Chapter 8 | "Different"

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    Himiko was laying down on the ground of the room, humming the beat to the song "Poker Face". 

    She heard the door slam open and hit the wall. She got up to her knees and looked up at Kokichi who had just unlocked and opened the door. He must have unlocked the door really quietly because she couldn't hear him do so. 

    She jumped back as she spotted two concerning things about the boy in front of her. He had blood all over his face and hands and he wore a very unnatural, hateful smile. He had a few stab wounds on his arms and cheek which were still bleeding.

    "Kokichi..? A-Are you okay?" stuttered Himiko, still on the ground.

    "Mm, I'm great, sweetheart." he walked up to her and then sat down in front of her. He picked up one of the boxes of microwave food. "Huh, I just realized that I forgot to put the microwave in here for you."

    " find out where the rest of D.I.C.E are?"

    He stared at her eye-to-eye for a long few minutes, speechless. Then, he suddenly hugged her tightly, crying as hard as he could.

   "K-KOKICHI?! What happened???"

    "S-Shut up......N-Never m-mention them again, o-okay?"

    Kokichi didn't feel as warm as he usually did he hugs her. He was shaking and cold. Himiko wish that she could somehow help him feel better. What had happened when he tried finding them? 

    "W-Wait..are they..."

    "SHUT UP"

    "...I'm..really sorry Kokichi...still don't tell me to shut up though-"

    "Ugh," yelled Kokichi as he unwrapped his arms around her, then kneeled to get up. "What am I even doing? You decided to help out those detectives against me"

    "Um, that was before we became friends"

   He laughed, "Friends? We're friends now, Himiko? Nah, you're just my prisoner right now."

   "What happened to you? You were so much nicer before..."

   "Life happened, sweetie"

   Judging from his attitude, something really bad must have happened to the rest of the D.I.C.E members to change Kokichi's personality completely. Although he pretended to act like a bad person in the past, he always had a kind heart. Now he had a dead expression on his face and acted like he never had a heart in the first place.

    Himiko's assumption was that the other D.I.C.E members were either dead or really badly injured in the hospital. Another theory was that they left Kokichi but that would be very unlikely since they were really close.

    There was also the blood that was now on Kokichi, he clearly wouldn't be willing to tell her where it came from. Hopefully, it was just his own blood from a fight. The Phantom Thief may have been known for robbing stores and committing vandalism on private property but he wasn't a murderer, right?

    No matter what happened or no matter what kind of situation this was, she had to get out of there as soon as possible and talk to the detectives. She would have tried to protect the old Kokichi she had gotten attached to earlier but he was different now. It was as if she didn't even know who this person was.


Kokichi took off the black hoodie which revealed a white shirt. He looked down at the blood on his hands and sighed. Then, he moved onto a bed in the corner of the room and sat on it, exhausted. 

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