Pain, wound, heal. Repeat

72 1 1

"You cant deny the fact insanity is within all of us. Venom that is injected in us from birth, wether you let it run through your veins, is not your choice."

"Let him live" said Endro calmly, I looked in his eyes, choosing wether to believe him or not. An armed soldier lowered his gun and backed away, I looked down at my hands...full of dark red blood. The blood of my victims, as a smile appeared on my face I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're insane" Endro kneeled down in front of me, he smirked and looked to his left, 45 bodies. Half of which have been armed. To think, I only used a knife. "Why did I do this?" I shiver and a tear falls down my cheek, hitting the concrete road.

"Insanity" Endro responded, he wiped the trail of water off my face and stands up holding out his hand for me. I take It and he pulls me up. "Only this one time, this will be
between us" he looked at me concerned. "Why?..." I couldn't understand why they would let such thing slip, I should be sentenced to death!

I shook and laughed more. "Because I might need you one day..." I blink and tilt my head sideways "One day?..." he nodded "But as for now, I'll take you to your family and will watch over you" I smile softly "Nothing will hurt me? Not even you?" He stared at me and nodded "I will never, c'mon"

Icy blinked a few tears away and started to struggle against the leather straps. "Y-You promised!" Icy yelled full of anger. Endro looked at him, his smile slowly coming off as he walked towards him, "I promised I wouldn't hurt you, this isnt hurting you" he looked at the needle in his hand, seeing his own reflection against it "Just improving you" he quickly injected Icy with the needle letting the fluids inside slowly go inside of Icy, letting it flow through his veins.

Icy's back arched as his eyes shut tight along with his mouth, "Stop!" Robby was starting to struggle against the leather straps, shaking the bed. Endro took out the needle and placed it aside in the tray with the three other needles, "Who's next?" He smirked and grabbed a new needle walking slowly to Robby. Icy heavily breathing in the back, Endro reached Robby and injected his needle to his neck. Robby started to shake quickly screaming in pain. "No! Stop this!" Endie shook and tears escaped her eyes in fear, Endro stared at her with no emotion before grabbing the other two needles and standing beside Endie.

"You're very weak, Endie..." Endie looked in to his eyes, her eyes shot red and tears streaming down her cheeks. Endro injected her needle in her wrist letting every single drop go in her veins. As for Nath, she was experiencing her own family suffering. She stared in fear as Endro walked to her slowly and inserted her needle to her forearm, she couldn't take any of this more, the second the needle was empty she was knocked out unconscious. Her last words before going in a deep sleep were "You're" Endro laughed at her comment "I won't be the monster soon" he looked at the rest of the three as they started to shake incredibly fast trying to get out, their faces full of pain. Soon Endie stopped and fell in a deep sleep, Robby kept shaking soon screaming. Endro sat down in a metal chair and waited as he screamed more, soon his vocal chords started to dry out and so did his voice, but in joined in Icy. Robby passed out but Icy kept screaming soon...changed to a horrifying laugh. Endro quickly stood up and walked to him, "YOU. WILL. PAY!" Icy looked him in his eyes, his frosty blue eyes piercing in to Endro's but soon Icy's own eyes faded in to a pitch black abyss, pure white dots replacing his pupils. His laugh got louder, insanity replacing his innocence. Soon a wide insane smile replaced his horrified face. Endro started to feel a bit of fear inside himself as he started to head to the door, once he got there he heard a loud rip of leather. He turned around and saw one of Icy's arms free, he started set himself free and Endro left the room quickly locking the door. He entered the room with Mike, Mike was shaking a bit in his chair. "Set the gas" Endro told Mike, without hesitation Mike flipped a switch as the air vents started to produce a light green gas. With a slight moment of darkness in the test room Icy appeared in front of the window making Mike and Endro flinch. Icy's face would only say one thing.


Soon the gas reached Icy's lungs and he laughed slowly and softly, falling down.

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Thank chu!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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