『 Chapter 12: A Friend of Astrid 』

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"Meet the Terrible Terror!" Gobber said as the giant lock was raised from its door. You braced yourself, preparing for something to jump out from behind the gate. Instead, a tiny door at the bottom of the gate opened, and out crawled a tiny dragon. It looked up at the group of you and absentmindedly licked its eye.

Tuffnut scoffed, "Hah! It's like the size of my-" He was cut off by the tiny dragon jumping on him, it bit onto his nose and thrashed around, "Get it off!" He groaned as the tiny dragon tugged at his nose with its claws in his mouth. Hiccup quickly picked up his shield and held it in the light, reflecting the light onto the ground. The small dragon jumped away from Tuffnut and followed the light, "OH! I'm hurt! I am very much hurt!" He cried.

The small dragon ran around in circles following the small light before Hiccup directed it back into its cage. He placed his foot on the door keeping it closed. Everyone stared in awe as Hiccup did his thing.

Tuffnut rubbed his nose before gesturing to Astrid, "Wow, he's better than you ever were." You noticed the glare on her face grow even darker.

Once the training was over the two of you made your way through the woods and towards the cove. As you took your normal path you heard the sound of something hitting the trees. The two of you turned to see Astrid facing you with her ax in the air. You and Hiccup quickly shared a look before running off into the forest making sure you lost her. You turned around making sure she was no longer there.

"I'm pretty sure she was imagining me as those trees." Hiccup shuddered.

You nodded, "Oh yeah, totally."

"Thanks, that doesn't make me feel better." He cringed.

The two of you quickly passed the trees and entered through the lower entrance of the cove. Hiccup put down the basket of fish and you carefully set down the new apparatus that was wrapped in cloth. Hiccup unwrapped the apparatus and tipped over the basket of fish, silently placing the flying things on Toothless. The dragon finished his meal and turned around, noticing the weight change on his body. He spun around trying to get a good look at the metal objects.

Rainsong walked over to you three and sniffed at the metal gear on Toothless before letting out a sniff. Hiccup stood up and brushed his hands off, "Toothless, this will help you fly." The boy said. You and Rainsong shared a skeptical look. Hiccup quickly hopped on the dragon's back and patted his head, "Don't worry bud, we'll start with something small. We're just gonna fly up to the top of the cove. Okay?" Toothless let out a sound of approval before spreading his wings, you heard Hiccup shift the footplate before you saw the prosthetic tail move slightly. Toothless flapped his wings once, lifting the two in the air.

Your jaw dropped before hearing the two land on the ledge of one side of the cove. Toothless and Hiccup both looked happy before flying back down and landing.

"That was crazy!" Hiccup turned towards you, "Did you see how awesome that was?!" He asked, extremely excited. You nodded, feeling his energy. Hiccup then turned to the dragon, "Alright, I have another place we need to go, okay bud?" The dragon let out a small roar before the two lifted off once more, leaving you and Rainsong.

You looked over at the dragon, "So... would you consider us, friends?" Rainsong nodded before tilting her head slightly as if wondering why. You shrugged, "I'm glad." You looked back up at the sky, wondering why in the world the Vikings hated the dragons. They were only defending themselves. You felt rough scaly skin against your hand and noticed Rainsong was poking your hand with her nose, "What?" You said, placing your palm on the top of her nose. She turned her head a couple of times, gesturing for you to get on her back, "You want me to get on?" She huffed before picking you up by the back of your shirt with her teeth and placing you on her back.

You gripped her neck tightly as she lifted off, the two of you flew up into the sky and slowly flew above the clouds, you reached down and ran your hand through a cloud, when you pulled your hand out you noticed that it felt slightly damp. Your eyes widened as you looked across the ocean, seeing the beautiful sight before turning to Berk and suddenly realizing just how much more amazing it was from up here.

"Thank you, Rainsong." You said a smile on your face. You looked down towards the ground and spotted Hiccup and toothless. Toothless was hooked to a stump so he could fly freely without worrying about falling. You noticed Hiccup shifted the footplate a couple of times and they landed carefully. Hiccup looked back at the tail before writing something down on a sheet in front of him, "Wanna give them a surprise?" You asked, earning a sound that seemed like a chuckle from the dragon. The two of you slowly flew around the back of the two and landed in the trees.

Rainsong laid low and you leaned down so the two of you were less visible. Hiccup and Toothless lifted off once more. You and Rainsong jumped out of the bushes frightening the boys. The rope that they are connected to snapped sending them flying back. They landed on the ground a few feet back and Toothless rolled over, pulling Hiccup up with him. You and Rainsong walked over there, Hiccup stood up and pulled on his hook, keeping him on Toothless, and noticed it was bent shut.

"Oh- great." He said sarcastically before turning towards you and Rainsong, "Woah! Wait! You're actually- Tha- that's amazing!" He said, gesturing towards you and the dragon.

You chuckled, quickly hopping off the dragon and stepping over towards Hiccup. You leaned over Toothless and tried to unbend the metal that was keeping him stuck. You then turned around towards the boy and grabbed the belt of his harness, pulling him towards you slightly. You leaned over slightly and pulled on the rope of his harness, it was tied to a steel ring.

Leaning back you let out a chuckle, "I mean- I guess the steel is smart but you are stuck tight." You failed to notice the light blush on Hiccup's face. You turned towards Rainsong, "Mind heading back to the cove so I can help Hiccup?" The dragon nudged you with her nose before running off in the direction of the cove.

You, Hiccup, and Toothless quickly flew back towards the village through the woods, making sure to keep out of sight. Hiccup leaned against a wall with you right behind him while Toothless was hiding behind a wall as a nightguard walked by.

"Hiccup, (Y/N)." He said while walking by. Hiccup sent the man a nod before the both of you walked out from behind the wall and ran over to the forge. Hiccup grabbed Toothless and tried to pull him in the right direction. The three of you walked through the forge and you looked around for something that could dislodge the metal. You heard Toothless throw a bucket and you winced, hoping no one heard.

Hiccup grabbed a tool and started prying the ring, "Hiccup, are you in there?" Hiccup and you quickly shared a look before the boy let out a breath. He opened the door and quickly shut it behind him. You accidentally made eye contact with Astrid. Shaking it off you grabbed the tool and began prying the ring.

"Astrid. Hey!" Hiccup said he had put on his apron to cover up the harness, "Hi. Astrid. Hi, Astrid. Hi, Astrid." You couldn't help but notice how nervous he was.

Astrid tried to peek around him, "Was that (Y/N)?" You felt Toothless tilt and you let out a quiet groan Astrid heard it, "I normally don't care what people do, but you're acting weird. Well- weirder." Toothless pulled back slightly, pulling the boy back towards the door, "And you've taken my best friend from me-" Hiccup was pulled back once more, "What are you guys doing-" Toothless walked back and then pulled Hiccup through the doors. Hiccup quickly turned himself around and you wrapped your arms around him holding on while Toothless ran off. The three of you ran around the back of the building before flapping his wings once and flying off back towards the cove.

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