Chapter 7 | "Escape"

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    Himiko woke up on the floor, laying right next to the television. She sat up on her knees and shook in dizziness for a while until her blurry vision became more clear and she was able to make out objects again. She looked all around the room, remembering what had happened the evening before.

    "So that wasn't a dream, huh? I really was kidnapped by that octopus-haired phantom thief," she sighed. 

    She looked down in front of her and spotted a few boxes of microwave food. There were around twenty boxes in total. That must have meant that Kokichi wouldn't be back anytime soon and didn't want Himiko to have starved before he came back.

    Thankfully, this was Himiko's chance to escape. She ran towards the door and tried to pull the handle to open the door a few times but then realized that Kokichi had locked it when he left. 

    The young mage looked around the room again, trying to find some sort of object which could possibly help her escape the abandoned store. She walked up to the door which must have led to the hallway to the other rooms but when she pulled the handle and tried to yank it towards her, she realized that the door in front of her was locked as well. Kokichi must have locked that door when he found her asleep. 

    "Ugh! I'm going to kill that stubborn boy once I see his face again! He can't just lock me in a room against my will."

    She sat down again with her legs crisscrossed and used the time to reflect on the situation. She had agreed to work with two expert detectives to figure out the Phantom Thief's identity, suspected one of her classmates at school which caused her to look inside his backpack without his consent, realized that her classmate, Kokichi, really was the Phantom Thief who she had kissed on accident that summer, and had recently gotten kidnapped by him in the basement of an abandoned store inside of a room where all the doors around her were locked.

    Her reflection on the events occurring also made her come to a realization that she was practically having some sort of relationship with a criminal. Well, if she was willing to consider it as a "relationship", of course. Though, her and Kokichi's encounters were beginning to seem like a relationship since they had already kissed on the lips multiple times and he had kissed her on the cheek before he left her locked up in that room. 

    Was she even allowed to date? If so, she still would never have been allowed to date a well-known criminal. To Himiko, Kokichi just looked like a childish wannabe bad guy, though. 

    "I wish I had a watch," Himiko frowned. She looked up at the edge of two combined walls and watched a spider make its web at the top. She had always had a fear of spiders but she didn't seem to care too much this time since she was far away from it at the moment due to being in the center of the room and the spider being at the very corner.

    The red-haired girl crawled up towards the microwave food and picked up one box into her hands. She opened the side of the box and slipped the smaller box inside of that box out and spotted macaroni and cheese in that box with plastic covering it on the top.

    "Wait a second. HE FORGOT THE MICROWAVE," yelled Himiko in realization as she dropped the box and got up, double-checking if the room had any microwave. The microwave must have been in one of the locked rooms. 


    Kokichi walked casually on the street, wearing a long black hoodie that he had stolen from a man he had recently knocked out in one of the abandoned alleys on the street. He kept his hood fully on, covering half his face including his eyes slightly. He was still able to see what was in front of him. 

    Kirumi mentioned that the cops had caught D.I.C.E which meant that they were most likely in jail. They wouldn't be sent to prison that soon right after being caught stealing. He still had time to go break them out.

   "Hey," smirked Kokichi, as he walked up to a stranger with messy green hair and a blue and black striped shirt. The stranger looked at Kokichi, showing on his face that he must have found it peculiar for the purple-haired boy to be covering half of his face with the hood and looking the other way, avoiding eye contact. "Do you know where the prison is? I have a job interview there."

    "Job interview..? Um, yes, actually. Keep walking then take a left and then you should find a big gray building. It will be obvious to spot since most of the bricks are damaged and green vines have even grown on parts of it. They really need to renovate that place. Good luck with your job interview."

    "Ah, thank you. I hope I get lucky as well," he responded, his smile getting even bigger. "What's your name, by the way?"

    "Oh, my name is Rantaro. Why?" asked the green-haired stranger.

    "No reason in particular. It was nice meeting you Rantaro."

    Kokichi walked past him up the street, his hands deep into his pockets. Then, he took a left and found the building the stranger had described. He could not believe what he saw next once he reached the glass door after making his way towards it.


    Dead bodies stood before Kokichi once he made his way inside the room, each covered in stab wounds and blood. Some of the members even had half their neck sliced open. His eyes widened in horror, slowly filling with tears. 

   Uncontrollably, his hands began to clench into fists and he faced his glare up at a cop holding a knife. Kokichi's right eye twitched from under his hood.

   The cop shook in fright, scared of the hooded being in front of him. 

   "Don't tell anyone about this, please. I'll clean up the mess."

   Kokichi didn't move. In fact, he didn't even flinch as his left eye began to twitch harder. His smirk came back except his usual twisted and psychotic smile appeared to be more emotionless this time.

   "Did...did you have a connection with any of these people, sir?"

   "Oh, I won't tell anyone about this, heh. No one has to know. Especially after what I'm about to do, you worthless and disgusting piece of trash."

    "WAIT, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT. One of them picked the lock from the inside towards the outside by sticking their arm out to the other side of the jail cell's door. I was scared and didn't know what to do since I witnessed a criminal escaping which is why I punched them. Then another one picked the lock and punched me back to defend him. Then the original escaper released all of the others in that uniform and they all joined together to lock me up as well which is why..well...I picked a knife up from the table and fought all of them off in defense. I only meant to injure one of them even if it did mean getting in trouble but then I accidentally killed one so I had to kill off the rest," explained the cop in panic.

    What the cop didn't know was that Kokichi couldn't hear anything he was saying anymore. He stopped listening from the first sentence he had spoken. 

    "Would you like to play a game?" asked Kokichi. "Let's say this little incident was your turn of rolling a dice. Now, I'll look at the dice and decide you're fate."

    Kokichi looked down at his dead organization members who he had once called his family then back at the cop. "Ah, it seems that the D.I.C.E has fallen flat on the number two. How unfortunate. I guess that deserves punishment. Eh, I'll take care of that. Just hold still okay?~ I'll make this very quick..."

    The cop backed away as Kokichi slowly made his way forward towards him. The Phantom Thief was about to make his first genuine criminal act which involved bad intentions. Every other crime he committed was for the people who had now been taken down because of those crimes. His organization now had a new goal and that was to punish all authority in any way he could.

    The young boy who used to be a fanta-loving purple-haired gamer was gone. He was now someone else, someone dark and genuinely twisted. He was filled with nothing but emptiness and rage. He wanted revenge. He wanted to make anyone, even people who haven't done anything wrong, pay for what he had lost. The people who punished criminals in cruel, despicable ways were the real criminals. 

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