『 Chapter 9: A New Tail 』

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"I'm not gonna lie, I thought your mom was gonna kill me." Hiccup said, moving a tree branch out of your way as the two of you walked through the forest towards the cove.

You nodded, agreeing, "I thought so too. I'm surprised she was so calm, and she invited you in for breakfast too." In one hand you were holding the fake tail flap, while Hiccup carried a basket of fish over his shoulder. The two of you slowly made your way down to the entrance of the cove.

Hiccup turned to you quickly, having a sudden thought, "You don't think she poisoned it... do you?"

You laughed loudly, earning a surprised look from the boy, "My mom may be protective but she would never poison one of my friends."

"Aweee. You said I'm your friend." Hiccup made fun of you. Your eyes widened, and you realized that you had said it.

You quickly turned forwards, "Shut up," You said quietly. Hiccup sent you a look from the side with a small smile.

The two of you made your way into the cove, you handed Hiccup the tail fin before sitting down on a rock near the two, "Hey Toothless! I brought breakfast! I hope- I hope you're hungry!" Hiccup said, tipping over the basket towards the dragon, "Okay, that's disgusting." He said as all of the slimy fish fell out of the basket, "Uh- we've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod... and a whole smoked eel." The dragon backed up, growling at the eel.

You heard some footsteps behind you and spotted the Silver Phantom walking up towards you. Hiccup picked up the eel in front of the dragon and it let out a sound of disgust, "No, no, no, no, no! It's okay." Hiccup said, throwing the eel to the side. The dragon let out a small sneeze, "Yeah, I don't really like eel much, either." Toothless then leaned down towards the basket and started eating.

You looked over at the Silver Phantom, it had settled next to you. Sitting down and staring at the boy who was circling the dragon, "You want some?" You asked the dragon cautiously. It turned to you before letting out a huff and resting its head on the ground, the dragon's body was currently curled around the rock you were sitting on.

You watched as Hiccup slowly made his way towards the Night Fury's tail, "That's it, just stick with the good stuff. And don't you mind me. I'll just be back here, minding my own business." The boy kneeled next to the dragon's tail and tried to line the prosthetic fin up with the other one. The dragon's tail kept moving as he ate the fish in the basket, "It's okay." Hiccup then turned around, straddling the dragon's tail with his legs and quickly pulling the tail on the dragon and using the buckle to tie it on. You noticed toothless drop the basket, he wiggled his tail, and then his wings and ears dropped, seemingly noticing the added weight.

You stood up quickly as the dragon slowly raised its wings, "Hiccup!" You called out, trying to warn him. He turned to you confused, wiping his forehead before the dragon took off. He quickly wrapped his arms around the tail of the reptile. You took a step forward and quickly hobbled on your crutch over to the lake, almost tripping over the Silver Phantom that seemed unbothered, "Hiccup!" You called out again watching as he pulled at the prosthetic tail and turned it. The two flew up in the air and around the cove. You heard the Silver Phantom get up and watch. Hiccup and Toothless took a lap around the cove, before diving into the cove and flying over the water, across from you.

Toothless turned and glanced at Hiccup who was on his tail before quickly turning and flinging him into the water before falling into the water himself. You gasped before absentmindedly wading into the water, looking for the boy. You glanced over and saw the boy pop out of the water, "Yeah!" He said before quickly wading over to you, "Did you see that? That was amazing!" He said, looking at you.

"You could have died!" You growled, punching his shoulder, "You need to be more careful." Hiccup tilted his head.

"If I was more careful we wouldn't have discovered all... this." He gestured to the dragons and the cove. He paused looking down at you, "Woah! You need to get out of the water, it could infect your wound!" You looked down, realizing that you were in fact in the water.

"Oh. Right." You said before following the boy out of the lake trying not to get your crutch stuck in any rocks. As you walked up to the bank Hiccup was mumbling things about how he could make the tail better, if he could make a saddle and control the tail. You tried to wring the water out of your clothes noticing how cold you were. You wrapped your arms around yourself and looked at Hiccup, he was waving his hands around and rambling about what he would do. Suddenly you felt something bump you from behind, sending you falling forward right into Hiccup. He caught you confused.

"Are you okay?" He asked, you glanced up at him, your face slightly flushed before nodding.

You pulled yourself away, "Yeah- I'm fine." You said quickly before turning around to see what pushed you. The Silver Phantom sat behind you with a smug look on its face, "Why I oughta-"

"Oh, you look freezing!" Hiccup said causing you to turn around quickly, "We should probably go now anyways since training starts soon." He then walked over to the smoked eel from earlier and tucked it under his vest, "This might come in handy." He said turning to the silver dragon, "You like smoked eel?" Hearing the words the dragon let out a small sneeze, "I'll take that as a no." He then turned back towards you, "Anyways, let's get you home so you can be less cold." Hiccup said.

You nodded before slowly making your way out of the cove, Hiccup following close behind.

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