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Love restores broken pieces of our hearts, but will it also rebuild my shattered trust?

From then, Sakusa would text him every time he went to Atsumu's place to give him his favorite meals and some gifts in case the blonde rejected his visit.

At the beginning, it was awkward for both of them since Atsumu barely greeted him, but then Kiyoomi just felt grateful that he even allowed him into his house, even if it was for a few minutes.

Those visits happened two or three times a week, the blonde still feeling an ache in his chest every time their eyes locked, realizing how much he missed him, even after all that happened.

After a few weeks, Kiyoomi gathered the courage to ask Atsumu if he could cook for him, remembering the dishes the blonde liked the most and was pleasantly surprised when he agreed.

He always left when he finished cooking for him, so he was beyond surprised by the time Atsumu told him to stay and eat with him.

The blonde was taking a leap of faith, the affection and longing he felt for him giving him the strength to overcome his anger and interact with him.

That way, they started talking again about volleyball and vain things, every week a bit more, until it was a common thing for them to text each other daily.

It felt like they were getting to know each other all over again, both feel that same chemistry between them growing by the day.

It was extremely difficult for Atsumu at first but after a few months, he felt his heart healing a bit, making him think that maybe they could make it work with time.

They kept that dynamic for nearly a year, and Atsumu began to consider him as a friend again but was still too afraid to get back together with the person who broke his heart.

Sakusa didn't dare to suggest they could rebuild their relationship either. He made up his mind that he was just going to be there for him, and if he just saw him as a friend, he'd be more than thankful anyways.

It seemed that time really eased the pain, to Atsumu's surprise.

And he could see in Kiyoomi's actions that he was doing everything he could to gain his trust again, fully committed to making him happy.

Half a year later, they were confidants again, partners, and all those years of complicity and shared habits brought them closer to each other every time, until that closeness got physical, Atsumu not even realizing how naturally he held Sakusa's hand for the first time.

Both froze at the contact for a while, Kiyoomi slowly caressing his hand too then look at those expectant brown eyes that were so close now that it took his breath away.

Atsumu couldn't deny how strong his love for him was, how much he missed his company in every way.

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