Happily ever after never lasts, does it? No... Even a diamond will not last, not in perfect condition anyway. In the aftermath of the littlest diamond's prodigy progeny, pristine in personae, there is trouble from the other end of the spectrum. The...
The Ballroom was filled with silence. No one dared to speak or moved a muscle. Black Diamond's words struck shock and fear into everyone. One whole minute passed and Pink spoke up, taking a stand against her fellow diamond that for once won't end in casualties.
"Who. Was. That. White, If that's the black diamond you spoke about, then we need to know what's happening." She says in a blank tone.
White turns around and looks at Pink with an cheesed off expression
"It's none of your business Pink." White declared
Before Pink can respond, Yellow steps up and clears her throat.
"When it physically affects us, and steps into our home, It BECOMES our business."
White sighs as she relents
"Fine, I think it's better if we go to my room." She replied. "Follow me."
She went to the middle of the room and the rest followed. An opaque bubble encases all of them and transports them to her room.
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After they arrived, everyone sat on the ground, ready for an explanation. "Why did we have to go to your room?" Spinel asks
"For a situation like this, I'd like to talk in private with no one around." White responds. She walks to the door and places her hand on the scanner to lock it.
"Get comfortable everybody." She added, "This is going to be a long story."
. . . . . Eons ago, Two giant meteors landed on an uninhabitable and deserted planet.
"On this planet?" Pink Pearl interrupted.
"No, On the planet Black said. Galactica."
This was the creation of us. Where me and Black came into existence. I am created with the power of perfection and creation while black has the power of destruction and chaos. We are complete opposites and that's what made us perfect for each other. We brought balance to the universe.