Happily ever after never lasts, does it? No... Even a diamond will not last, not in perfect condition anyway. In the aftermath of the littlest diamond's prodigy progeny, pristine in personae, there is trouble from the other end of the spectrum. The...
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Beach City The Temple 9:23am
Steven gathers all of the bottled diamond essence and slowly gets ready to leave. Before they leave, Peridot warps to Little Homeworld to get something she made especially for Connie. Steven is kinda disappointed that the first thing he does when he gets back is gem stuff. Hopefully after all this is over, they can finally have fun and relax.
Steven walks up to The Conservatory to call Malachite to inform her that they will be arriving on Homeworld in a few minutes. Malachite informs him where she will meet them and will direct them to her laboratory. Steven walks back to the house and sees something that gives him a shock look.
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(Made by Harsh Boogie on Tumblr)
"Woah.. Connie!" Steven cries out. "You look.. Amazing!!"
Connie turns around. "Oh! Thanks Steven! Peridot made it for me and look at this full-arm gauntlet! I never thought I could use gem technology." She says.
"It's not really gem tech. This gauntlet enhances the strength in your left arm, so it could really pack a punch. It's also not easily breakable." Peridot comments.
Suddenly, the warp pad lights up, revealing Lapis and Bismuth wearing her armor.
"Hey we're back" Bismuth says.
"We canceled Little Homeschool for today." Lapis adds. "It's time they take a break anyways. We should also get back soon. Everyone wants to see you Steven."
"I'll make sure to go there soon. Okay since everyone is here, shall we go?" Steven says.
Everyone nods their heads except for Greg. "You guys go on ahead. I'll wait here. Plus, I haven't really got a chance to eat my breakfast" "Oh Right! How could I forget about breakfast." Amethyst adds as she walks on to the kitchen counter and swallows the bagel. "Okay I'm ready."