I Will Be With You

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"Y/n! Y/n! Y/n, wake up!" 

You stirred back into reality, almost forgetting the events of last night. Or rather, this morning. Your mother was standing over you with tears on her face streaming down from her red eyes like waterfalls.

"Mom? What is it?" This couldn't be good.

"It's--It's your grandmother---she---she," your mother struggled to find words. "She needs to come see you."

You quickly kicked the covers up and ran to your grandmother's bedroom. Your brothers were huddled around her and you approached your grandmother slowly, afraid of what you would find.

No, you breathed. That's not my grandmother.

She didn't look like the same grandmother who had been enjoying buñuelos just last night, laughing and playing. Her eyes were desolate of any life. Her skin was warm but she trembled like she was in the middle of an ice storm.

"Abuelita?" you gasped as you took a large step and leaned over her bed while you grabbed her hand.

Your abuela managed to conjure up the strength to tilt her head to your brothers. "Can you give me a moment with your sister, chicos?

Your brothers were crying but they nodded yes. Your mother escorted them out and closed the door.

"Abuelita? What do you need? Why are you like this? What's going on?"

Your abuela took some short breaths, and you watched helplessly as she struggled to make words. When she finally gained strength to talk, she said, "Listen to me. There's something I must tell you. There is a letter. Next to the Casa Madrigal. I need you to retrieve it and read it. I don't have much longer--" She broke out into a coughing fit as you watched helplessly; your abuela waved off all attempts of help on your part.

"You mean this letter?" you asked as you ripped the letter out from the pocket of your pajamas.

"Oh!" your abuela gasped. "How did you--It doesn't matter. I don't have much time before I go. I assume you read it."

You anxiously nodded yes.

"Listen to me carefully. You must remember something. Do you recall when you were more little and I moved in for a while with you guys in the city?"

You nodded again.

"You remember all of those fun games we played, like the riddle games, and the word games? You loved those."

"I still play them, Abuelita."

"Good. Good. Do you remember what our favorite one was called?"

"Yeah! It was the, um, the Decoder Game! We would try to find messages in different coded formats and follow the clues to candy, or a toy, or something."

"Yes! Yes! You remember," your abuela leaned her head back on the pillow. "I can go in peace."

"Abuela? Isn't there something else you want to tell me?"

"All that it useful to you now I have said. Y/n, I trust you with my whole heart and body. I love you, mi princesa."

"Abuela, what? I love you too but isn't there something else? The letter--"

But you never got to finish the question, or hear the answer, because it was next to you, holding your hand, that your abuela inhaled her final breath. She squeezed your hand one last time, as if to remind you, I will be there with you.

"NO! No, Abuelita please, no, no, no."

Your mother had to carry you out of the room, as you were blinded with a surge of grief and sadness.

The Shapeshifter's Clues (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now