Shots Fired

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Daniela's POV

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Olivia and I sat on that roof where we had a good view of the woods and all the trees surrounding us, the sunsets were the best here too.

"So whats going on with you? What was you're reason for being moppy, you said if I wasn't you wouldn't be either.." Olivia asked. I didn't think she caught it or would ask me about it.

"I umm, I just, I don't know, just something that happened recently not really a big deal or anything." I said trying to avoid it.

"Mmhmm you're lying, what is it? Tell me" she said. "It's Daryl isn't it...I've noticed you've been keeping away from him and Beth, did you guys have like a thing or something?" she continuously asked.

I laughed a little cause I couldn't believe what I was about to say, "Haa no we didn't, I just, I don't know what it was you know, when I first saw him out in the woods I was immediately physically attracted to him and when I got to know him, my attraction just grew. But then I found out about this girl that he was in love with and had lost, and just when I thought about doing something about what I was feeling....she reappears! And know, it's just weird you know, like I don't know what to do or think, I just want to stay away. I just don't want to be in the same place as them but it's my camp, it's OUR camp, with my brothers and sister, I couldn't just get up and leave, I could never leave the kids behind and well, I wouldn't want them living outside of the walls when they're in a safe place now and there really isn't anything jeopardizing it. Do you know what I mean?" I looked over at Olivia and she nodded her head like she understood me.

"That is tough, and I don't really know what to tell you. But how do you think Daryl feels?" she asked.

"I honestly don't think he feels the same way, I've seen the way he looks at Beth and as much as I wish he'd look at me that way, I know it won't happen and I'm just happy he's with her. I just— I just want to leave Olivia, I want to leave." I said.

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Daryl's POV

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We left about mid-day to pick up the supplies that Abraham and his guys had found to start building. We drove big trucks and a big buss to load the supplies. The drive wasn't too far just about a 30 minute drive there and back. The sun was setting when we started loading the supplies we were just about to finish when all of a sudden a heard of walkers came our way and caught us by surprise.

We fought them off there were about 13 of us and 30 or more walkers. They came out of nowhere but what really caught us by surprise was a gunshot that didn't come from someone in our group.

It was followed by a scream of pain, one of our guys was shot. It was getting darker and I couldn't see who got hit. We all just looked for cover. Everyone pulled out their guns, I had my crossbow and handgun.

"Charlie! Is that you?!' Jason screamed out. "Yeah, it came from the other side of that hill!" He said. I still couldn't see anything so I crouched over and began to walk to the other side of the truck.

I didn't even get to the other side before somebody shot at me and broke one of the windows on the truck. I got lower and Charlie kept screaming, someone came up behind me and startled by it I quickly turned and pointed my crossbow but it was only Abraham and a couple others.

He signaled for us to run the other direction as he covered.

He shot continuously as we ran to get to the other side of the big truck, they shot back. We were able to get good cover from where we were and started shooting in defense. Charlie continued screaming for help but it only got worse, the shots attracted walkers around the area and we were soon invaded again. Once they all began to surround us and whoever was shooting at us stopped.

We then had to fight the walkers out in the open they just continued coming. Before we knew it we were all joined in the same spot killing off walkers as a group. We heard Charlie scream and when we ran to help him a walker had bit him on the shoulder. I ran to stab it in the head but it was too late.

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"Do it! Just do it!" Charlie yelled at Jason. "Just shoot me already!"

We all stood around Charlie as he pleaded for Jason to end his misery. Jason kneeled on one knee and said, "I'm sorry Charlie, I'm sorry we couldn't stop it, you've been such a great friend and I couldn't have asked for a better friend in the apocalypse, you're my brother."

Jason couldn't do it, he couldn't shoot his friend so I did it for him, I took his handgun and I shot Charlie in the head.

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Daniela's POV

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We heard gunshots, they were nearby so Olivia and I grabbed our guns and quickly got off the roof. "Do you think it could be from the camp?" Olivia asked.

"No it can't be it's too close." I said.

"What if it's someone from our group, let's go!" Olivia said. And we ran towards the bullets.

Olivia was right it could be someone from our camp but it was dark and we couldn't see where we were going. We just kept running, the gunshots were getting louder, I knew we were getting closer.

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Beth's POV

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I sat on the wall biting my nails when we heard something in the woods. Could be a walker so Carl and I stood up, on top of the wall and held our rifles. We looked carefully straight down below where the woods ended. I held my rifle pointing it straight in that direction when not 1 but 4 to 6 guys came stepping out in a horizontal line out of the woods and into the light of the moon.

They held guns and knifes and brought chills to my spine, each and every one of them had a look on their face, and it wasn't a happy look, it was the look of guys looking for trouble.

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Also, I am going to make a YouTube video answering questions TWD related, that being said please comment below if you would like to ask me a question about my fan fiction and whether or not you would like for me to share who asked me the question. I will let you all know when the video is up!! Please comment below! 😊

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