(Chapter Five- Black Ink Pretty Pink)

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White Diamond's face quickly turns from horrified to stern

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White Diamond's face quickly turns from horrified to stern. "We need to leave. Now." She says as all of them shapeshifts back to their regular size.

"Rose, It was nice seeing you again but we need to go." A bubble encases The Diamonds and goes into the Diamond mecha. As they depart, They detach from the pink leg ship, Leaving it sitting on the hill.

 As they depart, They detach from the pink leg ship, Leaving it sitting on the hill

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Hey!! Don't forget about us!" Spinel cries out but it's too late.

"What's.. Going on??" Steven asks as more ships enter the atmosphere.

"I don't know but I've a bad feeling about this" Garnet responds

Pink, looking at the ships, feels deja vu wash over her, The presence, The horror on white's face as she looks at the same fleet. A dark fog of the mind slowly pulled away, reminding her of something she almost wishes she wasn't here for.

Flashback 7000 years ago.

Pink Pearl and Rose are seen running through the halls of the palace. Playing tag and hide n go seek.

"Okay Pearl! It's your turn to hide." Rose says.

"Yay! Good luck finding me, Pink" Pink Pearl responds while clapping.

Pink Pearl runs off and Rose turns to a column and starts counting, As she finishes, She runs off to find her. While she is running, She spots White Diamond walking to a room with a large door. Pink immediately hides and White scans her hand. She looks around to make sure no one is there and walks into the room. Pink runs inside the room right before the door closes.

White is seen typing on a white holographic screen. She then looks over to the obsidian-like necklace, walks over to it and sits down.

"After all I've done to forget you..."She says, staring at the necklace. "I still can't move on. Even though I have Yellow, Blue and Pink, It still feels lonely here. Like you never existed.

White then sits down on a long chair. Similar to the one in yellow's control room in message received.

"White?? What is she talking about" Pink whispered

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