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"Ricky's POV"

We finally made it to the beach. The sun was so hot, I could feel the heat on my body. We set down some beach chairs and towels, and just hung out on the beach all day.

All of us were vlogging all day, so I knew we were all going to go home and edit.

Just down the road wre some little boutiques, so the boys and I decided to go to them. We took some really cool photos of all of the little shops. Today has been a great day, but I wish I could have also spent it with Bella and Jc. I'm still waiting on them to talk to us about it, but they'll do it when they're ready.

We decided it was time to go home because we wanted to make it in time for dinner. Connor said he was going to make all of us dinner tonight, but I just laughed. It's probably going to end up being cereal.

Kian is being loud and obnoxious as usual. He is running down the beach attempting to do kart wheels, but obviously can't. He starts talking to a group of girls and trying to "sweet talk" them, and Connor and I just laugh at his complete failure.

"Aww little Kian tryna hit up some teens?" I holler at him and all the girls laugh.

"Ricky what the hell!" He yells and says goodbye to the girls and hands one of them his number. What a nut ball.

He walks away from the girls and the one with the number giggles and puts it in her pocket.

"They want my d" Kian says, walking our way. I laugh at him and so does Connor.


"Bella's POV"

Today consisted of cuddling with Jc, watching Netflix, playing Mario Cart, and ordering pizza. My kind of day. I just wanted to let Jc rest and not do anything, which he hates. He offered me so many times today to take me out for lunch and an adventure, but I insisted for us to stay home. I ordered pizza an payed for it. He hated it, but it's the least I could do. I enjoyed having a Jc an Bella day.

The three other boys burst through the front door and go straight to the couch.

"Where did you guys even go?" I ask and sit on Kian's lap.

"We just went to the beach and hung around." Kian says and tickles me. I kick and scream for him to stop. He finally stopped and picked me up.

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