New Beginnings (Daryl's pov)

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We walk for what seems like days then I remember we have been walking for days. No food no water, I don't know how Beth keeps on trucking on. Then I hear a crunch of leaves and drop to my feet without hesitation and Beth does the same. I slowly lift to a crouch and I see a mob of walkers heading our way. "Beth run now!" I demand. Both her and I sprint out of the woods onto a road with a white abandoned Buick with the trunk open. The trunk seems to be large enough for the both of us. " Get in!" I cry. We get in and Beth closes the trunk and tying it down leaving us in darkness. I feel Beth jump a little when she hears the growls of the walking rotting corpses. I look into Beth's eyes and mouth the words " We're gonna make it. I promise." She nods her head in agreement.

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