Step 2: Make a Stupid Book Thingi

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Step 2: Make a Stupid Book Thingi

 “Nooo!” I sobbed, as I crash-landed my caramel latté onto the table an hour after the encounter in the bookshop.  Froth overflowed, soaking deeply into my new magazine.  I’d never been very good at carrying full coffee cups.

 I scrabbled around, trying to rescue my beautiful fifty pages of Bliss with our pathetic little napkins.

 “Wow, the coffee seems to love stupid magazines as much as you do!” Amber snorted.  She smugly took a sip from her perfectly un-spilt takeaway cup, “At least you’ve already memorized the‘problems page’, you have nothing to worry about in life now!”

 I stuck my tongue out at my best friend, and she returned the favour.

 “If it was a problems page on trying to get Robbie Evans then maybe you’d understand!” I muttered.

 Amber’s eyes immediately widened, darting around the room just to check that Robbie hadn’t magically appeared and was listening in to our conversation.

 I laughed at Amber’s reaction.  Robbie Evans was the ‘new guy’ in year twelve.  He’d moved to London from America last year.  Robbie’s been here less than two months and has immediately settled down.  He gets a lot of attention because of his extremely sexy accent, and he’s soaring up the popularity scale.  I have to admit he is pretty good-looking, I can see why Amber was so enchanted by him.

 She’d had a major crush on Robbie ever since she bumped into him on the first day back at school.  Robbie was a year above us, so we’d never directly met him, but Amber had still managed to walk straight into him whilst carrying a stack of books, which, of course, scattered all over the floor.  Robbie had helped her pick them up, and Amber had decided it was fate.  Claiming to have seen their future together reflected in those dreamy blue eyes, Amber refused to let Robbie escape our topic of conversation.  It was sort of nice seeing Amber so excited over a guy.  She didn’t often get lovesick over boys, but I could see how much she wanted Robbie, so I’d agreed to tag along with her whenever she wanted to see him.  Unfortunately, Amber hid her bubbly self away whenever Robbie was nearby, which meant that she was taking absolute baby steps towards him.  

 The bookshop had been Amber’s first face-to-face communication with Robbie, and she was pretty overwhelmed.  It showed by the seven bags packed with shopping that were stashed beneath our table in the coffee shop.  Amber goes on frantic shopping sprees when she doesn’t know what else to do with herself.

 Amber sighed.  “If only there was a ‘guide to getting Robbie’.”

 I could feel the light bulb switching on in my brain.

 “Oh my gosh, I just had an idea!” I squealed.

 “You’re gonna get me and Robbie together?” Amber gave me a hopeful look, slurping innocently at the remains of her coffee.

 “Yes!” I exclaimed.  “We’re going to get you guys together, and we’re going to make our own ‘Robbie project’, following your progress!”

 I could hear Amber’s effort to stop the coffee from escaping through her nose as she snorted.

 “Dude that’s so cheesy!” she exclaimed.

 “But we should sooo do it!” I replied indignantly. 

 Smoothing out my jeans I pushed my seat back.

 “Um Hazel, what are you doing?” Amber asked.

 I reached under the table for one of Amber’s shopping bags.  If I remembered correctly, one of Amber’s whimsical purchases was a matching notebook and pen.  I fumbled around until I found the set.  The notebook was blue, with red cherries dotted all over the cover. 

 “Here!” I emerged from the table, “This is the book in which we will record everything that builds up to you and Robbie going out.”

 Amber just stared at me like I was an idiot.  I ignored her.

 Opening the book to the first page, I wrote out in capitals THE ROBBIE PROJECT.

 On the next page I wrote Step 1: Visit his bookshop and buy a book.

 “It’s as simple as that!  Pleeease say that we can do it!” I looked up at Amber and smiled pleadingly, batting my eyelashes.

 Amber smiled at me and shook her head.

 “Okay, fine then!” she consented.  I squealed. 

 “I guess it might be fun.  I’ll make an entry right now!”

 She grabbed the pen from my hand, and quickly scribbled down: Step 2: Make a stupid book thingi

 I nudged Amber playfully.  She nudged me back, and glanced at her phone.  Realising the time, she stood up so quickly that her chair screeched against the floor.

 “We’d better get going!  I still need to buy some earmuffs!” she exclaimed.

 I groaned, but loyally stood up, placing the pen and notebook into my handbag.  I let Amber deal with her own luggage.

 Arms laden with bags, Amber made her way out of the shop, bumping into the other customers as she went.  I followed behind, apologizing to all of the unfortunate people whose faces had just been shoved into their coffees by oversized new look bags.

 I shivered as I reached the door, a gust of spiteful wind slapping me across the face.  Following Amber, I made my way from door to door, checking out every store on the high street and accumulating bags upon bags of pointless shopping.  All I could think about, though, was my new idea.  I silently swore that I would do whatever it took to get Amber and Robbie together. 


Heyy there!  So this chapter is better than the first one, and it will keep going in THAT DIRECTION!  Thanks for reading!  Please read on, and comments, votes and fan's will always be greatly appreciated! xx

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