Part 2

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"And this is the bedroom." Nick said, opening a door at the end of the small hallway that started in the living room, next to the front door. "Wow." She said, entering the room, as he placed her suitcase next to her side of the bed since he knew that she preferred to sleep on the right side.

The bed was huge. It was king-sized, the mattress was pretty thick so that it was even softer and on top there were multiple blankets and pillows while above the bed there was another light chain. The walls that were painted in a soft beige were decorated with paintings of beautiful landscapes.

At the wall opposite the bed there was a commode above which a tv was attached to the wall. To both it's left and right there were hanging-pots in which each a small ivy plant was growing, hanging down a few inches.

"You like it?" he asked, placing a hand on the small of her back. "I love it. This whole place is so amazing." She said, turning around, laying her arms around his neck as he laid his around her waist, pulling her closer.

They brushed their lips against each other's before starting to kiss, soft at first but they quickly got a little more passionate. He started to slide his hands under her pullover, opening her bra as she started to open the buttons of his shirt.

Soon, he pulled her pullover over her head, surprising her by picking her up and placing her on the bed as he took of his shirt as well. He started to kiss her again. At first just her lips, then her jawline, her neck and then her chest.

She moaned in pleasure, pulling him closer by his hips as she felt him against her.


They were laying under the covers of the comfortable bed. She had put on his shirt but apart from that they were both still completely naked.

Their faces were just inches apart, the tip of their noses almost touching. "That was amazing." She breathed, closing her eyes, still a little out of breath. "It was." He said, putting a strand of hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear, resting his hand there a little longer as he started to stroke her soft cheek.

"Are you warm? I haven't turned on the heating system yet so it's a little cold. It's already been quite a while since I last came here." He said, just wanting to make sure she was comfortable.

"I'm good." She said, opening her eyes again, smiling at him. "Are you hungry?" he asked her, smiling back at her.

"A little." She replied, although she was actually starving since she hadn't eaten much on their three-hour ride through Minnesota's forests. "Well, good thing I brought some things to cook pasta." He said, his smile growing even bigger. "Sounds delicious." Meredith replied, not really wanting to get up since she had never laid in a bed this comfortable.


Twenty minutes later they were back in the living room and Meredith watched Nick as he started preparing the fireplace by positioning some wood blooks in it and enlightening it with a small matchstick. Soon the fire was crackling in the background while they were eating the pasta he had prepared on the couch, both covered in a blanket. Although they had put on their pyjamas and Nick had started the heating system the place would still need some time to warm up so that now it was still a little cold.

He was telling her about his recent liver transplant and that he thinks that the name of the donor of an organ should be put down on a patients file as well and that the doctors taking part on the surgery should know the donator's name to honour him.

Meredith listened to him the whole time. She loved how much he cared about his patients. After a while the topic had changed and they were now talking about Meredith' surgery on Dr. Hamilton and soon about how much of an ass Hamilton was.

They were laughing together, cuddling, eating their pasta and just enjoying the quality time together, far away from any responsibilities and their jobs and the fact that they still lived about 1500 miles away from each other.

Soon it was dark outside, just the candles in the living room, the light chains in the garden and the small dimmed lights around the grass were bringing some brightness into the darkness of the night.

"Come on." He said, taking her hand, pulling her up with him. He put on his jacket that was laying on the chair of the small kitchen table and picked up one of the blankets on the couch, laying it around her shoulders so she wouldn't get cold since it was a little chilly outside.

He opened the backdoor and led her outside, over the grass and onto the small bridge. "You see the glow worms? There are a lot of them here around this season." He said, laying an arm around her as they stood there, observing the beautiful lights of the small insects.

"It's impressive." She whispered, laying her head on his shoulder as he pulled her closer as they just enjoyed being next to each other. 

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