Cygnus A. Malfoy

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Harry looked into silver-like eyes. He needed this man's help. Hopefully he could uptain it. He watched as the man and Professor Snape talked quietly between themselves. His Professor looking more confused while the Malfoy Lord was showing no emotion as he answered the dark haired man's questions.

It felt like hours before they took the silencing spell down and sat on the couch on the other side of the coffee table. He watched as his Professor sat straight and with his arms crossed against his chest. Lord Malfoy, however, sat like a proper noble of some sort. Although, Harry could tell he was the wizarding equivalent in a way. Not that he cared.

"You have asked for my assistance." Lord Malfoy stated in a silver tone. "I must ask, why do you need my assistance?"

"I was raised with muggles. Not the good kind. I don't think badly of all muggles, but these were my last living relatives apparently." Harry started looking at his hands. "They hated all that was to do with magic. The word was banned from the home. Even Dudley got in slight trouble for using it once. I need to get away from there." He looks up at the two men with tears filling his killing curse green eyes. "Until my first Hogwarts letter I slept under the stairs. I was starved, beaten, and treated worse than a house elf. I need out. Please. If you truly care for Hogwarts and her students, this one needs your help."

Severus Tobias Snape-Prince was rarely surprised anymore. Life became bland after Lily got with Potter. He found happiness for a small time. One he remembers fondly. The first time he held his Godson, Draco. He loves that child with everything in him. He felt the bonds everyday. Reminding him why he still kept going.

Yet, as he listened to the child of Lily Potter née Evans, he was surprised. Not at the treatment of the child. If Severus guessed right, Potter was left with Petunia. Lily had no other family after Rose and Steven passed away.

No, he was surprised at his own actions. He let his hatred of James Potter transfer to the son. Something he should have never done. If he hadn't, he would have likely spotted the signs of abuse.

He would do what he could to help Harry Potter. No matter what Lucius chose to do.

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy felt anger, sympathy, and sadness rage through his body as he listened to the child's admission. He wanted to go torture the muggles or even give them as a gift to his Sister-in-law. How dare they harm a magical child! He felt sympathy for the child. He saw the abuse his friend, and practically brother, Severus went through. He would never wish that upon a child. He felt sadness as he watched the child beg and plead for him to help him. The child could tell Lucius was a Death Eater. Yet, he obviously needed desperate help.

Lucius held up a gloved hand causing the child to pause. Standing up slowly he went over, sat next to him, and hugged Harry Potter.

"I shall adopt you as my own. Never again will you come to harm my son."

Harry stiffened against the hug for a moment before melting into it. He didn't truly believe the man's words. He almost fully gave up on getting free from the Dursleys before he was of age. He chose to take a chance, however. He learned of the influence Malfoy had in the Ministry. If this didn't work, Harry was sure he would finish Voldemorts job for him.

Lucius held the 12-year-old tightly in his arms. He wanted to cry. Looking into onyx eyes he knew Severus was the same. He pulled away from the child and made eye contact with him.

"Will you be okay with a blood adoption?" Lucius asks softly.

"W-what's that?.." Harry questions.

"It will be a ritual, and potion, done within Gringotts between you, me, and my wife, Narcissa, making us your blood parents. Depending on the particular potion it may completely take away Lily and James as your parents. If you don't wish for that do let me know, I can request the other."

Harry decided that for once in his life he would be selfish. He would make his life better. He would use his Slytherin side. No more Gryffindor.

So, with that determination set, he looked back to Lucius Malfoy. He smiled softly.

"I would like to be a blood Malfoy." He says clearly. "I want to be your son blood and all."

Lucius smiled softly and nodded. "How do you feel about the name Cygnus? Cygnus Abraxas Malfoy?" Even as he said this the child couldn't help but see something in his eyes he couldn't quite place.

"I like it!"

"Cygnus was your Mum's Father. Abraxas was mine." Lucius informed him making sure to say "mum" letting him know he was family already.

"What um, what do I call you?.." now, Cygnus asks quietly, his eyes showing the fear he felt.

"Father in public. Dad or Papa around family and friends. You will call your Mum, Mother in public but Mum around family and friends."

"Lucius." Severus says causing both Malfoy's to look over. "May I offer to also be Cygnus's Godfather?"

Cygnus looked up at his potion's Professor in shock. Tilting his head slightly he shyly asked. "Don't you hate me, Professor?"

It was a punch to the gut for Severus. He sighed and walked over to the young child, kneeling in front of him. Onyx eyes met emerald green. Lily's eyes.

"I should have never treated you the way I did. You are a brilliant child with Lily's brains and passion for potions and Potter's brains for transfiguration according to professor McGonagall. As long as your Dad is alright with it, I would be honored to be your godfather."

Cygnus looked to his Dad who simply nodded with a soft smile. Leaving it to him. Looking to the onyx eyes man he wondered if he could forgive him enough to let him be his godfather. He then knew the answer.

"Yes. I would like you to be my Godfather. But, may I ask, why you were so mean?"

Severus smiled tightly. "James Potter bullied me quite a bit. Unfortunately I took my anger out on you thinking you would be just like him. Instead I forgot that you were also my sister-in-all-but-blood's son as well."

Cygnus nodded in understanding. "Can...can we tell Draco?..." he asks looking to his Dad.

Draco Lucius Malfoy always wanted a little brother. One to protect and care for. Ever since his best friend Blaise gained a baby sister at age 3, he wanted one. Yet, his parents struggled to have him. So over the years he hoped but never much. So as he took in the information he simply smiled.

"I'll protect you like I would a little brother!" Draco exclaimed hugging his new brother. "You can call me Dray, ok?" Before Cygnus could respond his brother looked to their Godfather. "Since it's the night before we go home can Brax and I sleep over in my spare room Uncle Sev?!"

Both men chuckled lightly as Draco excitedly took his new brother to the spare room. A few moments went by afterwards before Lucius sighed.

"I hope I can still be a good father."

"You are already, Lucius." Assured his friend putting a hand on his shoulder. "You better get home to tell Narcissa the news. She will-"


Lucius looked at his now, youngest, son. The boys eyes were glossy with tears and filled with worry. He knelt down and hugged him before keeping his hands upon his shoulders.

"What is wrong sweet one?"

"W-will you you and Mum love me still if I like wearing girly things..."

With the confirmation of yes, Lucius got both boys put to bed. His sweet dragon and baby swan. His baby boys.

He gained a son. Cygnus. Abraxas. Malfoy. The new Malfoy.

Cygnus Abraxas Malfoy: The New MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now