Mary Margaret walked Belle into the hospital who was rather confused, lost her memory due to Hook shooting her and she accidentally crossed the town line. Emma and Liberty together "Hide him" Liberty said pointing to Hook "What?" A nurse looked at her confused "Find a room and hide him" Liberty said and the nurse took Hook into a different room. Mr. Gold walked in "Belle! Belle! What's going on?" He asked frantically "Get him out of here!" David ordered "No! What's happening? Belle! Belle!" Mr. Gold yelled. Leroy and David held Mr. Gold back as he continued to yell for Belle "I'd like to know that myself" Leroy said "Everybody, calm down. Mr. Gold, everything will be fine. They are in good hands here, I promise" Dr. Whale said. An hour or so later, Liberty saw the nurse and walked to her "Where is he?" She asked and the nurse told her the room. Liberty made her way to Hook's room and sat on the chair in his room. She looked him over and saw that they had handcuffed him to the bed and removed his hook. Hook groaned and woke up; be turned to see Liberty "Where's Cora?" Liberty asked and stood up "What?" Hook asked and tried sitting up but couldn't due to the handcuffs, he looked at the cuffs then her "Again? You're really into this, aren't you?" He tried moving again but a sharp pain in his side stopping him "Damn, that hurts" "Told you, you cracked a few ribs" She said and sat on the edge of bed and looked at him "Again, where's Cora?" "You look good, I must say all 'where's Cora' in a commanding voice" He smirked and shivered "Chills" "You have all sorts of sore places, I can make you hurt" Liberty said and placing her hand on his chest and moving to a broken rib, he hisses "Want to try again?" She presses on his ribs "Uh! Ok! Ok!" He groaned and she lifted her hand off him "I have no idea where Cora is, she has her own agenda" He told her and opened his eyes "Let's talk about something else, I am interested in my hook, may I have it back or is there another attachment you'd prefer?" He smirked at her "You are awfully chipper for a guy who just failed to kill his enemy, then got hit by a car" Liberty said "Well, my ribs may be broken but a everything else is still intact" He licked the inside of his bottom lip, looking at her "Which is more than can be said for other bad days I've had, plus I did some quality damage to my for" "You hurt Belle" Liberty said "I hurt his heart, Belle is just where he keeps it. He killed my love, I know the feeling" Hook told her with a smile "Keep smiling buddy, you're chained down. He's on his feet, immortal, has magic and you hurt his girl. If I were to pick dead guy of the year, I'd pick you" She pointed out. Hook smiled at her "And if I were to pick dead girl of the year, I'd pick you. You've gotten in the way of his line of attack twice today" He looked down at her bruised wrist "How bad is it?" "It's fine, just bruised" She lifted her left arm up "Why, worried about me?" She smiled "Of course, you got hurt because of me" He said and looked her in the eyes "When you were hurt, I saw that little girl, in her...What was it? Care Bear pajama's?" Liberty laughed a little "Yes ,Care Bears" She nodded "Running away from the boys and hiding behind a Pirate, scared for your life, you were" Hook said and looked at her "What was it about me that made you feel safe?" "You weren't trying to capture me" She said and placed her hand on his cheek "Whatever you do while you're here, do not tell my family about our past, until I'm ready or else I will make sure that everything that is still intact is not intact" She warned "Understand?" "It's not my tale to tell" Hook said and looked at her, Liberty gave him a pointed look "I promise" "Thank you" She kissed his cheek "What are Cora's agenda's?" She asked "I don't know" Hook said and Liberty raised her brows at him "I don't" Liberty sat up and poured him some water "Here" She stood up, lifted him up carefully before helping him drink water "There you go, you were beginning to sounds dry. I know it's not rum but maybe, that's for another time" "Another time?" He looked at her amused "You mean to say that you're keeping me in the town?" "For now" She giggled and gently laid him down "Jones I hmmm..." She started but David walked in "Sweetheart" She looked over at him "We need you now" David said and walked off "Duty calls?" Hook asked "I hmm" She looked at Hook "I know, Little Lou, go" He smiled at her. She leaned down and kissed his cheek "See you soon" She followed after her father. Liberty walked up to David, Mary Margaret, Ruby, Emma and Leroy who were all looking at the stranger's phone "We've got to get into his phone, let me guess another pass code" David said "You can't guess, there are a million possible combinations" Mary Margaret commented on "10,000" Ruby said and Mary Margaret repeated "Leroy, can you get it open or something? Hack it?" David asked "Well, you do understand that computer hacking and pickax hacking are different, right?" Leroy said "Here" Liberty took the phone from David and out in a flash "What have we found so far, in the car" She looked at Emma "There were rental agreement, maps, receipts" Emma listed off "Name?" Liberty asked as she tapped on the screen hacking into his phone as David watched her, very confused "His name is Greg Mendel" Emma told her "Ok" Liberty nodded and unlocked the phone, going through it "Ok, now let's see" She said and began going through his phone "Pictures of him alone at a bunch of Eastern Seaboard tourist locations, a LinkedIn accounts, and he tweets pictures of his good. I'll keep looking but I think what we have here is a well-documented real-life ordinary Joe...Or Greg" She said and looked at Emma "So whatever's kept random people from stumbling into Storybrooke for the last 28 years..." Ruby said worried "It's gone" Mary Margaret said "Anyone could drive in...Why are my instincts telling me that's a bad thing?" David asked "Because it is" Liberty said "Have you seek E.T or Splash, or any other movie where they find something magical and study it to death. Think what's they do to a werewolf" Leroy said "I don't think we want to" Liberty commented "Oh, and his friends and family? They're going to come looking for him soon" Mary Margaret said "Let's try not to overreact" Emma said "Leroy's right, we don't need outsiders here" David said "Hook said that he doesn't know where Cora is and god knows what she's going to do" Liberty said "With other people coming here, that's not going to be good for anyone" Emma said "We need to find Regina and tell her we know she was framed" Mary Margaret said "I've been tracking her, no luck, she's gone underground" Ruby said "What if Cora finds her first? I don't want to think about the damage those two would do together. This could not have come at a worse time" Mary Margaret said "It's ok, the guy's being patched up right now, he'll probably be on his way home by morning" Emma said. Dr. Whale walked up to them "Not quite" He said "He's bleeding into his chest cavity. It's not a full flood, you know, but pretty soon he'll be drowning in his own blood" He informed them "So make it stop, aren't you a doctor?" Emma questioned. Dr. Whale saw Mr. Gold walking down the stairs and he approached him "Gold, you fixed me, now fix him" Dr. Whale said and they looked over at their conversation "It will take you seconds and cost you nothing" "No" Mr. Gold told him "No? Just no?" Dr. Whale questioned "I owe you nothing, Whale. I owe none of you anything and some of you owe me. So, yeah, just no. Oh, and point of interest the driver. He saw me throwing some magic. So undead of trying to get him out of here, you better be hoping he dies, because if he doesn't, he's going be driving tour buses up and down Main Street. So glad that I don't, give a damn" Mr. Gold said with a smirk and walked away "Look" Dr. Whale turned to the others "Letting him die is easy. I can do that, if that's what you decided" Dr. Whale told them "Let's take this conversation somewhere private" Liberty said. Dr. Whale led them into the supply room "It's not really murder if we let him succumb to his injuries" Dr. Whale said "I'm pretty sure it is" Liberty frowned at him as she laser and smelt the alcohol on him "Of course we save him" Mary Margaret said "Obviously" David said "Well..." Leroy said as he walked into the supply room "Leroy!" Mary Margaret and Liberty scolded him "We gotta think it through, if we save him and kill the whole town, is that really better?" Leroy questioned "So, we have to choose between our lives and his?" Ruby questioned "Which doesn't mean we should abandon him" Mary Margaret said "We can worry about the town later" David said "Which doesn't mean we should abandon him" Mary Margaret said "I know but let's worry about Storybrooke after we save a life" David said and looked at Dr. Whale "Dr. Whale prep for surgery" Dr. Whale looked at David and walked out of the room "Anyone else noticed he's drunk off his ass?" Mary Margaret asked "I wouldn't want him doing surgery on me, right now" Liberty said. The Star Wars theme tune rang from Greg's phone and Liberty looked down at the phone "Someone's looking for Greg" She said "How long before they come here?" Emma asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2022 ⏰

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