S14:E2 "The Keepers of the Amulet"

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The ninja plus Twitchy Tim were all in their Jungle Choppers racing through the forest on the uncharted island. As they were driving Lloyd noticed something moving under the leaves in the forest and pulled over, the others all fallowed.

"What's wrong?", Nya asked Lloyd as she took of her ninja hood.

"I thought I saw something up there", he motioned to a ledge. "An animal", Morro sat down on the ground and just let a small beetle crawl onto his hand while they others started to discuss.

"We're in the jungle, Lloyd", Jay told him confused. "I'm sure there's lots of animals", he made a motion with his arms for emphasis.

"Hey, did anyone bring a snack?", Cole asked. "I'm starving".

"I did", Jay told him.


"But it fell in the ocean", Jay told him plain.

"Well thanks for getting my hopes up", Cole sat down on the Jungle Chopper pouting. Morro looked at him confused, even now as a human Morro barely ate anything. On nights they would have Pizza he'd only have one slice on a good day and on other nights he mostly just gave his left overs to Cole or Jay.

"What kind of animals are there on this island, Twitchy?", Lloyd asked him.

The named male groaned worriedly, "Poisonous pythons, poisonous jaguars, poisonous frogs, poisonous eels", Morro shivered. "Poisonous piranhas, poisonous birds!", he groaned again.

"Poisonous birds?", Nya asked in disbelief.

"Pretty much everything on this island is poisonous", Twitchy told them. "Especially those berries", he motioned to Cole who was eating some of them so he spat them out.

"I doubt that", Morro said honestly. "You can't have everything on one island poisonous unless they came from the same starting species", he rolled his eyes and laid on his back. "You were scared when you first came here so you thought everything was the worst possible version of an animal", the others all blinked at Morro.

"Anyways", Lloyd started wanting to change the subject. "Whatever is on this island, it won't stop us from finding me and Morro's mom and Master Wu", he said to them all as he climbed back into his Jungle Chopper and Morro fallowed.

"And Clutch Powers", Nya added.

"Huh, oh, yeah. Right. And Clutch", Lloyd agreed completely forgetting that Clutch existed.

"Hypothetically if Clutch was to per say be pushed off of a cliff or into the water would anyone really care?", Morro asked slowly they all nodded meaning they would care and Morro crossed his arms. "You're all no fun", he mumbled yet it was still audible.

They all pulled on their ninja hoods again expect for Twitchy and Morro since they didn't have hoods or just didn't like wearing it then started up their engines and drove off fast.


The ninja once again stopped at a clearing and all got out if their Choppers.

"Let's leave the Jungle Choppers here", Lloyd said as he begun to walk. "There's no way we're going to drive through that", the blond motioned to the heavy built bushes.

"Yup, definitely staying in the middle of the group this time", Morro smiled and chuckled softly. "I would prefer to stay in the living word. Sure it would be fun to say that I've died three times but", he backed behind Cole. "No thank you", something growled above them making Morro tense.

Kai laughed, "you weren't kidding. You really are hungry. I can hear your stomach growling from here", Kai said to Cole thinking the growling was from Cole's stomach not an animal above them.

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