry told her. Liberty walked up to Regina "Your mom...She's...She's a real piece of work" Liberty said "No offense" "Indeed and is and none taken, welcome back" Regina said "Thank you" Liberty said and walked away, going towards the shop with the others. Snow White leaned in and kissed him, just like the kiss Emma and Liberty have Henry, a bright light surrounds them and hits everyone. David gasped as he opened his eyes, he opened his eyes, he looked at Snow and said "You...You did it" Be said with a smile "Did you ever doubt I would?" Snow White asked "No" David smiled and they kissed again "Though the burning red room did give me pause" Emma looked at Liberty and they both walk towards Gold as he was putting the wand away "We need to talk" Emma said "Yes, I believe apologies are in order" He answered and turned to them "No, no apologies necessary. We understand why you wanted to keep Cora out of here" Liberty said and Emma nodded "Just remind me never to bet against you in the future, Swan's" Mr. Gold said "It's not really a bet when the game is rigged, is it?" Emma asked "To what exactly are you referring?" Mr. Gold asked "You scroll, we saw it in your cell. You wrote our name again and again and again" Emma said "Just making sure it would stick" Mr. Gold said "The ink it was there all the timed you could've gotten out whenever you wanted" Liberty said "I was exactly where I wanted to be. You needed to find that so all this could occur" Mr. Gold said "You created the curse, Gold. You made us the saviours. So everything we've done it's exactly what you wanted us to do" Emma said "I created the curse, dearies, but I didn't make you. I merely took advantage of what you two are...The products of true love. Tangs why you're powerful and everything you've done, you've done yourselves" Mr. Gold told them "So you don't know" Liberty said "Know what?" Mr. Gold asked "Cora tried to rip out my heart, but she couldn't. She was blasted back by something inside of me, by, by..." Emma said "By magic. Whatever that was, I didn't do that, you did" Mr. Gold said "You both have it" Emma and Liberty were in shock and didn't know what to say about that. Back at Lake Nostos, Cora was looking angrily at the water as Hook walked up to her, he sighed "We failed" Cora said. Hook sighed again "Really, Cora, after all this time, why do you still doubt me?" He asked and held up an old magic bean that is dried out "That's bean's petrified, it's useless" Cora said "But these's waters have regenerative properties. Perhaps it's time to do some gardening" Hook said. In Storybrooke, Liberty was sat on the sofa looking out the window in the living "Has she spoken much to anyone?" David asked "Something must have happened when she was alone with Hook" Emma said "It happened before then, when she saw him...Her reaction, it was...It was...Fear and shock" Snow said "David, can you try talking to her?" "Hmm...Sure?" David said and walked k we took her "Hi, can I join you?" Liberty looked at him and shuffled on the sofa so he could. She watched him sit down "Your sister and mother are worried about you...Everything ok?" "Yes, everything...Everything's fine..." Liberty smiled at him, more of a forged smile "You're lying" David said "Hey, you two" Emma called out to them and they looked over "Joining us at Granny's" "Yeah" David stood up and looked at Liberty "Libs?" He held his hand out to her "Come on" Liberty looked at his hand and placed hers in his standing up "Ok" She whispered and they all made their way to Granny's for dinner. On the edge of the town, near the harbor, it was covered in fog and a ship was sailing towards Storybrooke. On the ship was Cora and Hook, Hook was looking through a telescope "There it is" He said "Storybrooke" Cora said with a smile.

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