Later at night in Storybrooke, Hook tied his ship to the docks as Cora and him walked off it "Well, my dear Cora, this is where we shall part ways" Hook said "Thank you for everything, it's time for me to skin my crocodile" Cora disappeared and reappeared in front of him "You might want to rethink this" Cora said "We had a deal, get out of my way" Hook said looking at her annoyed "Believe it or not, I'm doing you a favor" Cora told him "By preventing my vengeance?" Hook asked her "Ask yourself how I'm doing that" Cora said "By using your dark magic" Hook answered "Exactly, magic is here and that makes matters a bit more compliment if you go off half-cocked after an empowered Rumpelstiltskin, do you know what'll happen?" Cora asked and Hook looked away quickly "So you do, good" A man who worked at the fish market, near the docks walked up to the two of them. The man asked them a few questions, that neither of them were happy with man randomly talking to them. The man mentioned about Hook's ship and Cora used her magic to make Hook's ship invisible, causing more questions. Cora used her magic and had him turned into a fish, Hook walked to the fish and kicked it into the water. He turned to her "What did you do with my ship?" He asked "I hid it from prying eyes, for what we both want to do, we need the element of surprise. Now, are you ready to listen to me?" Cora asked "Go on, Your Majesty, what now?" He asked her "Let's go have a little look at this Storybrooke, shall we?" Cora suggested.

Emma, Liberty and Henry walked into the apartment with grocery bags unaware of David and Mary Margaret still in bed "Hey, guess what, taco shells were on sale" Henry said as they walked in "Apparently, tacos not a big item in the enchanted

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Emma, Liberty and Henry walked into the apartment with grocery bags unaware of David and Mary Margaret still in bed "Hey, guess what, taco shells were on sale" Henry said as they walked in "Apparently, tacos not a big item in the enchanted..." Emma started and stopped as they saw David and Mary Margaret in bed still "What are you guys still doing in bed? It's the middle of the afternoon" Henry asked them. Emma and Liberty stared at their parents with horrified looks on their faces "The trip back was tiring and I needed to rest" Mary Margaret said "And I needed to help her rest" David said "Uh, let's-let's to make the tacos kiddo" Liberty said and guided Henry to the kitchen "We have to make a lot as there's going to be a ton of people at Granny's welcome back party tonight" Liberty said and began helping henry making tacos as Emma whispered with their parents "Are you ok Aunt Libby?" Henry asked. Liberty looked at Henry and smiled "Of course, first time in another world made me a little wobbly but I'm home and feeling better" Liberty said with a smile. Emma joined them "Let's get these tacos made" Emma said. Later that night, Mary Margaret, Emma, David and Henry walked into the diner. Liberty stopped outside the diner and looked up at the sky as she leaned against the fence "You look troubled dearie" Mr. Gold said walking up to her "Your magic will get out of control, just like it almost did in my shop" Liberty looked over to him "Mr. Gold...I'm sorry about that...I didn't damage anything did I?" She asked "No, no, you didn't" Mr. Gold said "Remember this, control your emotions, anger to get the magic out then happiness to rein it in" He said "Why are helping me?" She asked "Call it, I help you then you help me" Mr. Gold said "With what?" Liberty asked "You're the Deputy right?" He asked and she nodded "Then I'll call you the minute I need your help, no questions asked you just come straight to me, answer the phone, if I say a location you have to arrive if I haven't then it's not part of our deal, deal?" "Fine, I can do that...I think" Liberty said "Unless you wake me up then you have to deal with me being cranky" "I've known you since you were 18, I think I can deal with that" He held his hand out to shake "We got a deal?" "You've already down your half of the deal, so no point" She shook his hand "You might want to join your welcome back party, before a search party for you" Mr. Gold said "True" Liberty backed away and walked into the diner unaware that Hook and Cora were watching them in the shadows of an alleyway "Finally" David looked at Liberty "I was about to come out and look for you" He said and took her hand, walking to Mary Margaret and Emma "You missed the speeches" "Good, I've never been big on them" Liberty said and looked at him "Though I'm sure it was lovely" Regina walked in "Sorry I'm late" Regina said "What is she doing here?" Leroy asked as he grabbed a knife "We invited her" The twins said and their parents pulled them aside "What?" David asked "We're celebrating today because of Regina. She helped us get home, no matter what she did in the past, we owe her our thanks now" Liberty said "Why didn't you think to tell us about it?" David asked them "We tried, but you two were a little busy this afternoon" Emma said "Girls; she tied to kill us, yesterday" Mary Margaret said "No, she didn't. She's trying to change for Henry, he believes in her and right now that's enough for me. I couldn't have changed if I wasn't given a chance, so she gets one too" Emma said "Ok" Mary Margaret nodded "Good" Liberty said and walked to Regina and Henry "Regina, glad you could make it" She smiled "Thank you for extending an invitation" Regina said "Lasagne?" She asked "What's the secret ingredient, poison?" Leroy asked from beside Liberty "Leroy..." Liberty looked at him "Enough" "Red pepper flakes, gives it some kick" Regina said looking at Leroy and handed him a plate then plated some up from Liberty "Here you go" "Thank you" Liberty took it and sat beside Henry "Do you remember Henry's 7th birthday?" She asked "How could I forget, he made a mess of the cake" Regina said and saw Mary Margaret and David behind Liberty "What are you guys talking about?" Mary Margaret said "The first time I ate Regina's cooking" Liberty said and ruffled up Henry's hair "With a messy eater" She laughed "Hey!" Henry tapped her hand off his head and looked at her "You seem more like yourself" "Well, being around the two of you does that" Liberty smiled and looked at Regina then Henry "I spent a lot of time with you two as you were growing up. So makes sense, I get a sense of home" "Weren't you feeling well?"
Regina asked "I had a moment in the Enchanted Forest but all good now" Liberty grinned and ate the lasagne as she walked to Emma "Wanna try a bit?" "Sure" Emma said and took a  fork taking a piece of the lasagne and eating it "Yum, Regina's?" "Yeah, apples are bad smithing else good...As Henry always said growing up" Liberty said. Emma and Liberty sat together eating and talking and Liberty saw Regina sat alone and watched as she got up and left "Emma" She said and Emma looked over "Let's go" Emma said the twins followed her out "Archie made a cake, you don't want to stay for piece?" Emma asked "I'm fine" Regina turned to them "Thank you" "Ok" Emma nodded "Thank you" Regina repeated "You just said that" Emma said "For inviting me" Regina said "Henry wanted it, I'm glad you guys got to spend some time together" Emma said "Me too, I'd like to see him more. Maybe you'd consider letting him stay over some time. I have his room just waiting for him" Regina said "I'm...I'm not sure that's best" Emma said "Because you know so much about parenting in the five minutes you've been with him. Talk to David, at least he took care of him while you were away, like I did during the ten years you were away the first time" Regina snapped at Emma "Regina" Liberty looked at her "son; thanks for coming. Let's go Liberty" Emma said announced and started to walk back into the diner "No, wait, I'm sorry" Regina said and Emma turned back to them "Snapping at you, I shouldn't have done that. Will you accept my apology?" Regina asked "Ok, you're right" Emma said "Archie said you were trying to change and we'll, you are" Emma added and Liberty's eyes widened "Dr. Hopper said I was trying?" Regina questioned "He said you came to see him, that you're trying not to use magic and that you're trying to be a better person. You understand, I was hesitant to invite you. I asked him and he thought it was a good idea" Emma said "Thank you, it was" Regina said, Emma smiled at her and Regina looked between them "I should be going" Regina said and walked away from them.

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