Chapter Twenty-three

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My phone buzzed from it's place on the side table, interrupting the soft country music coming from the stereo. My head snapped up from my laptop and the bunch of papers I'd spread over the breakfast bar with the intention of searching for ideas on the upcoming literary exhibition. Somehow I'd lost my way and ended up watching memes on Pinterest instead.

I stared at my cell through narrowed eyes for a moment weighing if crossing the room to check on it would be worth it. It was Saturday, but that didn't mean I couldn't get work related messages-it happened more often than not.

With a long worn out sigh I got my ass off the stool and padded over to the living room on my tan woolen socks. The expression on my face cleared as I caught sight of the name on the screen.

Kühl: Are you free today?

Me: It depends. Why?

Kühl: Wanna hit the slopes?

My heart thumped against my chest as I read the words again and again.


Since I moved to Denver I've felt the need to master that sport in order to fit in with the locals. To say I hadn't gotten there yet was an understatement. I used to be stuck on the bunny hill more times than I could count while I watched others gliding down blues and blacks. Lately I'd gotten better at it, but I wasn't confident enough to ski alongside the German who was obviously a pro or else he wouldn't have suggested it in the first place.

Plus, from renting the gear to getting a pass and booking a lesson, the cost of each adventure made a dent on my savings. So, the last few times I took the trip I did it with my brother, and as any good big brother did, he paid for it.

Me: You mean putting my feet on a ski?

Kühl: Not a fan?

Me: I would if I could change colors once in a while.

Kühl: Beginner?

Me: Understatement

Kühl: And here I thought you could do anything.

Me: Sorry to shatter your dreams.

Kühl: Dream's still intact honey.

My breath hitched as I read and re read his words.


Why did he have to do those kind of things? Did he realize he was twisting me around him like a freaking Cavatappi?

He must have seen his text had more meaning than he intended because he sent another almost immediately.

Kühl: I could always teach you.

Me: And made the fool in front of everyone? No thanks.

Kühl: Came on Van.

I considered it for a minute. Between staying home doing work and spending the day at the slopes there really wasn't much to think. I actually had this adrenaline thumping in my veins from the moment he mentioned it, though I wasn't sure if giving the German a front seat to my lack of grace while skiing was the best idea. I wanted to spend the day with him obviously, but looking like a clutz didn't rank high on my list when it came to impressing him. It wasn't that I thought he would laugh at me or leave me hanging as Lucas usually did in favor of more experienced company-not that I resented him-Actually, after watching the German coaching at school I knew he could be attentive and patient.

He sent another text before I could respond.

Kühl: just like that?

Me: What?

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