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Exhausted, you decide to rest.
Sitting near the border as you shut your eyes, falling asleep.
2 hours pass by and you wake up to a sound of a tray falling, immediately alerted. It seems a figure is taking your food, you exclaim.
"Hey!" The figure being alerted, it tries to run away.

You stand up quickly and chase it, eventually catching them.
"Hey! Who are you?!" You yell.
"J-Jeez?! Calm down, calm down!" They exclaim.
Its another survivor. You let go of them.
"...I'm eh, Jay." They answer.

You both decide to work together, walking back to what you now call, the 'Safe zone.'
"So, Jay. Do you maybe uh, know this place?" You ask.
"Eh, not really.. Though! I do know where some stuff are, like medkits, uhh.. More weapons..." He answers.
"Eep! Chu nyeed weaponn?" Abble interrupts.
"Uh, yeah, I guess.." Jay answers.

Abble goes to some boxes, grabbing a few stuff and setting them on the counter.
"... Why the fuck do you have a scythe-" You ask, confused.
"fur sewf defense! chu nyevew knyow if dewe's gonnya be something chawging at chu! (For self-defense! You never know if there's gonna be something charging at you!)" Abble responds.

"So like,, are these free or..?" Jay asks Abble.
"Oh of couwse nyot! dis cost 14 token, 11, 7!" Abble responds to Jay.
"Ermm... How do we uhh, get these.. Token.. Things..?" You interrupt.
"Oh! Chu get fwom cola from vrending mwachin!" Abble answers you. "U find vrending mwachin arownd place!"
"How do you even understand what it says-? " Jay whispers to you.
"I don't fucking know-" You whisper back.

"We'll go get some colas later then. I'm fucking exhausted." You sit down, resting your head on the wall.
"I'm just gonna- yeah-" Jay awkwardly says.

Kaiju Paradise (OLD, DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now