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Waking up finding themself in a room.
Glancing around, seeing a pink border,
Spotting a white, liquid-like creature, staring at them behind the transparent pink wall.
It charges at them at full speed, looking left and right trying to find a clear escape. Closing their eyes shut, accepting their fate.
Upon hearing an electric noise, opening their eyes to see the top part of the white creature right in front of them.

Sonar immediately backing up to pure shock, as the white liquid-like creatures body disintegrates right in front of you.
Out of shock, Sonar exclaims. "What the fuck?!"
The pink border seems to protect them from these.. 'Creatures.' You decide to call it.
Feeling a slight sense of security, they decide to get up and explore the room. Spotting a baseball bat, taking it incase they're required to defend themselves in a certain situation.
"Hewwoo!" immediately alerted, turning around ready to fight whatever's behind them.

"Hii!" seeing a red, slime dog with green specks around it and 2 leaves on its head.
"Is you new here's??" It asks.
"Uhhh, yeah..?" You reply.
"ooohh, well hii! me is Abblee!" It says.
'Huh, it looks like an apple and is named Abble, ironic.' You thought.
"Well, hello uhh.. Abble, I'm Sonaria, just call me Sonar for short." You respond.

A few hours pass by, you become hungry and thirsty, Abble doesn't seem to have any food, and they closed up their shop for now.
You decide to leave the border, taking the baseball bat with you.
As you explore you find the cafeteria, filled with all kinds of food like burgers, baguettes, fruits, etc.

Starving, you start eating.
As you were eating you hear a loud clank in the kitchen, you decide to inspect the noise cautiously.
Finding a slime-like baby dragon, sitting like a dog it tilts its head to the side.
"Awwwe, look at how cute you are.." You approach it, crouching down and patting its head.

Before you know it, the dragon lunges at you and climbs your back, its arms turn into liquid and cover your eyes.
The dragon is trying to assimilate you, you hit a wall causing the dragon to loose its grip and fall. With the baseball bat you swing at the dragon, smushing it.

Breathing deeply out of shock, almost every creature here seem hostile. You decide to return to the pink border with a tray of tacos and some water for safety for now.

Kaiju Paradise (OLD, DISCONTINUED) Where stories live. Discover now