Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 ━━ Hell Of A Way To Wake Up!

Chapter 7 ━━ Hell Of A Way To Wake Up!

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2024 - France

When Ayaz returns to his house, it's already morning. He picks up the newspaper lying on the carpet outside the front door and unlocks his door from his other hand. 

Throughout his life for the last few centuries after the split of the Eternals, Ayaz tried to blend within the humans as one of them. That means, no teleporting or using his ability of ice manipulation. 

Well, at least not when he visited Ajak or decided to throw a tantrum out of anger in his basement. It doesn't count, alright? 

Not even Francois or Louis, who happens to be his closest friends, knows Ayaz is an Eternal, nor Francois's good looking sister, Camille. He prefers to keep it that way. 

Ayaz reads the headline 'HELL OF A WAY TO WAKE UP!' in the newspaper about an earthquake and then shuts the door behind him. He walks into the kitchen, opening the Fridge to find it empty other than the bottle of pink lemonade hiding deep inside. 

Adding a mental note to shop groceries later, he pours some lemonade into a glass before placing the bottle back in the Fridge. 

Ayaz takes a sip of his pink lemonade, leaning into the kitchen counter as he lazily opens the message he received from Sersi days ago. It is a historical artefact article. His silver eyes move through the words as he reads the article. 

'From the investigation of our archaeologists on Mexico, the findings were shocking. Within the other found artefacts, a non-melting snowflake with unique runes carved on it was found buried in the graveyard area of the Aztec temple. According to Dr. Walter, it was used as an offering to the god of winter, Ayeez. Upon examination, the above mentioned snowflake has the ability to face any temperature without melting away. It is believed to be an artefact belonging to the Aztec Empire as the science between the non-melting snowflake still remains a mystery.' 

There is an image of the same snowflake he gave the small girl during the Spanish invasion, just before Druig decided to leave him. 

And here it goes again. 

The heartache. 

Even after centuries, Ayaz is still trying to mend the pieces of his broken heart together as a whole. And it was all Druig's fault. 

"Stupid humans. They couldn't even spell my name right." He grits his teeth, trying to avoid the whole Druig situation by blaming it all on the humans for misspelling his name in the article. 

When he empties his glass, he gently places it in the sink mentally adding another note to wash it later before walking back to his living room, lounging on his comfy sofa, playing Call of Duty. 

Ayaz loves the modern technology of humans, especially online gaming, which allows players from around the world to challenge each other. 

Over the violent gunfire, he hears the doorbell ringing. He tries to ignore it and continues to play, hoping the person outside the door will leave him alone anytime soon. But it seems his luck is on the bad side today. 

With a sigh, he pauses the game. Annoying neighbours are what he hates the most. Too lazy to move, he yells with irritation. "No one's home!" 

"Open the door, Ayaz!" A familiar voice comes from the other side of the door. He knows that voice. 

Ayaz raises an eyebrow before teleporting to the front door and slamming it open to reveal too familiar faces. Kingo, Sersi, Hestia, Sprite and Ikaris with another unfamiliar human. 

"It's you guys." Ayaz smiles and opens the door wide enough for them to enter. "Welcome to my sweet cave." 

"Nice home you have." Kingo comments as he walks into the house, taking in the view. 

"Well, thank you." Ayaz replies and turns to the crowd in his house, closing the front door. "You guys fancy a soft drink?"

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