The Spoken Agreement

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I need you now more than ever.

Osamu's alarm clock rang and he felt as if he'd only blinked and it was already morning.

He must've slept only a couple of hours, since during a part of the night he panicked about what happened and cursed himself the rest of the time.

Sakusa was really drunk, so his only hope was that he didn't remember anything at all, or that he thought it was a dream.

A nightmare, rather, judging by the terror in his face once Sakusa realized it was him. It's actually painful for him to look at Kiyoomi expecting something more than that expression.

That whole day, he felt like the worst human being on Earth, and the more he thought about it, the more regret took over his mind because he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it.

At one point in the afternoon, he actually felt sick. The memory of Kiyoomi's shocked face made him so nauseous, he even thought of going home earlier, but he didn't.

Once home, all he wanted to do was sleep. He ate something and was about to head to his bedroom when a call made his heart skip a beat.

"Hi, Tsumu".

Even saying his name was painful. He tried to sound the usual, but he wasn't even sure if he did.

"Samu!! Hi!! How're ya?". the blond greeted energetically.

"All good", he lied, doing his best to act normal. "How 'bout ya?".

"I'm good! Just... Worried about Omi... He was especially down and distant today...". Atsumu answered with disappointment in his voice


"Did he like the gift?".

"Yeah... I actually went to deliver it myself since the delivery guy felt sick". Osamu admitted

"Oh, thank you so much!".

That felt like a punch to his stomach.

"Samu... How was he?". Atsumu asked, fighting the tears he has been keeping since he made the call.

"He...", Osamu had to stop for a bit since guilt made talking with a normal tone a torture. "He misses you a lot".

"Oh... Me too... God, Samu... I miss him so much it hurts".

Both remained silent for a few moments.

"Just hang on, Tsumu. One more day is one day less. You'll be back together in no time". Osamu felt disgusted with himself, cheering him up, accepting his thanks after.

Last night never should've happened. If only he could erase it from his mind. But it keeps coming back like it keeps tormenting Osamu's conscience. He felt like he was being tortured by one single mistake he has done last night.

All his thoughts were interrupted as his phone beeped.

He received a text from the last person he had expected.

From Sakusa.


Kiyoomi'd drink a lot last night. He knew he wasn't thinking things
through as usual.

But he remembered very well what happened. He wasn't sober, but he knew he made a huge mistake kissing his boyfriend's twin brother.

He swore it was Atsumu. He was completely sure.

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