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Eight months later...

"Freaking heck" I muttered, just as the keys slipped from my fingers, finding the one tiny space left inside my very crammed, very heavy shoulder bag. My shoulder ached from carrying tons of papers to grade and materials I'd taken with me that morning, when I thought it would be a great idea to give students a more hands on experience in the topic we were working on.

I threw my head back in annoyance. 


I dug back into my bag feeling for the little flat piece of metal and letting out a thankful sigh when the tips of my fingers finally found it wedged between two books. It didn't take me long to fish the little culprit out and insert it on the lock.

My back pocket vibrated just as I took a step inside.

Somehow I managed to answer the call without dropping the keys again.


"Hola amor." Came my mother's voice.

"Ah, hola ma." I answered as I kicked the door shut behind me and dropped the keys on the cute ceramic dish I'd bought last week on etsy.

"How was school?"

I dropped the bag beside the couch and toed off my loafers with a sigh of relief. "Great actually, the kids loved their blind dates with a book. They even asked if we could start a blog so they can share about their 'dates'."

I barely had a month working at Engelmann High School when I realized that was the place where I was supposed to be. You know what they say... when you know, you know.

"I knew you'd kill it. I wish you'd gone for that fuchsia paper you showed me though." I rolled my eyes. "Escúchame...I have to go back to the Café. I don't have much time..."

I bent to massage my feet, those new loafers were killing me. "Dime." 

"Your father says you're flying home for thanksgiving."

It was no surprise my dad got the news first thing. He probably bugged Kühl until he caved.

"Uh... yes. I guess, that was the plan." I'd rather avoid being stood up, thank you.

"Perfecto. Lucas promised to come too. I think he might be bringing someone along."

Please not Stephen.

I didn't realize I'd said that aloud until my mum responded.

"Stephen? I don't think so Vany, he hasn't been here since New Year."

My eyebrows flew up. He hadn't? "That's...strange. Is he out of town or something?"

"Now that you mention it...I've been meaning to ask you about it."

"A mí?" Me? I asked incredulously. Why did she think I'd have news on Stephen?

"Bueno...sí." There was a pause. "No te ha dicho nada Freddie?" Didn't Freddie tell you anything?

I shook my head at my parent's nickname for the German. The first time I heard them call him that I almost spilled orange juice all over my white T-shirt. The man in question didn't seem to have a problem with it though, so I just let them have it. 

"What exactly should he have told me?" I asked.

"I'm not exactly sure...I thought you'd know. I'd hate to make a wrong assumption but..." She trailed off.

"My God, mum. What?"

"I might have overheard both of them talking outside for New Year. Then Stephen came back into the house and barely met my eyes before leaving. I haven't seen him ever since. Do you think maybe they exchanged some words?"

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