Swears, History, and a Proud Mentor

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Cygnus looked at Krum intensely. Yes, the older student had saved him. But the worst thing that would happen was a crucio, which was not a life debt. His eyes wandered to everyone with him.

To his left was his brother, and to his right was Blaise. Next to Blaise were Fred, George, and Pansy. Next to his brother were Greg, Vince, Daphne, and Astoria, who was right next to his brother. His eyes then went back to Krum. Narrowing slightly, he stepped forward.

"This is not considered a life debt, Heir Krum."

"I am aware, Heir Black."

"Do you want any favors?"


"Will you swear upon your magic never to ask a favor from this incident alone?"

"I, Viktor Alexi Krum of the House of Krum, vow upon my magic to never use this incident of saving Cygnus Abraxas Malfoy and Draconis Lucius Malfoy from the spells planned by their enemies on this day in the year 1993."

Cygnus nodded. He turned to his group, which also relaxed. They did not wish to owe Viktor Krum, especially when they needed clarification on his loyalty. In Durmstrang, finding someone aligned with Dumbledore would be very rare as most of the students and staff were either Dark or Neutral. In the cases of those who were Dark, Dumbledore tended to write them off as evil. The few exceptions are Severus Snape, Sirius Black, and Remus Lupin. They all held Dark cores, but they all fit what he needed for his plans. It may have helped him that all three were abused. Severus for his magic. Sirius for being the odd one of the Black family. Remus for being a werewolf.

Once alone, the group relaxes and sits in their seats. They knew it would be hard adjusting to Durmstrang from Hogwarts. However, they expected students to refrain from trying cursing them in the first week. In their opinion, it was utterly idiotic, especially since the students in question did not look into who they were cursing.

"I cannot believe they tried that,"  Daphne mentioned first with a frown.

"To be fair, they are horrible socialites," Pansy stated, looking at her nails. "Everything I have heard and read suggests that they are on the brink of being disowned for such behaviors."

"Their parents are from a Noble house, right?" Fred asks as he crosses his arms, leaning back into his seat. "They would want to, then. Often, if a House is only Noble, they are at most significant risk of losing their status."

"Should know, happened to us," George said, holding Lee Jordan in his lap. "The Weasley family used to be a Most Noble House, but since our ancestors fucked up, we lost that. Thankfully, Bill is trying to reclaim the greatness of our house. He had to start with the one thing our family refused to do for years: disown Raymond Weasley, who disrespected the House of Malfoy."

Cygnus and Draco both nodded. It was an insult too great to ignore. Raymond Weasley had cast a spell, leaving Zelma Malfoy, née Umbridge, barren after her first and only child, Abraxas Malfoy. It had caused Zelma tremendous grief to have lost the ability to have children. She nearly feared her husband, Lucian Malfoy's response.

Thankfully, the wizard loved her to the point of not caring that he had no spare. Instead, he took the great insult and demanded that Lord William Weasley disown his spare. Something the man did not agree to. So, they dueled for honor. Lord Lucian Malfoy won the duel, but the House of Weasley lost its status. 

It was ironic that the one to restore the honor of the Weasley House was William Weasley, great-grandson by the same name. 

"Lord Weasley." 

William "Bill" Weasley looked behind him to see Lady Dowager Augusta Longbottom. Her tall frame made her only a few inches shorter than his six-foot-2. Her light eyes bore into his soul, it felt like. He turned fully to face her and bowed slightly—enough for respect but not enough for groveling. 

"Lady Dowager Longbottom." 

"It is nice to see the House of Weasley begin to flourish once more," she said before walking off, leaving the poor redheaded man confused. 

His confusion did not last long as a hand was put on his shoulder. His immediate response was to put his wand to the person's throat. His time as a curse breaker and in Hogwarts against different Slytherins, many of whom he was now friends with, had prepared him for many other attacks. One that was not currently happening was the person whose throat his wand was at was his father, Arthur Weasley.


William sighed, removing his wand. His eyes hardened slightly as he forced himself not to cross his arms and stand tall. Much like Lucius Malfoy would do, as he was taught by said man as well. He may have also added a touch of Severus Snape in there. The man was helping him grow a business to add to his monetary value in curse-breaking and potion-making. 

"Is there something you need?" He asked slowly. "Also, it is William, or Lord Weasley, if you wish to be a proper pureblood."

"Why are you acting like this?! This is not the son I and your mother raised!" 

"Exactly. You did not raise me as a proper pureblood Heir, so I have been required to find my lessons elsewhere on how to be a proper pureblood Lord. I have taken up the Weasley House seats upon the Wizengamot, and should you or your wife attempt to contact my wards Charlie Weasley, Percival Weasley, Fredrick Weasley, George Weasley, Ronald Weasley, or Ginevra Weasley again, I will be forced to take the appropriate measures to prevent it. Am I clear, Mister Weasley?" William asks, having not raised his voice, not moved it even slightly, unknowingly made his mentor, Lord Lucius Malfoy, who stood behind him proud. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12 ⏰

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