Chapter 5- Happily Dreaming

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The whole car ride, I thought about the mystery man. It all just seems so surreal. How could that hot of a guy, want to talk to me? I wonder why he is here... I know he doesn't live in town, I would have saw him before. Bellevue is way too small for someone not to notice an attractive male living here.

My father slows to a stop in front of the house. He is already out of the car and striding towards the door. I sigh and unbuckle. "No dad, its ok, don't wait up for me." I whisper quietly while opening the car door. The front door slams, and I flinch then sigh. Of course, now he is in a mood.

I swing my bag over my shoulder while walking up the porch steps. I open the door slowly, trying to take my time walking into the house. The house feels so empty, like its not a home. Everything is the same way it was when mom was alive. Neither dad, nor I, have had the heart to move anything.

I run up the stairs, taking two at a time, towards my bedroom. I stop at the top of the stairs as I hear something crash in my dads room. I stay still for a moment, until I hear something hit his door. I flinch and quickly run into my room, slamming the door as he starts yelling. I lock the door as I lean against the wall for support.

I feel tears streaming down my face, and quickly swipe them away. I hate being so afraid in my own home. I hate not having mom here to hug me. I hate everything that has happened. Why can't I be a normal teenager and worry about homework and parties?

Another bang came from his room as I heard his door slam against the wall. I walk slowly towards my closet, sitting down inside and closing the door. My father starts banging on the door and the tears start up again.

"Ariana Elizabeth, open this fucking door right now! Or your life is about to get a hell of a lot worse." He screams. I stand up and unlock the door. My father smiles at me... A crooked grin that brings chills down my spine. He grips my arm in a steel grip and I cry harder.

He pins me up against the wall by my throat and slaps my face. My head jolts to the side and I want to sob, but I know better than to make any noise. I feel my body shaking with fear, I know how this ends up. It always goes the same way.

My father punches my stomach multiple times, then throws me to the ground. I gasp as I hit the cold, hard floor. He brings his foot back and kicks me in the back. He keeps kicking me until I still. He sighs and walks away, breathing heavy. My door slams shut and I can't find the energy to move.

I know I have to get up, I have to make sure nothing is broken. My arms are shaking as I push myself up, my legs are like jello when I finally stand up. It hurts to stand, but not unbearable. I've had worse before. I walk into my bathroom and notice a bruise forming at my neck.

As soon as I saw it, I broke down. Tears were gushing out of my eyes. My breathing was rapid and short. I couldn't seem to get a breath. I shakily got my xannax and took one to try and stop this panic attack. The walk to my bed was painful, and slow, but I relaxed as soon as I laid my head down.

I decide to try and think about something else. Almost instantly, the mystery man pops into my head. I wonder what his name is.... It must be something manly and hot... Like him. My face gets warm at the thought.

I wonder if he is my soul mate... I mean why else would my skin tingle so weirdly from one person? What if he doesn't like me? I'm not the most attractive person in the world... But I'm not the ugliest I suppose.

What am I saying? Of course he'll like me. The fates wouldn't have matched our souls otherwise. I wish I had friends to talk to about him, someone that would reassure me that it'll be ok. Someone that will be happy for me that I might have found my soul mate. Just.... Someone.

I feel my eyes close and start to drift asleep thinking about him. I dreamt about my mom being alive and squeeling with me as I told her about the mystery man. I dreamt about her meeting him, and hugging him as soon as she saw him. Insisting for him to call her mom. I dreamt.... Happily for the first time in over ten years.

So, hey. Uhm, shiz got real this chapter... But you got a glimpse into Arias life at home. So yay? Hah, ok, Uhm don't forget to vote and comment, I love any and all feedback. I don't plan on this being a long book, but it might end up that way... So, yeah. Byee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2015 ⏰

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