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"Don't do anything stupid," Coraline instructed Cat, who was most likely thinking the exact same thing towards the girl standing in front of him. The cat gave her a small hiss as he climbed up onto her vanity, stepping over the miscellaneous objects cluttering it.

It had gotten considerably colder since Coraline had returned home from her failed attempt at getting food, or at least cold enough for Coraline to comfortably wear a patterned cardigan sweater and faded black low-waisted jeans.

Coraline let her eyes fall on the mirror once more, her hands straightening the many necklaces around her neck before she grabbed her messenger bag and slipped her arm through it, resting it securely on her shoulder.

She didn't bother asking for permission before exiting the house. Her mother was so preoccupied with the telly that she didn't even notice Coraline taking her car keys from the hooks under the wooden mail organizer that was mounted to the light pink walls of the foyer.

Driving down the long unlit streets of Henrietta, Coraline swore that either she would hit a deer or a deer would hit her. Thankfully she arrived at Nino's without any incident after what felt like the longest drive of her life.

"Table for one?" The waitress questioned Coraline as she entered the pizza place. Coraline turned away from the empty hostess podium and towards the girl, giving her a look over once she came into view.

She had short honey brown curls that were held back with clips and pins of all shapes and styles and freckles that reminded Coraline of constellations.

"Oh, uh, I think-" Coraline began awkwardly but was thankfully cut short by a voice calling out to Coraline.

"Drew!" Both Coraline and the waitress looked over to find four boys, one of which was waving Coraline over. The waitress handed Coraline a menu before letting her walk over to the orange vinyl booth by the window.

"Hey, hope I didn't take too long. The roads are a little tricky 'round here. There's like no street lamps. At all." Coraline explained as Gansey stood and let her slip into the booth between him and Adam.

"We just got here." Gansey brushed the girl off. Coraline glanced over at Ronan, then her eyes traveled to the blonde beside him that was staring a hole into her. "I'm Coraline." Coraline held out her hand, which the boy skittishly took after staring at it for a short moment.

"Noah." His hands were cold, but Coraline didn't pay them any mind as she felt a jolt go through her. "You feel like death," Coraline noted so causally that the other boys almost found the statement normal.

"I'm dead," Noah spoke sheepishly, almost as if he was embarrassed that Coraline had noticed. "That must be tough." She pursed her lips and gave the boy a sympathetic scrunch of her brows before she moved her attention down to the menu in front of her.

"Thoughts on pineapple pizza, drew?" Gansey questioned. "Just a smidge revolting." She retorted. "Perfect. One Pineapple, one pepperoni?" Ronan and Noah agreed with grunts and nods, but Adam remained quiet.

"Adam?" Gansey called out, knocking the boy's arm out from under his chin. Adam quickly perked up, keeping his head from smacking the table. "Huh?" Adam questioned. "Have you been gawking at the waitress this whole time, Parrish?" Gansey scolded with a teasing grin.

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