Chapter Seven: Dinner Party

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So the picture up above is the characters in this fanfiction. Hope you enjoy this chapter

29th May 1879
They day of the dinner party has arrived and everyone is excited.
Sophia has been helping Christine and Meg with the performers, she is going to be a performer like Meg, christine is now 3 1/2 months pregnant and is showing in all of her dresses.
"Mother" Sophia called "yes darling" she replied "when the baby is here does that mean you won't love me" she started "oh Sophia of course not your father and I love you very much we wouldn't of adopted you if we didn't" Christine assures her but she knows that didn't work "tell you what, how about we go out for the day Meg will be able to handle the girls, and we will spend some time just us two" she said Sophia was gleaming "really mother" she replied "yes". "But we have to be home by 6 to get ready for the dinner party" she added. Thy decided to get some lunch with Meg and then headed to the beach where they sunbathed and swam and before they knew it, it was 5:30 "we must be heading home now and get ready for tonight" Christine announced Sophia nodded sadly but reluctantly got up and they walked towards Phantasma. Once they got home Christine went and got ready putting her hair in her now normal everyday bun with only just two thick strands dangling over her left shoulder and wore a light pink sparkly dress. While Sophia kept her hair which was blonde like Megs in it's now usual hair style and put the two front sections and clipped them behind her head and the ends just sitting on her shoulder, her hair was all the way down to her waist just like Christine's she wore a blue dress with black detailing on the front kinda like the dress christine wore to her fathers grave. Soon Meg and Ainoinette arrived helping Christine and Sophia with dinner Erik was at work and will be meeting his work partners families then make there way here. It wasn't long for them to arrive there was a lot of people but luckily Christine made enough stew to feed an army. Once everyone arrived the men introduced themselves and family there was:
Albert Braxton with his wife Sarah and their 10 year old daughter Margret
Chester Harvey with his wife Clara and their 7 year old son Roy
Then Robert reed with his 7 1/2 month wife Alice.
Then there was Coleman Stanley who isn't married and has no children.
They all greeted each other and Coleman and Megs eyes met and suddenly they both felt fireworks going of in the room. "Hello I'm Coleman" he said "yes I know Monsieur you said that when you arrived" Meg replied Coleman just smiled awkwardly he swooned at her accent and they just stared into each other's eye what felt like an eternity when Christine interrupts "dinner is ready take your seats everyone" Erik and Christine sat next to each other at the top of the table Sophia sat next to Margret they were chatting away like they were bestfriends then everyone sat with their families and Coleman sat next to Meg.
Albert was the first to speak "so where bouts of France are you from" "we are from Paris" Madame Giry replied "oh I love Paris, what is it like" Sarah asked "oh it's beautiful the arcitetchure and the nature and the air and everything it was perfect" Christine replied "oh then why did you move to New York" Alice asked Christine didn't know what to say but Erik just spoke for her "for Phantasma of course" "yes but you could of had that in Paris could you not" Cheater asked "well you see Monsieur people in Paris are very reserved Phantasma wouldn't have a chance over there but here in New York well the would is changing here" meg shyly answered and that put that to rest but Christine new that her and Erik had to tell Sophia the real reason which she was afraid of. They got onto the topic of about the world and how it's changing the men talk about electric lights and the girls talk about the fashion while Sophia Margret and Roy played in the living area they played hop-scotch. "So Erik are you going to getting electric put in" Albert asked "yes absolutely now Christine is pregnant I don't want her breathing in the gas and I don't want to put my daughter at risk either nor my unborn child" he answered "how about you" he added "oh hell no that scares me next thing you know there will be carriages being pulled but themselves" he answered.
"So what do you think of the new latest trend" Clara asked the latest trend was a bra for woman to support their breasts "I don't know I was going to buy one and try it but I'm not sure" Christine replied all the girls were giggling when they realised it was past 11 at night. "Oh my is that the time, Albert we must go it is past Margaret's bedtime" Sarah said "oh but ma" Margret protested " no buts Margret" Albert responded "yes pa" she replied "when can I next see you" she asked Sophia "erm I'm not sure mother when can I next see Margret" Sophia asked "well tomorrow if that's alright with her parents" she answered " tomorrow is fine we will drop her of at 12:00 if that's okay" Sarah asked "yeah that's fine" she answered. With that everyone was out the door they all said there goodbyes.
Coleman walked Meg and Ainoinette home and asked her out on a date for the next night which she excepted. He went home happy.
"I know it's late sweetie but you need to have a bath" Christine told Sophia "okay mother" she answered with that she went to the chamber room to clean herself after that she out in her night gown and went into her parents room to ask them a question "mother, father when am I starting school" " oh well it depends if you want to do home schooling or if you want to go to a public school" Erik answered " I have been home schools my whole life I really want to make new friends so can I go to public school" she asked " anything for you my Dear" Chrisine replies Sophia jumped up excited that she was going to a public school and went off to bed. Christine and Erik was left alone so now Christine was going to tell him about her worries "erm Angel I think we need to tell Sophia the truth about why we left Paris" she said "alright darling we will tell her before Phantasma opens up" Erik answered and he fell asleep but Christine was just think about what happen last year she had no idea why Erik killed Joseph and Piangi so she thought to herself "I will asks him about it tomorrow" and then drifted off asleep.
30th May 1879
Today was the day Meg and Coleman will be going for their date, meg was excited yet nervous "oh calm yourself you will make yourself sick" Ainoinette said "oh but mother I'm too excited" Meg replied she decided to wear a pink dress and her hair in her usual style. Then before she knew it Coleman was at the door "are you ready my lady" he asked "yes Monsieur" she replied and with that they went out on their date.

Christine and Sophia stayed at home while Erik went to the store for some groceries as it was there day off Sophia was quietly playing the piano in her bedroom her birth father taught her when she was your which pleased Erik and Christine was in the kitchen cleaning. Erik got in and placed the paper bags on the counter and helped Christine put the items away "erm Erik" Christine mumbled "yes my dear" he answered "i need to ask you something and I want the whole truth no lies" she said in a stern voice which made Erik worried "okay" he said in a shaky voice. They went into their room so Sophia couldn't over hear their conversation. "What is it my dear" Erik asked "well you know last year you killed Joseph and Piangi, why?" She asked sheeply Erik looked down he knew this was coming "okay I will tell you but you want like it so I overheard Joseph and another guy planning to rape you and Meg I couldn't let that happen so I hung Joseph before he could touch you but the other man got away and as for Piangi he was having an affair on Caralotta and was going to poison her for money I couldn't let him do that no man should cheat on his wife so I confronted him but he was furious and tried to stab me with a knife I had to I know I don't like Caralotta but no one deserves that" Erik said Christine had tears in her eyes "oh Angel you protected us all even Caralotta oh I love you" she cried into his chest he just held her and whispered I love you.

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