S14:E4 "The Tooth if Wojira"

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((Just a heads up- most of this episode was skipped because it's just going to be Morro angst/sadness really- if you're uncomfortable with mentions of abuse then you can skip to the next chapter! Anyways, let's start!))

The ninja had just caught Ronin and the rest of the escaped criminals, they were now all locked away in the prison cell the Islanders had.

"-And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you ninja and your pesky friend", Ronin told Kai and Cole harshly.

"Why did I have a feeling he was gonna say that?", Cole asked Kai as they walked away to the throne room.

"Let me offer my sincerest apologies, my ninja allies", the leader of the Islanders bowed.

"For what?", Cole asked as if they didn't almost die and Jay wasn't almost eaten.

"Having our stone guardian attack you, locking you up and the wind elemental, sacrificing your friend to a monster, that sort of stuff".

"Ah, forget it", Kai told him.

"Yeah, happens to us all the time", Cole agreed. Lloyd was thinking about what the leader said before he realized.

"Wait, you locked up Morro too?!", Lloyd asked quickly going over to the leader. "Where is he?!", Lloyd asked outraged.

All the ninja looked at Lloyd and tensed in case he tried to hurt anyone but the leader only nodded before leading the way.


Morro was woken up by a rough nudge and he shielded his face starting to tremble. "Please no more", he begged. "I- I can't handle more", Morro cried and Lloyd quickly took the wind master in his arms.

"Shh, shh", he rubbed Morro's back. "You're not there anymore", Morro looked at Lloyd with teary eyes and the blond moved the hair out of Morro's face. "You're here, with me, Lloyd Garmadon. Your future person", Lloyd stated since he didn't want the Islanders to know Morro's relationship with anyone incase. "And with Jay Walker, Nya Smith, Kai Smith, Zane Julian and Cole Brookstone", Morro leaned into Lloyd still having tears fall.

"But- but Jay is dead", he whispered. "My- my only blood relative is dead", Jay bent down to be at Morro's level and Lloyd let Morro go so he could have full focus on Jay.

"Little wind", Jay told him lovingly since they were relatives by blood. "I'm still here", Morro looked up confused on how he was hearing Jay's voice and then saw the blue ninja. Jay pulled Morro into a hug and hummed softly as he played with the smaller's hair.

"Just go to sleep and you'll be okay when you wake up", Jay promised and Morro nodded slowly as he allowed himself to deft off.


When Morro woke up he was next to Lloyd being in a tight hug from the blond and he smiled. "You didn't want to leave me I see", Morro stated as he placed one of his hands around one of Lloyd's.

The blond chuckled slightly embarrassed, "of course I didn't want to leave you", Lloyd let him go since he knew Morro doesn't like being held for to long. "Just like how I didn't want to leave you on Day of the Departed", Morro giggled.

"Oh, how long we've come from then", Lloyd nodded. "We've had to fight a evil genie, my two care takers, a weird girl that pretended to like you even though you're taken, a biker gang, me and the others fight off dragon hunters, an evil version of our father, Aspheera, evil Zane which I'm a fan of but still love our Zane", he smiled and hugged himself in joy. "He's so huggable!", Lloyd laughed. "And an evil sorcerer", Morro continued.

"Yeah, we've been through a lot", Lloyd smiled then stared off into the sky. Misako and Wu walked over to the deck and noticed the two.

Misako placed a hand on the raven head's hair, "Lloyd, are you okay?", she asked noticing Lloyd staring off at the sky and water.

"I was just thinking", Lloyd stood up fallowed by Morro who almost fell into the water again but was caught by Lloyd and got a smile.

"Thanks", Morro was placed back to a standing position and Misako smiled at the two along with Wu.

"I know Ronin's monster was a fake", Lloyd continued on. "But I guess I was wondering if Wojira is really still out there somewhere", Lloyd asked concerned.

"I hope not! If what the Islanders said was true about how Storm is connected to Wojira and that since I'm wind I'm connected to Storm, then nah, ah", Morro shook his head. "Master Wu would always tell me the story of Wojira so I'd rather not be apart of another work ending operation any time soon, thank you very much!", Lloyd nodded though he was still staring.

"Well, if she is, may she sleep for another thousand years", Wu stated as he as well stared off too.

Both Morro and Misako looked at each other worriedly and the raven head hugged her for comfort and also support for standing.

((Ah, yes, hi. Sorry this chapter was so short- since I skipped most of the episode because Morro wasn't there it took out a lot of this chapters story points- anyways, can't wait to start on Seabound! I will start writing right now so I can get it out as soon as I possibly can! Hope to see you reading it when it comes out! Have a great day/night please! Good bye lovely people!))

Word count: 925

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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