Chapter 3- Erratic Heartbeats

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I hear the bell ring and flinch. Time to go home... Time to see if my father actually went to work or if I'm in for hell. School is the only place where I feel safe, even though I don't have any friends. I only have pity. Everyone is happy with their soulmates, while I walk alone through the halls, I always feel the pity rolling off of people when they see me.

I wish I didn't feel so alone. I wish I didn't feel like its somehow my fault that my soul mate hasn't found me yet. But I have an idea that it is my fathers fault. In school, they teach us to not have sex with someone who is not your soulmate, otherwise your mark will feel lifeless. But my father never let's me go more than two days without him plunging into me for his pleasure.

I realize I'm the last one in the classroom, and start to pack my stuff up as slow as possible. I stand up and head towards my locker. Grabbing my backpack, I stuff my books into it, and fling my locker closed. Everyone is staring at me as I walk through the hallway. I try to keep my head held high as I walk towards the front door.

I feel my step falter as my heart starts beating wildly. Am I having another anxiety attack? I decide it would be best if I hurried home so I could take some medicine to stop it, but as I walk closer to the door, my heart quickens it beating. What in the world? Am I afraid my father is out there? No, its not fear. It is something else. I can't figure out what though. I've never felt this before.

I open the door, and am temporarily blinded by the sunlight. I blink slowly and look out to see a guy sitting on the bench, alone. That's weird. Everyone my age had already found their soulmate and is never seen alone. I decide to drop it. I start walking towards home when my skin starts to spark. What? What the heck is going on? I keep walking, ignoring the sparks bouncing off of my skin.

My hand starts to clench my chest as my heart keeps beating erratically. Its so strange. I realize the guy is walking towards me, and I stop. I just stare into his blue eyes as he stops in front of me. Gosh, he is beautiful. I lose my breath as I study him. His muscles are bulging through his flannel button up, his black hair is messy on top of his head, and his eyes are a bright blue. He's.... Perfect.

"Hello, do you know if anyone here hasn't found their mate yet?" Oh my goodness.... His voice. My knees tremble as he speaks. Wait... Did he ask me something? Think Aria, what did he say? Oh.

"T-there is only one person whom hasn't found their mate yet." I whisper. Goodness, Aria, could you sound more stupid?

He stares at me for a moment in wonder, does he feel it too? Could this be my Soul Mate? Is this him? "Could you tell me who?" He asks quietly.

I take a deep breath, "Me." He freezes at my one word answer. His mouth goes slack. Oh no, if this is my mate... He doesn't look happy with the outcome. I look down at my feet and push a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"This is going to sound weird, but-" He is interrupted by a loud voice yelling towards us.

"Ariana Elizabeth, what in Gods name are you doing? I expected you to be home a half hour ago!" I look towards my father in fear, I glance towards this mystery man and blush. I scurried away from him. Trying not to anger my father anymore than he already is.

As I get into the car, I glance once more towards the guy. He hasn't moved, he just stares at me and looks... Sad? I don't know. All I know, is that I want to see him again. My thoughts are shattered as I feel a hand on my thigh. Oh no. My father's hand drifts farther up my thigh, until he is at the button of my pants. My heart clenches. No! He can't. Not right now. I start to cough, and will my body to sneeze.

My father looks at me in disgust, and take his hand away. Hopefully he will believe I am sick and leave me alone. Please, don't touch me tonight, father...

~Edited By Orkishia


Hey everyone, its Tori here. Two updates in one day, woot woot, raise the roof! Plus, this one is longer than the other two! I'm sorry I've been MIA lately. But I'm going to try to update more often. Make sure you like and comment!! I love feedback. It encourages me to continue. Well, I'm done boring you! By the way, this chapter is dedicated to kazzachase, for adding my story to their reading list. Which is the sole reason why I decided to update this book today!

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