Chapter Sixteen

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The weekend went by without further mishaps.

My parents left on Sunday evening and I was left alone in my apartment again. I waved goodbye to the sofa as I changed the sheets and moved back into the bed.

That night I slept deep and comfortable. So much so that when the German came for our early morning run I was still a bed.

I made him wait in the kitchen as I moved around my room like a crazy person, picking the first leggings and jacket I got a hold of before twisting my hair into a bun.

He waited patiently as I had a quick breakfast. The glare he threw me when I said I could skip it said it all. Obediently I managed to eat a few bagels and a glass of coconut milk while he perused my apartment. Picking up each one of the frames I had lying around and studying it before placing it back on the same place.

We managed to run 6k that day. Something that made me feel proud of myself. The German didn't do so bad either, keeping the signs of his exhaustion to a bare minimum. As if I couldn't tell he was dying inside.

My legs ached in a good way. It made me feel invincible. Like I could prevent world hunger as far as I kept running.

We were walking inside after stretching our sore muscles when I saw them.

Lady Witherspoon exiting the elevator in the arm of none other than Mr Anderson.

A tiny laugh escaped me but I disguised it with a cough. The German gave me a funny look.

Good god. The woman didn't lose time did she?

We were advancing straight in their direction.

I caught the old woman's eyes wich were now dancing with glee and winked at her. What I didn't expect was her answering wink.

"Good morning." I greeted as we passed by.

"Morning." The old man said lowering his head slightly.

Kühl managed a chin jerk. And Lady Witherspoon filled the empty space.

"Good morning to you too Van. You had a nice run I presume?"

I inwardly groaned.

Please. I forgot the German was right next to me. Was she going to say I was going out with him now?

"And you are gonna have a nice breakfast in the city I assume." I tried to deflect with a smile.

To her credit Lady Witherspoon blushed a little. "Oh, we were going for a coffee."

"Marguerite's has the best coffee and croissants in the neighborhood." Added Mr Anderson.

"Then please, don't let us keep you." The German opened his mouth for the first time since we entered the building and I almost snorted. Did he really find it that difficult to keep a conversation?

"I hope you have a nice day!" I shouted to counterbalance Kühl's rudeness as he pushed me towards the waiting elevators.

As soon as the doors closed I busted into laughs.

"Wha--" I wheezed. "Don't let us keep you? What was that?"

He shrugged uncomfortable, but I could see his lips tugging at the corners.

"I've barely been here for a month and I know that woman can talk for hours. One would think you already knew that."

"I do." I replied, my body cracking with laughter. "But that was so rude!"

"She wanted to pry." He defended.

"Does she make you uncomfortable?"

"I'm not fond of people who pry into my private life that's all." He avoided my eyes as he said this.

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