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Emma, Liberty, Mary Margaret and David walk into Mr. Gold's shop "Ah, nothing warms the heart more than a family reunited, you have your mother's chin, Swan's" Mr. Gold pointed out "We know that you killed him" Emma said bluntly "And your father's tact" Mr. Gold said "Someone's dead?" Belle questioned "Archie" Liberty said "Why on earth would you think I had anything to do with that?" Mr. Gold asked the twins "Because all the evidence points to Regina" Emma said "And she's not possibly capable of doing something so vile?" Belle asked "It's a frame job" Liberty said "It wouldn't be the first time you used someone to try to hurt her" Mary Margaret said "Nice to see your memory's still intact, dearie, not this time I'm afraid I'm gonna have to disappoint you, it wasn't me" Mr. Gold said "Why should we believe you?" David asked "Because I can prove it, ask the witness" Mr. Gold said "No one was there" Emma said "Not a human anyway..." Liberty said "Correct" Mr. Gold said. Minutes later, David walked back in with Pongo. Mr. Gold knelt down "Hey boy, good boy, good boy" Mr. Gold said as he pet Pongo "I, uh, I didn't know you were such a dog person" Belle said "Well, a long time ago, in another life, I got to know a sheepdog or two" Mr. Gold told her "That's fascinating, but unless you speak dog, how is Pongo going to tell us anything?" Emma asked "Through magic, of course. It won't allow us to communicate, but it will allow us to extract his memories" Mr. Gold said "Extract?" Liberty questioned "You don't have to worry, he won't feel a thing" Mr. Gold said "Why should we trust you? Couldn't you just as easily use magic to fool us?" Emma "Because I'm not going to be the one using magic, you both are" Mr. Gold told the twins "Us, why?" Emma asked "You both babe it within you, told me so yourselves, you witnessed it, didn't you?" Mr. Gold said and looked at Mary Margaret "Girls, you don't have to do this" Mary Margaret said "If it tells us something about Archie's death so be it" Emma said and looked at Liberty "Agreed, we're doing it" Liberty said. Mr. Gold pulled out a dream catcher from a cab it and he'd it up "Now, do you girls know what this is?" He asked them "A dream catcher" The twins said "Well, it's capable of catching so much more" Mr. Gold informed them and he brushed them dream catcher along Pongo's back and it began to blow "What is that?" Belle asked "Memories, now Swan's you show us how" Mr. Gold said. Liberty and Emma took hold of the dream catcher "How? It's just a jumble" Emma said "Will it, will it and we shall all see" Mr. Gold said "We can't" Emma said "Yes, you can" Mr. Gold said. Liberty and Emma held hands and both focus on the dream catcher and Pongo's memory of Archie's death "Girls, you're doing it" David said. Liberty opened her eyes and saw Archie walking to the door and allowing Regina into his office. They watch ad Archie went to the filing cabinet and Regina walked to him. Regina grabbed his throat, strangling him and lifting Archie off the ground. Emma and Liberty dropped the dream catcher "You were right all along" Liberty said looking at David as her eyes pooled with tears "I'm sorry Liberty" David said and brought Liberty into his arms "I'm sorry for acting out" Liberty whispered and hugged him back "Dad" David gasped and kissed her head "It's ok" He said and saw Emma storming out of the shop "Emma?" Liberty pulled away and followed after Emma with their parents "Emma? Emma slow down" Liberty said "Where are you going?" David asked as he followed his daughters "You saw what happened, Regina killed Archie" Emma said, frowning as she walked down the street "That's a crime and she has to deal with the consequences for that crime, Libs you should know that" "I do, but I know storming to Regina without a plan isn't the best choice" Liberty said and they all stopped walking when Emma turned to them "Libs' right Emma" Mary Margaret said "She has her powers back here" "Liberty and I have magic too" Emma stated "Yeah, you do, but neither of you know what to do with it and now you're going to go take on the most powerful woman in town?" David questioned "Hold on, you e been on the whole it's Regina thing the whole time. You should be happy, you're right" Emma said "We may be right, but I also know that going after her without a plan is a mistake" Mary Margaret told her, convincing her to cool down "Ok" Emma sighed "So, what do we do?" She asked "Even if the dwarfs' construct a cell to hold her, we need a way to contain her magic until then" David said "Will that stop her magic?" Liberty asked "It had before, the problem is, she'll see us coming" David told them "Leave that to me" Emma grinned "Trust me, we're locking her up"

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