S14:E1 "Uncharted"

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Lloyd and Morro were currently under the monastery watching the camera footage around the city. Well, Lloyd was watching the footage, Morro has fallen asleep awhile ago since the two had been up all night. Pixal walks into the area noticing Lloyd.

"Have you been up all night?", Pixal asked as she wakes over to Lloyd.

"Yeah, just monitoring the surveillance footage for any sign of the criminals who broke out of Kryptarium last month", the blond replied.

"I was told the police made an arrest", Lloyd pressed a button on the control panel to see. Fugi-Dove was shown on screen. "Fugi-Dove", Lloyd confirmed. "They caught him feeling pigeons in the park".

Pixal took a closer look at the second picture on screen and noticed, "is that Ronin?", she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, the police hired him to help round up the criminals. I don't like how the police keep using a Bounty Hunter like Ronin but . . .", the alarm started beeping which quickly woke Morro up from his light sleep.

"Who is that?", both Pixal and Morro asked when Lloyd changed the camera footage to show the outside of the monastery where a mystery man was holding a box full of random items.


"Cecil Putnam, manager of the Explorer's Club", he spoke politely to everyone already getting on Morro's nerves slightly but he didn't say anything. "I regret to inform you that Misako Montgomery Garmadon's membership has been cancelled. Effective immediately. Here are the items emptied from her club locker", he handed Lloyd a box.

"On what grounds?", Zane asked not understanding what exactly was happening along with everyone else.

"Can we know why?", Morro asked at the same time then turned to Zane and chuckled since they both said the same thing just in different ways.

"I'm afraid it's club policy", Cecil told Zane and Morro mouthed what he said with hand gestures as a mock which earned him a glare form the manager. Cecil coughed slightly so he wouldn't sound mad and continued, "Whenever a member is missing or presumed lost at sea, the club revokes their membership".

"What are you taking about?", Nya asked him almost angry.

"Oh, there's no need for panic", Cecil wasn't worried about Misako at all, only the club. "Her position will be given to another worthy applicant. The club will prevail", he said proudly.

"I'm not worried about the club!", Lloyd threw the box down mad.

"We're worried about our mother and Master Wu!", Morro continued.

"Where are they?!", both of them asked Cecil in an outrage and Kai took a small step back fallowed by Cole and Jay.

"She was leading an expedition with Professor Powers to attempt to navigate the storm belt and prove her theory about an uncharted island", Cecil started.

"Our theory", Morro corrected since he was the one to tell Misako and she also believed it so they promised to share the credit if it was true.

"Right", Cecil glared at Morro then relaxed. "But as we haven't heard from them in several weeks, the expedition is presumed lost".

"The storm belt?!", Pixal asked concerned and looked at Morro. "What were you two thinking?!".


"The storm belt is an area off the southern coast plagued by violent storms", Pixal explained. "Numerous ships and airplanes have gone missing in the region", she faced Morro again. "It is considered very dangerous.

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