S14:E3 "The Gift of Jay"

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Lloyd and Morro were standing in the cave, their backs to the fire as Lloyd painted two stripes on each side of his face. He then turned to Morro who shook their head with a soft smile.

"What's that for?", Twitchy asked Lloyd.

"Camouflage", was the only thing the blond said which was plain and cold.

"You two are going out there?!", he asked in a panic. "Are you nuts?!", Twitchy yelled as he basically jumped onto Lloyd which caused the two to hold hands and Morro growled cold.

"We don't have a choice, Twitchy", Lloyd explained to him. "Our friends need us", Morro nodded.

"And we could use all the help we could get", Lloyd put an arm around Twitchy.

"We could do this by our selves though", Morro glared. "So I'd your like to stay behind that's perfectly okay", Lloyd blinked at how cold Morro was not used to it for years.

"Forget it", Twitchy said. "Wanna know how I survived on this island for so long?", he asked causing Lloyd to stop. "By not taking chances".

"Twitchy, I know you're scared, but if us three work together we can rescue the others, find my mom, and get off this island", Lloyd stated as he walked out of the cave fallowed Morro. "All we have to do is sneak into their village, break them out, and-", Lloyd stopped as he saw Twitchy started to twitch a lot with electricity and Morro hid quickly behind the green ninja. "Twitchy? Are you okay?", Lloyd asked worried.

"What's all that for?", Twitchy asked his memories of the speech having been wiped. "Camouflage?"

"Oh, great", Lloyd sighed as he looked at the roof of the cave.

"You're going out there?!", Twitchy yet again asked while grabbing Lloyd by his hood. "Are you nuts?!".

"Hands off, powerless human", Morro growled causing him to let go.

"Twitchy, I get it", Lloyd started. "You've been knocked down, a lot. But that doesn't mean you have to stay down. You're stronger than that", Twitchy turned around to face Lloyd again and looked at the fire.


Lloyd and Morro ran through the trees as they were getting to the islanders' camp. The two looked around for anywhere the ninja could be kept and Morro noticed it first, "Greenie!", he said in a whisper. "Look!", Morro pointed to the cell. "They seem to use the spears to open the door", Lloyd grinned then faced Morro and pat his shoulder.

"I wouldn't be able to do this without your help, you know that?", Morro smiled and nodded.

"Talk later, save now", he said as he stood up and Lloyd stood up agreeing.

A growled was heard from behind the two and they turned around to see what it was. "Oh, no. Not you again", Lloyd complained as the two saw the dragon. "Shoo! Shoo! Get! Go!", the blond tried. Zephyr passed the coconut to Lloyd and Morro then the blond threw it. "He's worse than your dragon", Lloyd told Morro with a joking smile.

"Hey! He's just young!", Morro crossed his arms then uncrossed them quick upon seeing Zephyr back. Lloyd raised an eye brow confused then looked over and saw the dragon.

"How?", Lloyd and Morro were both surprised. "You were just . . .", Lloyd paused then picked up the coconut and went to throw it but stopped when he saw a platform moving on a rope. "Hey, guys!", he yelled to the people on the platform. "Catch!", he threw the coconut at them and they caught it.

Morro giggled as the dragon quickly jumped onto the platform, both Morro and Lloyd jumped as well using the rope to swing on then landed on the rope and begun to run along it. The two ninja landed on another platform and the dragon joined as well as giving the coconut back to Lloyd. The blond threw the coconut at the guards who were posted in front of the cell, Zephyr immediately jumped after to get the coconut and chased the guards away from their posts.

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