Allies gained

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Viktor Krum knew that something was different about him when he met the youngest Malfoy. He looked like his twin and acted like a pureblood, but he could sense something different. It wasn't until his Headmaster pulled him into his office did he finally understand.

"Wait, what?" Viktor asked, making sure he heard correctly.

"The Malfoy's godfather is Consort Dark Lord Severus," Igor said tiredly. "Meaning they are the Dark Princes, not they know that at this time. You need to make sure that everyone is aware that they are not to be aggravated or hurt in any way. I doubt the Dark Consort will be forgiving."

"Look at who it is."

The Malfoy twins turned around to see someone with very obvious veela genes.  They were beautiful with darker skin and a black afro. Her eyes, however, were bright grey. Cygnus and Draco took quick notice of the fire in her eyes, causing them to both stand defensively.

"The Malfoy twins. The two who captured the hearts of Europe." Her voice held a thick French accent that held anger.

"Cygnus. Go get Professor Ravens." Draco said softly as he pulled his wand out.

"Ah." A wand was put to Cygnus's throat. "I do not think so."

Cygnus stood still with an odd sense of calm coming from him. He nodded to his brother. They both looked to the female of the pair who held them captive. The twins knew it wouldn't be long until they were found. They merely needed to stall.

"Have an issue?" Draco asked, his voice steady.

"We do." The young man who held his brother at wand point said angrily. "What reasons do you have being Europe's most loved?"

"We have no control over that." Cygnus said quickly, although not defensively. "Now, do not do something you will be bound to regret. Not only would you face the wrath of the Malfoy House, you would also face the wrath of Parkinson, Greengrass, Zabini, Weasley, Karkaroff, Carrow, Flint, Crabbe, Goyle, Moody, and many more Houses I doubt your family will wish to make enemies of. Aren't I correct, Aubin and Miryam Trottier?"

The twins, both the younger siblings of Heir Xavier Trottier, froze. Their eyes looked to Draco who merely chuckled.

"Of course we know who you are." He said laughing still. "You expect the Malfoy Heir and Black Heir to not know of the families of Europe? I bet you don't know all the families of Europe."

"Why you!"

Before Aubin could truly react the way he wished. Which was to curse Cygnus Malfoy with the cruciatus curse. He was stopped, however, by Viktor Krum putting his wand at the back of his neck.

"Put your wands down. Now." Viktor said harshly. He watched in satisfaction when their wands were put away. This allowed the Malfoy twins to move behind him. "If you ever target the Malfoy twins, you will face my wrath. Understood?"

The two nodded running off. He turned around looking at the Malfoy twins. His eyes glanced behind them noticing their group. It held no surprise to him that it held Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini, Daphne Greengrass, Astoria Greengrass, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, and Fred and George Weasley. This said group ran over wands and the ready. Minus Blaise Zabini and Astoria Greengrass, both of whom checked on their respective betrothed.

"It is alright. Krum protected us." Cygnus Malfoy said softly with a smile. "Now, I believe Draco and I have a letter or two to write."

"I believe so, Cygnus." Draco says smiling.

Remus Lupin growled lowly as he paced in the seating area of Severus's quarters within Hogwarts. His eyes were stuck in the color amber, meaning his wolf was very close to the surface.

"You mean to tell me, Sirius Black, the man to betray James and Lily, has escaped? Do you think he knew?" Remus asks softly.

"I am not sure but I know he didn't betray the Potters." Severus says passingly. "You forget, I am in His inner circle. Black was never in his ranks, that much I can confirm."

"Who?.." Remus asked lightly, almost as though he was going to faint.


Severus watched his newfound friend sit slowly onto the couch with a pained expression on his face. His eyes downcast as a whimper left his lips. The werewolf was struggling lately. He understood why, however.

Remus had learned so many things over the past few days. First, was that his cub was not Harry James Potter, son of Lily and James Potter, no he was Cygnus Abraxas Malfoy, son of Lord and Lady Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, twin to Draco Lucius Malfoy.

Second, the wolfsbane that Albus was requesting Severus make for him was actually killing him. Something Albus knew.

Third, he was not a Lupin. His father was Fenrir Greyback and his mother was Faith Greyback née Howell, the woman he believed to have been his aunt, and he was a twin. His twin brother being Romulus Greyback.

Fourth, as he now learned, Sirius did not betray James and Lily. He was never a Death Eater. No it was Peter.

Fifth, Albus knew everything.

"I..." Remus couldn't find the words, not even the thoughts, to convey how he felt.

"It's alright. Take your time to process." Severus said kindly.

"Was Peter trying to get Cygnus back?..."

"No. None of us knew at the time."

"Do you think?..."

"That Sirius may have found out? Possibly." Severus took a moment before speaking again. "I know that He had received a letter from Sirius a month before that he suspected Cygnus to at least have Black blood. They couldn't hide it well. He wanted to know why his Godson who had no Black blood looked similar to the Black family. It was harder no doubt because Sirius was always closest to Narcissa in terms of his cousins. Sirius, Regulus, and Narcissa were always the closest of the Black's."

Hiding in the Shrieking Shack was one large black dog that looked like a grimm. His eyes narrowed on the walls as he let out a growl. His Godson was not in Hogwarts. Where the bloody hell was his Godson? Who the fuck had custody of James and Lily Potters son!?

Cygnus Abraxas Malfoy: The New MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now