Twenty Four

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~ One Week Later ~

"Are you sure you've got everything?"

I ask, sitting on the windowsill, watching Luke pack up the last of his things in his carry on bag.

"No, you don't fit in the bag" he laughs, "but other less important stuff, yeah, I've got it."

"Toothbrush?" He grins, running out of the room, coming back quickly with his toothbrush in hand.

"Toothbrush" he says putting it into the bag, "what about you?"

I shake my head, "you don't fit in my bag either" He smiles slightly, walking towards me and runs his hand through my hair. I smile up at him, "it's only six months"

"You say that like it's nothing" he chuckles

I shrug, "it's going to happen no matter what, so may as well get used to it"

"Hey, come on, don't be like that" he kisses my forehead, "do you regret coming here?" He asks

In a way I do, but should I tell him that? I mean it's not his fault, it happened so fast. With Calum getting me the plane ticket, then Luke admitting his feelings, well, both of us admitting our feelings. Then the sex. There has been a lot of that. The only thing that hasn't happened is the whole, being official thing.

"Only because I have to leave" I rest my head on his shoulder

"I'm leaving too" he says, kissing the top of my head.

"Maybe we should have waited?" I look up at him

"You see how we were with two months apart, imagine us being eight months without each other" he places his hands on my face, "I certainly don't think I could have handled it"

"I'd probably be in prison for murder" I laugh, "heartache is crazy"

"Hey guys" Ashton says, knocking on the door gently as he looks into the room, he sees us and sighs quietly, "it's time to go" we both nod, he smiles a little, then leaves.

"And you tried to run from saying goodbye before" I run my hands lightly over his stomach.

"It isn't goodbye now, it's a 'see you soon'" he smiles, lifting my face and kissing me softly

"You're one smooth mofo, Hemmings" I giggle, pulling him down by his T-shirt and kissing him again.


I look down at Luke's food, "what even is that?" I laugh

"It's supposed to be a breakfast burrito, apparently" he shrugs, taking a bite

Luckily, the guys and I were in the same terminal, since we were all taking international flights. They were going back to Australia for the start of their tour, while I was going back home to England to try and find a job. I use the term home loosely, I didn't class England as my home anymore, it was just where I happened to live, but it wasn't home, no where was home if Luke wasn't there.

It's kind of crazy really. Normally, people would wait longer before saying I love you to someone, just to make sure but Luke and I knew we loved each other in just one month. I guess our situation was different in a way, because we were together everyday in that one month. That was another thing, people would probably assume we weren't in love, that we just thought we were because of being in each others company that whole time.

Surely, if that was the case, I'd be in love with Ashton, and not Luke. Ashton and I were closer, as in friends. We would see each other everyday, just like Luke and I, but we even shared a bed, more than once. I mean, we didn't do anything, just talked, okay, so we kissed, once but by some people's logic these days, Ash and I should be the ones hopelessly in love. We're not though, I love Luke and it was perfect, almost.

We finished eating and it was time for me to head to my gate. I said goodbye to all the guys, giving Dave an extra tight hug, he laughed when I told him to take good care of the four idiots, and promised me he would because he wouldn't want to see me mad at him. He had witnessed an angry rant I had at the boys about their management 'sucking balls' because it was like they'd forgotten about the UK, and it was their second home.

It had all started when they told me that the tour because it was quite short, was only going to be in Australia, Europe and the States.


After the goodbyes, Luke walked me to my gate as their plane didn't leave until a little while later. "Are you sure this is a good idea? You walking with me" I asked quietly, as I saw some people pointing and holding phones up. I kept a small distance between us, I could tell by the look on his face that he didn't like that but I couldn't help it.

Luke and I had spent the last week together, this is true but we'd never stated that we were official, or anything like that. We hadn't really discussed that sort of thing. We went out together and stuff but we just let it be, without labels or pressure. We just had fun and were happy, even if it was just for a week.

Luke stepped closer to me as we approached the gate, his arm touching mine slightly, I wanted so badly to just throw my arms around him and never let go but I couldn't. Before I knew it, Luke had grabbed my hand and pulled me into a darker corner, where we were away from other people and if they weren't looking for it, they wouldn't even notice we were there. I don't even know how Luke noticed it, it was like a random hole in the wall.

He pushed me against the wall, quickly pressing his lips to mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing back. Now this, this was perfect. Just Luke and I, alone like this, no prying eyes and just getting to be with each other, even if was just for a moment.

I pulled him closer, parting my lips slightly and let his tongue slide into my mouth. It moved against mine tenderly but with so much passion, it was a kiss full of love and longing, showing each other how much the other would truly be missed. Just telling each other how we feel without having to say the words.

We pulled away after a while and just looked at each other for a second, then suddenly my plane was being announced for boarding. I let out a deep sigh before kissing him softly, letting my hand rest on his face, stroking his cheek lightly with my thumb.

"Wait for me?" He says in a whisper and I smile sadly


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